Part 54

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I looked over seeing Hitoshi in his tux.
"What's wrong? I think it looks fine."
"It's not the tux it's my hair! What do I do with it!!"
"Slick it back. It'll look nice."
"Really?! Show me! Do it for me!!"
"Hitoshi, your what 26?"
I sighed and finished tying my tie.
"Fine.. go grab a brush and some of your dads hair gel."
He ran off as I pulled my hair up than walked into the living room. I saw Hizashi struggling to braid Aki hair.
He said looking over at me.
"You haven't even done your hair. And your tie isn't tied.."
I said walking over to him.
"Hurry up and go get ready.."
I pushed him over and finished Aki's hair as he laughed and went to go finish. Hitoshi came over and sat next to Aki. Once I was done with her she stood up and smiled. She sat next to my on the sofa as I started to do Hitoshi's hair.
"So tell me what's the whole point of this?!"
Aki said confused.
"Heroes get to come from all over the country and hang out. It happens every year. Your dad always goes. Sometimes I go with. This year I'm brining you guys."
"Oh.. who else is gonna be there?!"
"I don't know. New generation of heroes. I know the group is going other than Toshi and Aito."
"Alright I'm ready!!"
Hizashi yelled. Once I finished Hitoshi's hair he stood up and smiled taking the stuff back.
"Thanks dad!"
We got all ready than drove to the event. There were cars lined up waiting for parking but Hizashi kept driving.
I looked at him confused.
"You really think we have to wait in that line of cars? Those are paparazzi. We're over here."
He pointed to another line with less cars. We found a spot to park the cars than walked in. Aki grabbed my hand as I looked down confused.
"How many people are gonna be there?"
"A lot sweetie.. but it's ok. Cause you won't need to leave my side!"
She smiled nervously than we were met with a couple bodyguards. God this place is insane..
"Names.. hero names."
One of them said.
"Present mic! Eraserhead! And our daughter and son!"
"Hero name."
The other said pointing at Hitoshi.
"Mind Jack.."
He nodded than they both moved to the side as we walked in.
"You actually have to give them my hero name dad.."
Hitoshi said as Hizashi scratched the back of his neck laughing.
There was a hallway area and we walked in. A red carpet lead to the end. It was a room of paparazzi's and fans.
"It's the Erasermic family!"
Everyone turned and started taking pictures. We all smiled and started to walk. Though Aki didn't move. She's scared.. I kneeled In front of her and smiled.
"Hey.. we gotta hurry if you wanna escape these people. There aren't as many as you think. You can still hold my hand."
I held out my hand than she grabbed it. We started walking again as I looked out at the paparazzi and fans.
"Where's Earphone jack?!
Someone asked Hizashi.
"Sadly she moved to America to start her own life there."
He said with a smile.
"Mind Jack! Your lover! Chargebolt! Where is he?!"
"Oh, he's probably going to come later on. He's not out with me today."
He said smiling too.
"Eraser eraser!"
I looked over seeing another little girl with her mom. A girl? She's little..I walked closer to the gates with a smile.
"My daughter is a fan! Could we get an autograph from you!?"
The mom said handing me a notebook and a sharpie.
"Of course."
I said smiling moving my hand away from Aki and onto both objects. I felt her cling to the side of my body as I wrote my hero name. I have it back with a smile.
"Thank you!"
"Your welcome."
I said smiling at the mom and the girl. She giggled than hid behind her mom. I smiled and grabbed Aki's hand again walking.
"Eraser! Mic!"
I looked over at someone calling me and Hizashi. I handed Aki to Hitoshi than walked up to them with Hizashi. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I rolled my eyes to where no one would see it.
"Would you guys say your the perfect hero family?! I mean don't you have all those other hero friends that act like your kids' aunts and uncles?!"
I smiled looking at Hizashi than back at the camera and girl that were there.
"Perfect could be a hard word to use. Our family is five people. Earphone jack moved away to start her life in America. It's scary to see your kids grow up. And as much as we do have our friends that treat our kids like there, their nieces and nephews, we don't always rely on them."
"Awe how's sweet. We end up going to their house once every other day. They would be dead without us."
Nemuri said coming up behind us. We laughed. We than made it to the next room. Aki than clinged to Hizashi. I smiled than looked back at Nemuri.
"Been a while since I've seen Miss. Midnight in a dress and braided hair."


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"Miss. Midnight? Anyways I gotta dress up sometimes huh? I don't look bad."
"I'm just saying."
She smiled than shrugged.
"Hey dad I'm going with Deku and Uravity!"
Hitoshi told Hizashi. Hizashi nodded than Hitoshi went off.
"You three look great.."
She said with a smile.
"We could say the same thing about you."
Hizashi said smiling. Than someone placed their hand on my shoulder.
"Am I late?"
I looked over seeing Tensei and Tenya.
"Just in time!"
Nemuri said.
"Let me guess he dragged you here?"
I said looking at Tenya.
We laughed than we started to talk to Aki. Me, Hizashi, Tensei, and Nemuri we're talking in a circle as Tenya took her with Hitoshi.
"I'm surprised you came, Shota."
"I only came cause I can't trust Hizashi with Aki alone."
I said with a smiling at him.
"That's just mean.."
We laughed again before being approached by other heroes.
"Hey well if it isn't the Erasermic family. Heard you guys go through a lot.."
Someone said wrapping there arm around my shoulder. I looked over seeing Hawks.
"Oh god.."
I said rolling my eyes. He laughed and let go.
"Come on~! I'm not that bad!"
"Your up there with Endeavor.."
Nemuri said laughing.
"I take.. some offense to that.."
We all laughed a bit.
"Should have know the king of party crashers would show up huh.."
I said looking at him.
"Like you've got room to talk.. fame can be fun sometimes ya know. Maybe try and become popular.. even though you won't get more fame than me~!"
He said laughing before being put in a headlock.
"Be kind Hawks or I'll break your neck."
I looked at the girl with the bunny ears in shock.
"I'll take this kid out of your site."
She said laughing than walking off with him.
"Who's that?"
I said looking at the group.
"Mirko? She's pretty famous Shota.."
"Guess I missed her."
I shrugged as they went off about something else. I looked around seeing the kids talking to there friends. I turned back to the group joining the conversation.
"So, being here dose what?"
Nemuri asked.
"Nothing really. It's just a time for the news to catch up with the heroes and for the heroes to catch up with the others. They also hold a huge dinner for everyone."
Tensei said with a smile.
"And who dose this every year?"
I said looking at Hizashi.
"David Shield and his daughter. They come once a year to visit Toshi. So they like to do this too. I think it's pretty cool. It's like a little check up!"
"Check up? And the Shield's? Explains why this place is so fancy. There rich!"
We all laughed a bit.

(Idk why I made this tbh- But Anyone watch Haikyu!? I wanna make a Kuroken book, would you guys read it?)

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now