Part 60

131 7 11

I haven't hear anything for at least two hours. I paced our room waiting for a call. But it never came.. I went bed worried about Hizashi. I was hardly able to sleep.

I woke up and started making breakfast. The kids came out and ate.
"How's dad?"
Hitoshi asked. I smiled fake-ly.
"He's fine."
I lied. But he nodded and continued eating. I turned and started to clean the dishes. He would be equally worried if he knew.. I don't need to put that on the kids right now.. I sighed than heard my phone ringing.
"Aki can you bring me my phone please?"
She ran off and came back with my phone.
"It's auntie Nem!"
"Thank you."
I dried my hands than took it from her I put it to my ear.
"I'm coming to pick up the kids ok?..."
"What's wrong?"
"Just Aito's coming over. He wants to tell you something and the kids not be there."
"Umm...ok than? When will you be here?"
"I'm outside."
"Oh?...ok? They'll be out in a second."
"Mhm, later Shota.."
The phone hung up as I looked at the kids in confusion.
"Uh, Nemuri wants to take you guys to her house so go get ready."
Aki said running off. Hitoshi stood up as I took both there plates. He started to walk off before stopping.
"When I come back home your explaining."
He walked away as I sighed. I cleaned their plates as they walked out, all ready.
"She's waiting outside,"
I said with another fake smile.
"See ya dad!!"
"Later dad.."
"Yeah, bye."
I said smiling. Once they left I sighed. I went upstairs and got changed. I brushed through my hair a little but not feeling motivated to do the rest. I picked up my phone not seeing anything from Hizashi. I shook my head and walked downstairs.
I jumped and turned around using my quirk.
"Jesus..Aito what the fuck.."
I said grabbing my chest and walking to the sofa. I sat down as he sat down next to me. He quite.
"Alright what is it? What'd you need to tell me?"
" remember what I told you about our father?.."
"Hm? That he was a good for nothing father that didn't want another son."
I said blankly.
"Uh... no but yes?.. anyways. That's not the whole story.."
I looked at him confused. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck.
"I changed the story a lot.."
"Wait wait wait... what do you mean you changed the story?"
"Our fathers name was Al. Al Zara. He was a villain.. a killer for money. One day he got caught and was on the run. We didn't see him for months. He came back and mom told him she was pregnant. Father didn't want to work extra hard for another kid cause he still just wanted to be a small villain. So he left making mom get a job to care for us. Than she met mother. They worked as much as they could for the both of us. Before mom and mother we're married father came home. You saw him and backed away scared. When he went to talk to you, you ran to mother and 'hid'... father was angry so he left."
Me eyes went wide as I tried to process everything. We sat in silence for a while before I looked at him.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"Cause.. I didn't want it to seem like he left picking a villain over us."
"And why are you telling me this now?"
I said looking at him.
"Cause.. Shota the villain that Hizashi found is Al. Our father..."
"I-I know already.."

Noamasa POV
"No sir."
"Keep looking!"
"Noamasa! One hero reported back!"
One of the officers yelled. I ran to his computer and listened in on there conversation.
"Ingenium, what do you have for us?..."
It was silent for a moment.
"Hizashi Yamada did not make it out alive... I have found Present mic dead in an alley way..."
My eyes went wide as I stepped back.
I yelled back.
No no no no.. I went into another room and hit the the wall. Fuck!
"We were so close.. he was right f-fucking there!"
I rubbed my eyes and walked back where everyone else was. Some heroes were there as an officer approached me.
"Some heroes stayed and waited for more investigators to find what happened."
I nodded and looked at the heroes who came back.
"Call back Ingenium, Ryuku, and Joke."
I said looking at the officer. She nodded and walked back to her computer. After a while the three showed up. They all had red eyes.
"You three come with me."
I said walking into a room. Once we got in there I sighed.
"We need to talk to Shota in person.."
"I..I- know.."
"Go to your hotels than come back here."
They nodded than walked out of the room.

~Time Skip~
Shotas POV
"He's going against our father.."
"Shota he told you this a while ago please calm down.."
Aito said placing his hand on my shoulders.
"Still, why would he come after us Aito? If we're his kids?"
"I don't know.. I'm just as confused as you are."
"It all doesn't make sense. Is the reason Hizashi didn't tell me in the first place is cause he didn't want me to know he was a villain?.."
"I would say so, yes..."
I walked to the kitchen and pulled out two water bottle. I handed one to Aito and had one for me. I sat for a minute thinking of everything.
"What the hell..."
I said quietly.
"I'm sure Hizashi was just trying to protect you.."
He said sitting next to me.
"From what?.. my own father?"
"Obviously there's something he wants from you so yes, from our father."
I shook my head and took another sip of water. I scratched the back of my neck and sighed.
"Why hasn't he called me?"
"He's probably still working Shota. I promise."
"Yeah.. your right.."
"Don't worry to much ok? He probably forgot and is running around trying to figure things out."
I smirked but than is stopped.
"Yeah maybe.."

"Leave me alone!"
"You need to listen to us!!"

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