Part 2

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"Bye Nem!"
My best friend left as I was sat there with the rain. Maybe I should just walk home. I went to go sit on the bench as someone bumped into me.
"Watch it!"
I said in a bored tone. He stood in front of me like he was going to fight me.
"Leave Jayden. Remember what happened last time?"
I turned around and saw Aizawa.
"Tsk, whatever."
He left as Aizawa started walking towards me.
"Uh. Sure. Why are you still here?"
"I'm waiting for my ride."
"I suggest you just walk, it's not that far."
"Well I feel like I would get to cold."
He took off his hoodie and gave it to me.
"But now your going to be cold."
"I'm fine, come one it's not that far."
He picked up his skateboard and started walking.
"Hey you ride?"
I said running up to him.
"Ya sometimes, I know a couple tricks and stuff from my M-Mother. I would always make her and mom watch me try and skate as a kid."
Huh? Does this guy have two moms?
"Pardon me for asking but, do you have two moms?"
"Oh yes, a couple years or so my mother died. She was actually my bio mother. And my mom took me in like her own so ya."
"Was it ever hard? With gay parents?"
"Do you have a problem with it? And kinda, everyone thought just cause my mother was gay I was going to be."
"No no no! I don't have a problem with gay people it just I never really met one.."
"Right, you grew up in a family where that type of thing is unnatural right?"
I rubbed the back my my neck and nodded.
"So about the essay, do you want to come over to my place?"
"Uh sure! Also Aizawa?"
"I didn't know you could sing, your good at it!"
"Thanks, I've never sang for anyone other than Miss. Day. So your one of the first people to hear me sing."
"Well your really good!"
"Thank you."
We got to his house as we walked in. It was clean and perfect, it looked like a mansion on the inside.
"You coming?"
I turned to him seeing him walking upstairs. I followed him to his room as he set his bag down.
"I don't really have any rules for my room other than don't go through my stuff other than that do whatever you want."
"Oh ok."
He pulled up his sleeves and stretched. His arms, there bandaged up... I walked over to him and grabbed his hands.
"Do you mind?"
He shrugged. I slowly took of the bandages seeing him watch my every move. Once I was done I looked down at his arms. They were covered in cuts and scratches, and his skin was red due to the blood stains. My eyes went wide as I looked up at him. He didn't even make eye contact with me. I put my hand up to his face and made him look at me.
"Nothing is going right in my life at the moment. It shouldn't matter to you though."
He pulled away and faced the other direction. I turned him around from his shoulders and hugged him.
"I know what it feels like. Like no one in the world ever understands. You want to be alone because you have trust issues, from people that have hurt you. People will tell you your useless and that no one could or ever would love you."
I felt him grip onto his hoodie I had on tightly

"Trust me Aizawa... you don't need to do this to feel something. Find something or someone to love that'll love you equally. Easier said than done I know, just don't do this anymore please."
I soon heard a small sniffle. I continued to hug him knowing most people just need a hug.
"Tell me something Yamada, why do you care?"
"Cause I've lost two people to Suicide. And I had an attempt at Suicide, I don't want you to be lost, or anyone."
He hugged me tighter, since he was smaller my chin rested on his head. I soon was pushed away from him.
"Do not tell anyone I cried in front of you. Got it."
I chuckled a bit until I agreed. He sat on his bed then patted the spot next to him. I sat next to him as he pulled out his book.
"Wait wasn't that over there?! Are you a wizard?!"
I said looking at his bag that should be by the door then back at him.
"*Giggle* No, I just used my scarf."
He said it so calmly?!?
"No it's not magic, well maybe it is I don't know."

Shota's POV
I showed him how my scarf worked as he watched with interest in his eyes. This is the first time anyone has listened to me for this long...
"So Yamada, about the essay, do you know how to write songs?"
"Uh, kinda, I'm not very good at it..."
"Well pick a topic you want to write about, you don't have to tell me just, here write it down."
I passed him my song book, after I opened to an empty page.
He wrote something down then erased it. He then held the pencil to his face thinking. After a moment he caught me staring.
"What do you think I should do Aizawa?"
"Well, have you ever been in love? I don't care what your answer is by the way, you can chose if you want to tell me or not."
His face went red as she looked at the book.
"Ya, I've been in love before."
"Then there's your topic, that's what I usually do."
"What about you Aizawa? Ever been in love."
I stopped for a moment thinking.
"I've had my small crushes, but I haven't fallen in love, everyone one I know said I would fall in love in middle school or high school. But I haven't found Love yet."
He quickly write down something. I smiled and watched him, not in a creepy way!
"Uh, I have couple sentences. Now what?"
"Well that depends on what your sentences are."

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now