Part 50

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It was hard to breath. I was forced into cuffs that were connected to the wall. The door opened as I flinched and started to move as close to the wall as I could. I looked up to see who it was and saw Emmet.
"You asshole.. I can believe I fucking trusted you!"
I heard him laugh a bit.
"You actually thought I was a father? That those people were my wife and daughter? Geez your really are a fucking idiot for trusting a villain.. I could kill your husband and kids in seconds Shota.."
"You asshole!!"
I said starting to move around as the cuffs ripped my skin. He laughed and walked closer to me. He crouched in front of me.
"I can see right through you Shota. Your scared, and worried.. aren't ya.."
He grabbed my face and forced me to face him.
"Your a bitch."
I said spitting in his face. He let go and stood up wiping his face.
"Ha.. I'm so hurt.."
He said before kicking me in the stomach. He started to walk away as I tried to regain my breath.
"Emmet I'll kill you!! Don't hurt them! Emmet!!"
He left the room as I heard a laugh from outside the door. I started to move in the cuff more. I felt the warm liquid down my hands as I stopped. I sighed and leaned against the wall. Please Hizashi, don't come after me.. just protect the kids and everyone else.. just stay safe.. I stayed there all night and all day with barely anything to eat. I was tired, in pain, worried, and bored. Every second that passes there isn't one that I'm not thinking about my family.

~The next day~
The door opened again as I scooted back again.
"Do what you want and leave. I'm sick of sitting here talking shit on my family. Just kill me and leave my family alone.."
The door shut as I slowly looked up.
He came over to me and sat down.
He cupped my face with a smile. I smiled a bit before remembering.
"Hizashi you have to leave."
I said starting to move.
"What? Hey calm down, we're ok."
"No no no, you have to leave hurry!"
I started to thrash around in the cuffs as he tried to stop me.
"Emmet isn't who I thought he was! Now leave!"
"What are you talking about? He's the one that let me come see you.."
"You have to leave!"
The door opened as I looked up seeing Emmet.
"The two lovers reunited.."
He said than chuckled. I stood up with the strength I had as Hizashi did the same. I stood in front of him as Emmet smirked.
"And he stands! Your so protective.."
I stumbled a bit as he walked closer to us. I could hear Hizashi breath hitch as he pulled me behind him.
"You move and I'll break your fucking eardrums."
He smiled as I knew what was going to happen. He raised his hand as I tired to move Hizashi. A knife flew out of his hand and into his chest.
He fell to the floor as I tried to reach him but he was to far away. I tried pulling away from the cuff but I couldn't reach him.
I felt the liquid down my wrist as Emmet sat down next to him.
"You asshole!!"
I said with tears falling from my face.
"I'll fix him.. he threatened me.. and now he knows not to do it. I'll heal him."
He picked up Hizashi and walked out of the room. Please Hizashi don't leave, please stay with me.. please.. I felt weaker than I ever have. My hands were bleeding and I kept crying. I leaned against the wall. Emmet please don't hurt Hizashi.. please..

Hitoshi's POV
I sat in my room with Denki.
"Do you think your dad found him yet?.."
"I hope so.."
He pressed a kiss to my cheek as I looked at him.
"Your dads have been heroes for a long time.. they know what to do in a bad situation promise.."
I hugged him as tears filled my eyes.
"They always disappear.. I don't want it to be for good.."
He wrapped his arms around me.
"Don't worry.. they won't Hitosh.. promise, they'll come back like they always do."
There was a knock on the door as I slowly pulled away from Denki. Aki was at the door.
"Auntie Nem said it's time for dinner if you want.."
"We'll be out in a minute."
She nodded and left the room shutting the door behind her. After a while we went out. Everyone was there. Tensei, Tenya, Aito, Nemuri, Aki, Jiro, and Momo. We smiled and sat down.
"Let's try and get out minds off this! Enjoy a family dinner!"

~Hizashi's POV~
I sat up with the pain in my chest. I was in a dark room with a white bed.
"He's awake!"
I looked over and saw Emmet. I rolled my eyes and looked away from him.
"Come now. Don't want to leave your husband waiting."
He stood up but I didn't follow.
"The loud becomes the silent.. what's with you?"
"How the fuck do you think I can trust you? You almost killed me, you probably want to kill me and Shota. And you turned us in."
"Well, I cant leave Shota worried. I'm not that type of villain. I'm one that acts like the good guy to get you to fall into the trap."
"I know, now come on."
I stood up and followed him.
"I'm surprised you didn't put me in cuffs."
"Don't speak so soon. You won't have your voice for very long."
I was confused but didn't say anything more. After walking around we got to the room I entered before. He opened the door than entered as I did the same.
"Fuck off."
Emmet went to walk up to him before I stopped him. He rolled his eyes than brushed my hand off of him.
He walked back and slammed the door. I jumped than walked slowly over to Shota. He wouldn't look at me.
"You gonna kill me? Finally?"
I crouched in front of him as he looked at me.
"Y-your ok."
He said trying to reach from me. I noticed the cuffs were tighter on him as I nodded.
"Yeah. I'm fine."
I smiled at him than kissed him. I than took his hands and looked at his wrists.
"I don't want you moving around in these anymore.. your hurting yourself."
"Try having me almost die in front of you and not being able to reach me.."
I sat next to him and leaned against the wall.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know what was going to happen."
"Emmet quirk is tattoo manipulation. His tattoos turn into the object. He has a knife on his hand that will shoot out."
"Geez.. I have to pay attention to his tattoos now."
He stayed silent as I took his hand in mine.
"It's like we never get a break from the world.."
"Part of life is the struggles.. you can't just skip through life without a problem. You can always pretend nothings wrong. But there's always something but you'll always have someone there with you."
I said squeezing his hand a bit.
"Yeah I guess so..."
He leaned his head on my shoulder as I leaned by head on his. We sat in silence before the door opened. Shota flinched and scooted closer to me. I looked up seeing Emmet with two other guys.
"Now you guys can make it easy or hard on yourselves. You decide."
He had a rope in his hand as I pulled myself up and Shota behind me.
"The hell do you think your doing."
I said as they walked up to me. I stood my ground as one of them took my arm. I pulled away and pushed him away. There was something that wrapped around my neck than pulled on. I had tears in my eyes as I tried to pull it away from my neck. Once it loosened I regained my breath and saw Emmet holding the rope.
"Told you. Easy way or hard way."
There was a tug on my sleeve I looked down at Shota as he nodded. I looked at him in shock.
"Good. Easy way."
The rope tightened again than stopped.
"Or is that a problem Hizashi?"
He said with a smirk.
I sat down next to Shota as he sighed. They came over and wrapped something over my mouth.
"Like I said, you won't have your voice for very long."
Than they cuffed me to the wall next to Shota. They kept the rope around my neck than moved to Shota further away. Every time they went to do something he pulled away from them. Shota just comply! Emmet walked up to him and tied the rope around his neck than pulled on it. I started to move around once I saw Shota had tears in his eyes. Soon Emmet was pulling on mine too but I kept trying to get out of the cuffs. He let go of Shota and walked over to me. He crouched in front of me as I looked at him angrily. He smirked than dropped the rope.
"Let's go."
The three walked out as I tried to get the thing off of my mouth. When I couldn't get it off I leaned my head on the wall. Than I started to pulled down on the cuffs. I looked at them seeing them bleed but continued. Shots kicked my foot as I looked at him. He shook his head as I sighed. Fuck..

(Short part Sorry! I also don't know if there's a lot of mistakes cause I'm at my aunts! And I Lost my thought process...😂)

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now