Part 82

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I got home and looked through the box seeing that most of them were from school. Except two. They were notes I passed back and forth with Shota in class.

-What do you want? I'm trying to pay attention.
-I'm bored.. anyways this isn't on the test
-Doesn't matter, still something we have to learn
-BORING! Come on Shota, let's play a game!
-Leave me alone.
-That's mean
-Your a bully
-If you give this back I'm ripping it up.

I laughed slightly. Than looked at the second one, I'm guessing I passed it to Nemuri and Shota.

-Hey losers!
-Omg leave me alone..
-Don't be a party poopper Shota! Anyways~! What's up Hizashi?
-I'm bored again..
-Shut up Nemuri. And ofc you are, I'm not surprised
-Again? Hizashi you can't pass notes to not feel bored, because we both know Shota is going to ignore you.
-She's right, I will ignore you
-And we all know the Hizashi can't stand when his little boy crush doesn't talk to him.
-Shut up!!
-Your not passing the note to him? Lol your a hopeless romantic.
-Am not!
-Give the note back and I give it back to Shota~

I laughed again folding the two papers. I set them on the desk in the room going through the rest of the books.
The door burst opened as I jumped.
"... ever heard of knocking?.. At least Jiro and Hitoshi learned not to burst through our room.."
She gagged as I laughed.
"I didn't mean it in that way!"
"I swear to my innocents I will never barge into your room when both you and dad are in here."
I laughed again and shook my head.
"Darling.. no.."
"Nope! I've made my decision! I would have to bleach my eyes!!"
I shook my head with a smile standing.
"Well I guess that teaches you than.."
I set my hand on her shoulder as she giggled.
"Now what was it you came to me for?"
"Oh! I'm still going with you to your work right?! Just wondering what time we have to leave."
I thought for a moment.
"About 9:30, I suggest you get some sleep too, we're going to be there till about 1am, unless you want to have Kai take you home when he leaves."
I said ruffling her hair. She pushed my hand away and puffed out her cheeks.
"I'm not a kid anymore I can stay up!"
My eyes went wide slightly before I smiled softly.
"I'm sorry, I'm use to treating you like a kid."
I said laughing.
"I guess i'm not ready for you to grow up."
"Blah! Don't go all sappy! I'm not going anywhere!"
She said hugging me. I smiled and hugged her back.
"Still, I remember when you were only 10."
"Please can we not talk about my younger days!"
She said pulling away as I laughed.
"Alright my bad! Go get some rest, don't know when your dad will be home."
"He's going to be home alone tonight! Bet he's not going to be use to the quite!"
She said laughing before going to her room.
"Your dad will most likely enjoy it."
I said loud enough so she could hear. I heard her giggle as I smiled shutting the door and sitting back on the bed. There was one last paper. I picked it up before a smaller paper fell out. I picked the smaller one up seeing it was a Polaroid picture.

 I picked the smaller one up seeing it was a Polaroid picture

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~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now