Part 9

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Don't play song!
"It's prom night mother fucker!!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Nemuri get the fuck out of my house.."
"No~ come on! I got your tuxedo and everything!"
I sat up from my bed and looked at her.
"Come on! Your blind date is waiting~!"
"You set me up with someone?!"
I said as my hair started floating.
"Calm down! You'll be fine with them! I know it! Now go get changed!"
She shoved the tuxedo at me and pulled me up. Than pushed me in the bathroom. I sighed and just agreed. Once I was done I walked out seeing the rest of our group.
"Come Shota, let me do you hair!"
She pulled my over and sat me down next to Hizashi.
"Your blind date is going to love you Shota~!"
"She got you too?"
"Guess so.."
He laughed as Toshi did his hair.
"Your hair is thick.. how do you do this every morning?"
"I don't know..I just style it with gel.."
"That's why nitwit!"
She tugged on my hair as I pulled away quickly.
"Are you...Soft headed?"
"S-shut up. Can we just leave me hair down?"
I felt the brush in my hair but before I could pull back there hand grabbed my chin.
"If you jerk away it going to hurt more, promise."
I heard Hizashi say. He brushed through my hair slowly and gently. He ran his fingers through my hair as I closed my eyes.
"Can I do a braid?"
"How about just a ponytail.."
I heard him laugh a bit.
"It's called a pigtail."
My face went red.
"M-my mom called them ponytails.."
"It's fine, I think it a cute."
He gathered my hair and pulled it up.
I stood up and began to walk away before seeing everyone stare at me.
"You look adorable!!"
Nemuri came up and hugged me.
"Let go your boobs are crushing me!!"
Everyone laughed as I pushed away from her.
"I'm surprise Aito let your guys in.."
"He didn't! We burst through the door before he could say anything!"
I shook my head with a slight smile.
"Alright, I'm ready... who's coming with me?"
"I need to get flowers for my date."
"I'll go!"
Tensei said.
"Alright! See ya guys!"
The two left the house as I was pulled onto the sofa.
"Who's Hizashi going with? He never told me.."
"It's a blind date like yours! I hope you two like who I picked for you.."
"I'm sure they will Nemuri."
Toshi said.
"Well I should get going, David is waiting!"
"Bye Toshi! Have fun!"
"Bye Toshinori."
"Later guys!"
He left as we waited.
"What are we waiting for?"
"Wanna go now?"
"Yeah, don't I need a present for my date?"
"Nope! In this date you don't! But you have to change out of the Tux."
"Cause! Come on!"
She grabbed a bag than pulled me into the bathroom.
"I know your going to refuse, don't make me use my quirk on you alright Shota."
She pulled everything off my body as I covered my chest.
"Shota your gay.. I'm not going to do anything."
She pulled out a pretty black clothing, which was really long.
"What's that?"
"A dress!"
"To bad!! Shota!"
"Just this once!! Please!"
She smiled as I put it on, she helped me zip up the back as she made me look in the mirror.

"What's that?""A dress!""No!""To bad!! Shota!""Nemuri~!!""Just this once!! Please!""Ughhhh!!!"She smiled as I put it on, she helped me zip up the back as she made me look in the mirror

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"What do you mean eh? This is perfect! Now come on!"
"You mean I have to we're this to prom?!"
She dragged my to the living room.
"Here shoes!"
She handed me black heels.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now