Part 95

113 5 6

Alright let's go."
I was jerked up from my seat.
I said before shoving my hands into my pocket.
"Come on Hizashi. The doctors said he won't wake up tonight. You can't stay here."
I sighed as Nemuri put her hand on my shoulder.
"Come on, I'll drop you off."
I nodded. She walked out first as I looked over at Shota. I kissed the top of his head.
"I'll be back.."
I left the room and saw Nemuri outside. We went to her car in silence.
"We start work soon. Do you think he'll be awake for that?"
We drove home in silence. We finally got there seeing Aito's car. I walked inside seeing Aito and the kids. They looked up.
They jumped up and came and hugged me. The wound I had still hurt but I ignored it. I hugged them back with a small smile.
"Hey you two.."
"Thank god your alive! Is dad ok?!"
Aki said pulling away as Hitoshi did the same. I took a small breath and nodded slowly.
"He's alright.. but he's in a coma.."

~Week One~
I yawned and sat up. I got changed and got ready. I walked out of our room and to Aki's room. I opened the door seeing she was still asleep. I smiled slightly before leaving. I got the UA walking to my classroom. I walked in seeing someone with black long hair standing in the corner. Shota?.. no Shota has short hair now..
"Excuse me?"
I said. They turned around seeing it was Eijiro.
"Mic Sensei!"
"Hm, welcome Eijiro It's been a while."
I said with a small smile.
"Sure has!"
He explained that he would be the assistant teacher, only for the first period. Than he will move on to the next class.
"Alright than. I guess I should assign you some work."
I said with a smile heading over to my desk. I hummed looking through some paper.
"Uh, mic Sensei?"
"No more 'Sensei' your not my student anymore."
I said with a small smile looking up at him.
"Right! Sorry.."
"Your fine."
I picked up a stack of papers and looked up at him.
"What is it?"
"Well.. I heard about Mister Aizawa.. Umm.. is he ok?"
My smile faded as I nodded slowly.
"Yes. He's ok. And hopefully will be returning home soon. Where did you hear about him?"
"The news.."
"Stupid press.. anyways, he'll be ok."
Hopefully. He nodded as I held up the stack of papers.
"These are actually some papers I printed for Nem- Midnight. Could you run them to her classroom?"
He took the stack of papers and nodded.
"Thank you."
He smiled and left the room. I sat down at my desk and organized it. Putting papers where they needed to go, going through thing on my computer. There was a knock on the door as I looked up.
"Come in!"
Bakugou walked in with his hands in his pocket.
"Your married to Aizawa! What am I supposed to do in his class?!"
"Kid, Aizawa doesn't have a first period this year.."
He grumbled.
"Than what am I supposed to do."
"I'll be teaching Aizawa class. For now, help another teacher."
He sighed and walked out. I smiled slightly before going back to my desk. I finished my computer. That should be it. Eijiro came back and sat in one of the desks.
"So, what are we teaching today?"
He said with a wide smile.
"Close to about the same thing I did to you guys. Write an essay about a topic of choice. Than we'll work on the English words."
He smiled and jumped up.
"I forgot many of the English words!"
I laughed slightly as the bell rung.
"Guess you'll learn them all over again."
I stood up and stood in front of the board. Eijiro stood next to me as kids filled the class.

~Week two~
"Hello Mic Sensei!!"
The kids yelled out as I walked into Shota's classroom.
"Good afternoon. Are you guys ready?! Today will be different! I know it's the second week of school, but you guys will need to start training already!"
"Lucky ass kids.. the first day of school is when we had to train."
Bakugou said tilting his head.
"Tell me Mic, is it students Vs Teachers?"
Eijiro said as I shook my head.
"Not today, today I will pair you up with partners. You will train with them until you or your partner give up. I will or one of these two stop the fight if it gets to bad. I will explain the rules outside. Now go get changed and meet me outside."
"Yea sir!"
"Good. Now go on."
Once the students cleared we walked outside as the two younger boys argued. About what? I don't really know. We got out there already seeing three students. Naoko, Koya, and Gray.
"You three are fast."
I said looking through a small stack of papers.
"Gray, you will be teaming up with Koya."
"Seriously?! I have to team up with a girl?!"
Said the light blue haired boy.
"You'd be surprised on how strong girls can be little dude."
Eijiro said.
"Like red said. I don't think she'll go easy on you."
The brown haired girl smiled as the boy crossed his arms. Soon the rest of the students showed up.
"Alright! Now that you guys are ready I'll go over some rules! Quirks are allowed. I will put you guys on teams based on disadvantages. Take Koya and Gray for an example. Gray's quirk had a disadvantage. Gray's Quirk is Poison. And Koya's quirk is Agoraphobia. That's why She will have the advantage in this battle."
Gray mumbled as I looked over at him.
"Do you have something to say Gray? Trust me, when your permanent teacher gets back, he won't go easy on you like I am."
The students gulped as Eijiro and Bakugou chuckled.
"Alright. Let's start."

~Week three~
I yawned and sat in the uncomfortable chair.
"You have some interesting students this year, that's for sure."
I said looking up at Shota's sleeping body.
"Three that interest me the most is Gray, Naoko and Koya. There quirks are pretty impressive. But I won't say much, I'm sure you'll be just as surprised."
I sighed and took Shota's limp hand in mine.
"Just wake up already you bastard."

~Week Four~
I clicked my pen finally finishing the stack of papers in front of me.
"One class down. One more to go.."
I said under my breath.
"Let me take some. Shota is my friend to, I can't leave all this on you Hizashi."
I looked up seeing Nemuri.
"I'll be fine. I just have to grade this last stack of papers. Than do the other two.."
I yawned started once again. The stack of papers next to me was taken by her.
"Nemuri I'm serious. I can finish them maybe by tonight."
I looked up seeing Toshi with the stack.
"No. Now you either give the stack your working on to Nemuri or we take them."
I clicked my pen once so it couldn't write anymore. Nemuri picked up the other stack next for me quickly.
"I don't have a class to grade. I'm a teachers assistant. Let me help."
I looked over seeing Eijiro before back at the stack of papers.
"I don't need-"
"Listen old man! It's wasn't a fucking question!"
I looked back over seeing Bakugou next to Eijiro. He came over and took the stack of papers before walking out.
"Bakugou! I'll make sure he bring them back tomorrow! Night!"
Eijiro ran after him as I sighed and my head my on my hands.
"Go home. With Aki. Get some rest."
Nemuri's voice say. I stood up and looked over at her.
"Fine. I'm to tried to argue right now anyways."
I gathered my things as they did as well. We left to school and got to our cars. We parted our ways and headed home. I got there seeing Hitoshi's car in the driveway. I walked in seeing him putting away food.
He looked back before back to the dishes.
"Your late. Your forgetting you have a daughter to take care of?"
"I left her my card? She could have gone out and buy something."
I hung up my jacket and took of my shoes.
"Shes didn't want take out for the fifth night in a row."
I scratched the back of my neck and walked over to him.
"Your right. I should've had my day planned out better..thanks Hitoshi.."
I set my hand on his head and ruffled his hair slightly.
"She already went to bed, so I left you some food on the table."
He said finishing up the dishes.
"Thanks Hitoshi, again.."
"Your still my old man. I'll be here to help.."
I laughed slightly as I started eating. He sat neck to me and ranted on about him and Denki. At least he's happy..

~Week Five~
I turned around seeing Nemuri.
"What's up?"
"W-what the hell are you doing?!"
I looked at her confused and held up my bento.
"Oh thank god.."
"You ok?.."
She came and sat next to me before leaning her head on my shoulder.
"I was looking all over for you. When Eijiro said he saw you walk up to the roof top, the worst possible scenario popped into my head.."
"Oh Nemrui.."
I said with a small chuckle.
"Geez sorry for trying to care for you!"
She said nudging me and moving her head. I laughed again and shook my head.
"I just wanted to come up here. For old times sake."
She took my Bento as I looked at her confused.
"Just for scaring me, you own me at least half. Anyways, you're one of the best cooks on campus."
"Well Shota obviously. Your food doesn't even compare to his!"
She said shoving a egg roll into her mouth as I laughed.
"I guess that's true."

~Authors Note~
I didn't wish y'all a merry Christmas here 🥺 Oh! Wattpad is working now finally 😌

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now