Part 104

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~Hizashi's POV~
I got to the hospital seeing Hitoshi pace the hallway.
I walked over to him as he looked over at me. I could tell he was lost in thought. I put my arms on his shoulders.
"Hitoshi, I need you to tell me what happened."
He shook his head than wrapped his arms around my torso and laid his head on my chest.
I held him close, worried.
"They said he won't make it.."
I stood in shock.
"Aito might not make it.."
I pulled him away from my chest seeing he had tears in his eyes.
"What happened Hitoshi.."
"A car crash.."
I let go of him in shock.
"Which room is he in?"
He pointed to one. I went to go before he stopped me.
"You can't. There operating."
I gritted my teeth and nodded. Aito, Shota you two better be ok.. soon everyone was there. Waiting. Pacing. Bouncing their legs. I sat in the middle of Hitoshi and Aki on the floor. They finally let is into Shota's room but still not Aito's. Shota was unconscious still. His toro was covered in bandages. I sighed as everyone stood there worried. The door opened seeing the doctor.
"Aki, Hitoshi, and Hizashi Aizawa?"
Us three walked out with the doctor. He let out a long sigh.
"The injuries on Aito were very severe.. he lost a lot of blood."
He paused before continuing.
"I'm sorry but Aito Aizawa didn't make it."
I stood in shock as Aki ran into my arms.
"I apologize to bring the bad news.."
I nodded as I felt tears weld up in my eyes.
"H-he can't be.."
Hitoshi said as I set my hand on his shoulder. He turned to me with tears running down his face. I pulled him in for a hug trying to hold back the tears.
"We should tell the others.."
We went back to the room as everyone looked at us in shock. Nemuri came over and put her hand on my shoulder.
I shook my head as she set her hand over her mouth.
Tensei said looking down. We all had tears rolling down our faces at this point. I went back and sat next to Shota. You better fucking wake up. Please Sho.. Just as I thought that he sat up in panic as I looked at him in shock. I than helped him calm down to where he was breathing normally.
"Where is he?... wheres my brother!"
He said looking at me. I looked away as Nemuri set her hand on his shoulder.
"Where is he?! Tell me!!"
I put my hand on his shoulder again and sighed. He looked me as the tears that were welded in his eyes started to drip down his cheeks. Though no one said anything. He looked over quickly at Hitoshi.
"Please!! Tell me where my brother is!!"
He gulped and fell to his knees as Denki helped him up.
"I-I'm sorry!!.. he didn't make it!"
Tensei yelled before Shota dropped his head.
He said as everyone looked at him in shock.
"I said get out.. please."
Everyone looked at each other than started to walk out.
Tensei said as I shook my head.
"I won't leave."
"If he wants to be alone he should be left alone."
I ignored him and set my hand on Shota's face. I heard the door shut before Shota started to let tears fall down his face. I bit my lip as tears flowed down my face as well.
"I'm sorry Shota.."

And that's it. Yep, that's the end of the story. What? Isn't what you expected? Life is going to have its twists and turns. Guess that was just how mine went. What a dumb way to end a story right? Guess there's nothing else to say. Here I am. Here's my story. But, as much as the story goes on, this is as far as I've gotten. I can't predict my future.

I looked over seeing my husband with a stubble.
"Should I shave it?.."
"A stubble is my thing babe. Not yours.."
I said with a small chuckle.
"I can work a stubble if I wanted!... Should I shave the mustache too?"
"Yes please.."
He twirled it slightly with his finger.
"I don't think I will!!"
He walked into the bathroom as I smiled.

As you can see... not much as changed. We're still the goofy, opposite, couple. No matter how old we get, I'm sure that won't change. We were... No that's not right... We are The Two Singers That Fell In Love..

"We should go.."
He said coming out of the bathroom.
"We have to make our ending known apparently~!"
I laughed slightly again and closed my book.
"Yeah ok.. let's get going.."
He kissed my cheek as I smiled. He ran out as I followed behind him, slowly. Aki's door was wide open. Though it was empty.

She moved out with Sky. It was just me and Hizashi. Just like it was from the beginning. We've loved each other from the beginning to the end. And nothing has or ever will change that. And that what true love is, isn't it? This is getting to long, I should wrap it up. It was a fun, scary, and a sad time. But that's what all life's are full of. Ready for our goodbye yet?

I looked over seeing Uta running towards me, giggling. He's Denki's and Hitoshis birth kid.
"Hey kiddo."
"Everyone is waiting for you!"
"Alright let's go than.."
He took my hand and dragged me over to Hizashi. I smiled before kissing him. Uta ran back to Denki and Hitoshi.
"Are we saying goodbye already?"
Hizashi asked as I nodded.
"It's been fun."
Hitoshi said walking over to us with Denki, Uta, Jiro, Momo and Aki.
"Sure has."
Jiro said with a smile. We all bowed our heads and smiled knowing this was the end of our story.
"Goodbye readers! It's been fun! Thank you, for being here for our ups and downs!"

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now