Part 85

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(This will have mha vigilantes spoilers)
I walked out of the house and took a small walk to a park. I yawned before seeing it was snowing.
"The first snowfall..."
I said in unison with someone else. I looked over seeing Shota.
"Can't you believe it Sho!! It's almost Christmas!!"
"Yo, let Thanksgiving have its time."
"Thanksgiving passed. And anyways I've gone Christmas shopping already."
It was Tensei and Emi with him too.
"You know we should do Sho!!"
"Don't say it.."
"Go out with me!"
I looked away before starting to walk away.
"If he goes out with you will you shut up!"
Tensei yelled.
"Hey! Who said I'd volunteer!"
"Come on! I will leave you alone!"
"Seriously?! One date and thats it?!"
I stopped gritting my teeth.
"As friends. If you have memory loss I've been married for years."
I unclenches my jaw and looked down. I let out a long sigh seeing my breath. I walked seeing it started to snow harder. But I needed to get where I was supposed to go.

I stayed silent and looked at the purple mist in front of me.
"Merry early Christmas."
He said with a small laugh.
"You ruined me Kurogiri."
"I've ruined many people Hizashi. Your not the first person to tell me that. Your not special."
I gritted my teeth.
"I'm only telling the truth. Think about his ex boyfriend. Think about how hard it was on him. Your not the only one hurting."
"I know that!!"
"Do you?.."
"Yes I'm not an idiot!!"
"Who do you have Hizashi?"
"What the hells that supposed to mean?!"
"Your family. May be blooded or not."
"My parents, sister, my kids."
"And who does Shota have?"
"All of us."
'Your parents are dead!'
I gripped my head tightly and gritted my teeth.
"Shota visited me yesterday. Told me everything. He doesn't visit me a lot, only when he's hurting. You guys are similar."
I pulled my hands from my head to in front of my mouth as I looked at my feet.
"Did I mess up that bad?.."
"Geez thanks."
I said glaring at him.
"Want me to lie to you? Or do you want me to be honest."
"Than I suggest you apologize."
"How?! How the fuck do you say sorry to your husband for bringing up his dead parents!!"
"Try. On me."
"Tsk that's stupid."
I said looking down at my feet.
"Come on. If you saw him, what would you say first."
I thought about it before shaking my head.
"I don't know."
"I am!!"
I looked up at him seeing Oboros face. My eyes went wide.
"Cover yourself."
I said looking away.
I looked back up seeing he's was back to normal.
"Apologies Hizashi. Say what's in your heart."
"I-I don't know!"
"Tell me what's in your heart Hizashi."
"I... I didn't mean it. I was angry, more of jealous. That he had no parents, selfish right. I said he didn't understand but I know he understands more than anyone in this world. The only one I trusted first. I was.. ignorant. Tired of keeping my anger in. I was sick of listening to my parents crap. So I snapped. I wish I didn't. I wish I could go back in time and change it all. I wish I never said that. I wish I would have listened to him and shut my fucking mouth."
"Tell him that."
"And how do I face him?"
"Your embarrassed."
"More than anything."
"Expected. Glad I've saved all this to my memory."
I looked at up at him shocked.
"I could tell him everything when he comes to visit tomorrow."
"He won't forgive me unless it comes from me."
I said looking away.
"I'll still tell him."
I stood up and sighed.
"Was I helpful."
"To a certain degree."
He chuckled slightly as I went to walk out. I stopped at the door.
"Thank you.."
"I'm always here Hizashi. Even if I'm not exactly Oboro."
I left the room and headed back home. It was still snowing, though not as bad as before.

Shota's POV
"It's cold!!!"
"What did you expect? For it to be warm?"
I said looking at Emi.
"Geez smart ass.."
Tensei said as I looked over at Him.
"Shut up."
Emi laughed before picking up some snow.
"Emi I swear to god if you-"
I didn't have time before she shoved the snow down the back of my shirt and jacket. I shuddered before wrapping her in my scarf.
Her and Tensei laughed before I picked up snow and shoved it in her face with a small smile.
"Ah!! Shota!!! Not fair!!!"
She moved around before I let her go and wrapped my scarf around Tensei.
"Yo!! What did I do!!"
I picked up snow.
I shoved it in his face than down his shirt as well. I let him go as he fell into the snow.
"Fuck you!!"
The two struggle to get the snow off of them. Mine already melted so it was only wet. I yawned before picking up two more snow balls.
"Shota, put the snowballs down.."
Tensei said backing up a bit. I threw the snowball at him than at Emi.
"Hey!! You already got me!!!"
I picked up more feeling my hands burn. I threw some at them again. They picked more up and threw some at me. I laughed trying to move away from them or catch them. I caught one of Emi's and threw it back at her. I made it go down the front of her shirt as she went to pull down her shirt.
"Emi were in public!!"
I wrapped my scarf around her looking away.
"Dont throw it there!!"
Tensei laughed as I felt Emi pull on the scarf.
"I'm done!"
I wrapped my scarf back around my neck.
"I'm going to Aito's."
I said as the two followed.
"Let's have dinner?!"
"What do you guys want?"
"Why not some quick fast food!"
Tensei said.
"Your the exact opposite of your brother."
I said to him as he nodded.
"Yeah I know."
"What fast food do you guys want? I'll pay."
I said yawning.
"Ya know what that's sounds pretty good."
Tensei said as I shrugged.
We got to the fast food and ordered before sitting down. We got our food and talked about random things.
"Wait so your finally dating Nemuri? After all these years?!"
Emi said as Tensei looked at her confused.
"All these years!? How long has she liked me?!"
"Since high school."
I said putting a fry in my mouth.
"High school?!"
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
Emi laughed as I look a drink.
"I've got a question Shota."
Tensei said as I looked up at him.
"What's up?"
"How do you know if Emi is going to use her quirk or not?"
"I don't. But whenever I feel as if I'm going to smile for no reason, I know."
I said with a small smirk. Until I smiled widely. I glared at Emi using my quirk. 
"Awe come on pretty boy!! Smile~!"
I rolled my eyes as my smile dropped.
"She's right, smile more."
Tensei said taking a bit of his burger.
"No thanks."
I said eating again. They two laughed a bit.
"How's Hizashi?"
Tensei asked as I shrugged.
"Haven't talked to him."
"What?! Seriously?!"
Emi said as I nodded.
"Yeah yeah I know. I've been told a hundred times already."
I said waving them off before taking a drink.
"It's not our choice Tensei, if the guy doesn't want to talk to him he don't have to."
Emi said patting his shoulder.
"I'm aware. But the two are still my friends, they need to be together again."
"I'm right here."
"Aware again. Just stating fact."
I rolled my eyes with a small smile.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now