Part 63

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Today was the day. The day Shota Aizawa would have to comfort his kids while watching his husband from afar. The day he never wanted to happen. But than again, everyone always said "it was the life of a hero". He stood there holding onto his daughter with one arm and using the other to hold the umbrella from the sprinkling rain. Hitoshi stood with his boyfriend. Hitoshi only held his hand not feeling like he wanted the physical contact with anyone. Tensei and Nemuri stood next to Shota under there own umbrella. They both had tears rolling down their face like the other people there.

Shota's POV
I stood there just watching trying not to let the tears fall from my face. Since we were the first people to see Hizashi we had to wait for everyone else. I looked up from Aki seeing Hizashi's parents up there. I let out a shaky sigh running my hand through Aki's dyed purple hair. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned seeing Jiro. She had tears falling down her face as she looked at me. I held my arm out as she came and hugged me. I held onto her and Aki, kissing the top of Jiros head. Fuck.. soon I couldn't hold my tears in anymore and let them fall down my face as I bit my lip.
"It's quite sad watching my only child die due to a hero mission..."
I looked over seeing Hizashi's parents. Kibo said. I looked back down at Aki and Jiro, trying to ignore her.
"It's also sad I never will be able to see what his kids would look like if he had them."
There was a hand placed on my shoulder. I looked over seeing Aito. I looked back down as they kids stared up.
"Ignore them Shota.. their trying to get under your skin.."
He said. I shrugged as he moved his hand. Jiro moved back to Momo and Aki went to Aito.
"I wish he wouldn't have become a hero in the first place.."
She said for the last time.
"How about you think. About him.. Hizashi!
the person, the life that we lost!"
I said turning to them in anger.
Tensei said trying to stop me.
"How about you think, before saying that Hizashi Aizawa's death has been difficult for you!"
She stopped and looked at me.
"I knew I shouldn't have let my son marry you.."
"I knew Hizashi was doing the right thing when he left your shit whole house.."
"Enough. The both of you. Your not making this any better for anyone. You both should think about your surroundings. Look at where you are, look at who your remembering."
Nemuri said. I sighed and looked over at the coffin seeing Hizashi's body with some flowers in his chest. I ignored everyone else for the rest of the day. We watched as Hizashi body was lowered into the ground. I couldn't do it anymore so I started to walk away with tears streaming down my face. I felt a hand on my shoulder seeing it was Aito.
"Just leave me alone."
I said leaving his grip and continued to walk away. I got to the car, after putting in my umbrella, and leaned my head on the steering wheel with my hands wrapped around my head. I let out silent sobs replaying today over and over again, in my head.

He sat there grading papers as I watched him with a blanket wrapped around me. I saw him yawn.
"Cuddle time?"
I said waiting for his response.
"I told you Sho, after I finish these test.."
He said going back to grading as I sighed and laid back into the bed. I grabbed his pillow and pulled it to my chest slowly starting to fall asleep. The pillow was ripped from my hands and put back down on the bed. I opened my eyes confused seeing Hizashi.
"Cuddle time?"
I said reaching my hands out for him.
"Yeah..cuddle time."
He said with a smile getting into the bed before wrapping his arms around my waist. I placed my head on his chest as his chin rested on the top of my head. And than we both fell asleep in each others arms.

Another flashback
Hizashi stood there with a huge smile on his face.
I asked with a small smile.
"Of course!! I get to leave my parents house Sho! Finally~!"
He said practically jumping up and down out of excitement. I smiled and shook my head.
"Once you leave you have to to shave your mustache..."
"Nuhu!! It looks good on me Sho~!!"
I said snickering.
"You saying it dosent?! Well neither dose your stupid beard..."
He said crossing his arms.
"Now we both know that's not true.."
I said laughing as he nudged me.
"Ok true but still!!"
I laughed and elbowed his stomach before running through the park making him chase me.

I slammed my fist onto my legs, hard enough to leave a bruise, as I pulled my head back leaning it on the back of the seat.
"This isn't fair!!"
I yelled between my sobs.
"This wasn't supposed to be how it ended!!"
I yelled placing my hands on my head. I slammed my hands on the steering wheel gritting my teeth.
"Fuck.. fuck fuck fuck fuck!"
I yelled starting to scratch at my arms until I realized the were starting to bleed. But that didn't stop my conscience to continue scratching. After a while I stopped. My vision was slightly blurry due to the tears in my eyes. I held my chest feeling.. depressed? can't be back.. I thought slightly scared. Why?! Why why why?!

??? POV
"You see that?... ahh~ the sadness.. how.. amazing~."
All he did was hum.
"Seems like I finally got to you."
I said smirking at him though he said silent.
"I hope it hurts you watching this."
He stayed quite as I laughed.
I turned around and was about to walk into the portal before turning.
"Hurry your ass up."
I said as he turned and followed me.
"Remember. Forget them. He'll never try and find you again. Hizashi."
I laughed and walked to the back room as he stayed where he was supposed to.

~Authors Note~
Since I forgot and posted a day late I'll just post this one too!!

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