Part 96

112 5 19

I saw up and yawned.
I heard Aki say. I laughed slightly. That's the best sleep I've gotten these past weeks.. I stood up and got ready. I walked to Aki's room seeing her on her computer.
"I'm going out."
"I'll see you later!"
I smiled and shut the door.
"Yeah see you after school."
I walked out of her room before going downstairs and putting on my jacket and boots. I walked to my car and left. I finally got to the school and set my things down.
"Morning Mic!"
I looked over seeing seeing Eijiro.
"Morning Red! Today I'm going to need you to practice with the students who are falling behind. Ok?"
"Alright than."

I yawned and sat down at my desk.
"Shouldn't we head over to our next class?"
Eijiro asked as I nodded.
"Yeah yeah, let's go."
I gathered my things and headed to Shota's class. The bell rung as kids ran to there classroom. I walked in and looked towards the class.
"Alright. Today we will train with quirks, and a type of weapon of your choice. Only thing we will not allow you to have is well, guns."
"How about Arrows?"
Gray said standing up while raising your hand.
"May I finish?"
He gulped and sat down. I smiled slightly and shook my head.
"I will be passing around papers, you will fill it out and hand them to Red on your way outside. Zero is waiting for you."
"Yes sir!"
I passed around the papers. I got to Gray and he mumble something.
"What was that?"
"There's been someone standing at the door this whole time."
"Yeah? Red Riot?.."
"Tsk whatever."
Well ok?.. I stood in the front of the classroom as someone raised there hand.
"On the paper is asks us to say a preferred combat weapon. Dose it have to relate to our quirks?"
"No, it does not."
Another boy raised his hand.
"Why do you have to hand these out to us?"
"Every hero should at least be skilled with one weapon. Nezu made it clear that he wanted the us to help you learn your weapons early instead of later on like others."
A girl raised there and as I let out a small sigh.
"And if we don't want to put one? It's just I'd rather use my quirk than a weapon."
"Than you would set you form back in my desk and head outside. If you'd rather now have a weapon of your choice, I will have them make you a wooden sword, though those break easily. I doubt any one of you would rather go for that and lose, than something of your choice and have a chance to win against your partner."
The girl wrote down something quickly as I smiled slightly. I sat down at the desk as kids started to stand.
"I'd rather use nothing."
Someone said as a paper was placed in front of me. I looked up to see Naoko.
"I thought so. Your more of a close combat type of fighter correct?"
He nodded and crossed his arms.
"You'll like your permanent teacher. He'll train with you better than I will. Now head outside."
He shoved his hands into his pocket and walked out. After a while I stood up. Eijiro already went outside.
"Alright, what's taking you four so long?"
"I don't know what to choose."
"I'd rather not use anything."
"I feel asleep so I don't know what I'm supposed to do."
"I'd rather me just use my quirk.."
"Eh?.. alright, you, I'll see you in detention. Go outside with the rest of your class."
I said pointing to the boy who said he slept before they ran off. I sighed than yawned. I went to my desk and tapped my pen.
"Better take these down to Mei."
I picked up the stack of papers and turned to the door.
"I can take them."
Nemuri stood there holding her hands out.
"Why are you here?"
"I have a free period. I thought you did too so I came down to talk to you."
I shrugged than handed her the stack of papers.
"Thanks Nemuri."
"Sure. I'll see you after school. Let's go see Shota today ok?"
I nodded before she kissed my check.
She giggled than walked off. I wiped my cheek with my sleeve before going outside.

"Look out!!"
Soon Eijiro was in front of me as something defect off of him.
"What the hell Kid?!"
Bakugou yelled at Gray as he scratched the back of his neck. I picked up what deflected off of him seeing it was an arrow with venom on it.
"Gray, what's on this arrow?"
"My quirk!"
"And if someone got your venom inside them what would happen?"
"Oh! They would only pass out for about half an hour!"
"Continue. Thanks Red."
I said looking back at Eijiro as he nodded quickly. I turned back to Gray and threw his arrow back at him.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now