Part 64

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I sat in my room with bandages around my arms. I was on the bed with Hizashi's glasses in my hands. I had tears, again, stained on my face. There was a knock on the door before it opened. Someone walked in and closed the door behind them.
"Your kids went home with Nemuri."
I heard Aito voice say. I gritted my teeth.
"Ya know you guys need to stop taking my kids without my permission."
I said through my teeth.
"Hitoshi is an adult so he doesn't need a yes or no from you. And Aki needs to be somewhere else than her room."
"Or she just needs some space."
I said angrily.
"Calm down Shota. We already asked, and she said she wanted to be out."
I clenched the fist that didn't have the glasses in it.
"Shota, our father.. he wasn't a bad guy.."
"Really?! I don't care if I knew him or not!! I hate him Aito!! I don't care anymore! I kept this in to long!! I don't care about our Father!! He killed the love of my life!! Don't you understand?! Why couldn't it have been me?! It should have been me Aito!!"
I said standing up quickly and turning to him.
He said coming closer to me. I pushed him away.
"You don't get it!! Hizashi was the only one that cared back than!! The only one who I was able to call truly family!! I fell in love with him!! And n-now my father goes and kills him?! I-I just want him back Aito!! I don't want him to be gone!! I LOVE HIM AITO!!!"
I said before falling to my knees holding the glasses to my chest.

Aito's POV
I watched as my little brother broke down in front of me. I crouched in front of him and pulled him into a hug.
"I know...I'm so sorry Shota.."
"I just..I just need some time Aito."
He said pushing me away.
"Alright Shota, promise to call me if you need to ok?.."
I said standing as he stood too. He sat back into the bed with his back facing me.
He finally said. I left his room with a sigh. God dammit Hizashi... I walked downstairs and out the door. I got to my car and drove to my apartment. I threw my keys on the counter and sat on the couch setting my hands on my head.
"That idiot... I wish I would have become and hero.. maybe life would have been different.."
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and answered it.
I said slightly annoyed.
"Aito, Aito it's me. I don't have time to explain, please tell Shota I'm ok. I'm not dead, their quirk is illusion, it's not me it's an illusion! I have to go, goodbye Aito."
I listened in shock until hearing the phone hung up.
I yelled standing. Holly shit. I ran and got my keys than out of my apartment not bothering to lock it. I hurried and got into my car and drove to the police station. I ran inside and to Noamasa's office. I barged in there seeing him with another hero. They both stood and looked at me.
"Aito Aizawa, nows not the-"
"Hizashi is Alive!"
I said quickly out of breath. He and the other hero looked at me in shock.
"I got a call from him.. he said the body that we found was an illusion! It's wasn't him!"
"He's alive?... you heard him?"
The other hero said. It's Ryuku..
"Yeah. He's alive!"
She looked at Noamasa in shock.
"I want the coffin pulled out of the ground. I want to investigate it Noamasa!"
I said.
"Let's go."
He said.

Tensei's POV
Me and Toshi stood in front of Hizashi's grave.
"Another friend of mine..."
I said quietly.
"Buried next to each other..."
I said again looking over at oboro's grave.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there to help Tensei.."
Toshi said.
"I don't blame anyone but myself... if only I would have been fast I could have stopped him."
A car pulling into the cemetery as we watched. Soon a truck with a machine on the back came in too. Three people got out of the car and walked towards us.
"Noamasa? Aito? Ryuku?"
I said looking at the three confused.
"Hate to ruin the moment but we need to dig up this coffin. So if you don't mind you need to back up."
Noamasa said as the machine pulled up so we backed up.
"Aito what the hell?!"
I yelled. He looked at me than came over to us.
"Aito what's going on?"
Toshi said.
"I have information, I need to make sure it's correct, the only way I can do that is if I have his body."
"And how dose Shota feel about this?!"
"It's a recent thing Tensei, he doesn't know about it at all. He needs his space so don't go calling him. This has nothing to do with my brother."
"What do you mean? That's his husband your digging up!"
Toshi yelled.
"Wrong. That's a illusion. Hizashi's still alive.. somewhere."
Me and Toshi said in unison. He turned around seeing they already got to the coffin and was pulling it out.
"In that coffin, is an illusion, a quirk. Hizashi called me not to long ago, confirming he wasn't dead. I need to make sure it was indeed Hizashi."
He said turning back to us.
"Holly shit.."
I said in disbeliefs
"Hizashi's Alive?.."
Toshi said as Aito shrugged.
"That's what I'm trying to find out."
He turned back around and walked away as we followed. He went to the coffin and opened it. There was Hizashi. He seemed real. Aito grabbed his hand and pulled up his sleeve.
"Hizashi's alive. This isn't him."
He said turning back to us.
"And how do you know just by looking at his wrist?"
Noamasa said.
"Hizashi has a matching tattoo with my brother. The moon and sun. Hizashi should have a sun on his wrist. But it's not there."
He said setting the arm down than going to his neck pulling the shirt down a bit to see his neck.
"More Proof, Hizashi has a Dahlia flower on his neck, cause Shota's favorite flowers are dahlia's.. this isn't Hizashi.. Hizashi is somewhere else."
He said turning back to us.

"But why'd they make something obvious, that we would know if something was up, if we looked at his body more?"
Ryuku asked.
"Maybe it was on purpose.. maybe they want us to know Hizashi's alive...for what reason..."
He said the last part quietly.

~Authors note~
It's night where I am I'm sorry for the late post I was working! Anyways I hope you guys like it T^T

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