Part 83

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As soon as we got home I got a call. Me and Aki got out of the car as I pulled out my phone.
Mother.. I don't want to answer this..
"Something wrong?"
Aki said standing at the door.
"I'll be in, in a second. Go get to bed."
I said tossing her the keys. She nodded and went Inside. As soon as the door shut I answered the phone putting it to my ear.
"You took something and the Box?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I had about five books sitting in your desk before you came. Those might have been books from when you were a kid but they weren't the ones I wanted you to have!"
"I still have no idea what your talking about.. all I took was the box."
I said rolling my eyes.
"Ya know instead of taking stuff just ask!! Your so selfish!"
"And apparently immature too.."
"And that too!!"
"I didn't take those stupid books. I only have three from the ones that were IN the box... you know what I don't have time for this Mother. It's 12pm. I have a family to get to.."
"I'm family too Hizashi. You just going to forget about me and your dad?!"
"My dads dead!.. and you might be family by blood but these guys have been better family members than you!! You can't expect me not to hate you from all the pain you put me in!"
"Your selfish. I never put you in any pain. I was setting you straight!"
"Me selfish?! Did you not think about the fucking words that just came out of your mouth! My life isn't yours to set straight! I am living my own life!! And you should live yours! Not mine!"
"You have always have gotten work up over the smallest things. Pity full."
I gritted my teeth as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I hung up and shoved my phone into my pocket. I walked into the house seeing Shota in the living room.
"Hizashi?... you ok?"
I walked passed him up to our room.
Once I sat down on the bed he came in and shut the door behind him. That's when I felt tears start to fall from my face onto my hands. H-have I been crying?..
He sat down next to me taking my hands in his.
"Babe, what's wrong?.."
"I wish my parents would just l-leave me alone... forever.."

Shota's POV
Hizashi stormed into the house with tears falling from his eyes.
"Hizashi?... You ok?"
I went to go over to him but he pushed past me. What the hell..
I walked upstairs and into Aki's room.
"What's up?"
She said pulling off her headphones.
"Can you run to Hitoshi, I left my.. capture weapon over there."
She nodded and got ready. I went to mine and Hizashis shared room. I walked in seeing him barely sat on the bed.
I sat down next to him before taking his hands in mine.
"Babe, what's wrong?.."
"I wish my parents would just l-leave me alone... forever.."
I pulled him in for a hug before he pulled away. I looked at him confused before putting my hand up on his cheek.
"Hizashi.. talk to me.. please tell me what happened.."
"It isn't just one thing.. it's everything they've, no she's, done recently."
"I know.. I'm sorry.. I understand."
I leaned my head on his hearing a small scoff. I pulled away and looked at him confused.
"You don't get it."
He stood up and walked to the desk pulling out a small paper. I walked closer to him seeing it was a polaroid
"It's more than your mother isn't it.. everything is hitting you hard right now isn't it.."
My phone ding looking at my phone that laid on the bed.
'I just left the house!'
"Your overthinking everything.."
"Overthinking?! I'm not overthinking!! His death was my fault!!"
He said turning to me quickly.
"I-Im finally!... Finally! Fucking letting my emotions out!! I'm angry! I'm fucking pissed! And tired of everything around me!!"
I went to walk closer to him.
"You don't understand what it's like!!! We lived completely different life's!"
"Hizashi, I understand.. we lived different life's and that's obvious. Please calm down, your parents-"
"How would you know anything about this right.. Shota you don't even have fucking parents!!"
He yelled using his quirk causing the closet mirror to shatter. I looked at him shock.
"You wouldn't fucking understand!!"
I used my quirk on him as he glared at me. I felt tears in my eyes as I gritted my teeth. He doesn't mean it.. he's only hurting. People say things they don't mean in situations like this..
"You wouldn't understand now would you? You chose to be silent. I'm forced to. I'm forced to hide my voice because of how loud I can be. I get force to shut the fuck up when I want to be loud and happy!! You wouldn't understand how that feels!!"
He said in a raspy voice. I finally stopped using my quirk seeing it wasn't going to help the situation.
"You don't know what it like to be second choice."
I finally couldn't take it.
"Second choice to who?! Who's making you second choice Hizashi!?"
"You! I was always your second choice!! You planned your life with him!! Not me!!"
He said holding up the picture. I liked Hizashi and Oboro at the same time. I was too nervous to say anything. Oboro told me he liked me, if Hizashi told me before Oboro I would have been him.
"No you weren't! I've loved you for years Hizashi! Fucking before Oboro! Your looking on the past! You need to let go! Focus on now not than!! Oboros gone!!"
I said fighting back the tears.
"We can't do anything about it.. he's gone. It's not your fault. It's not my fault, I've learned how to let go of his death.. it's not easy, but Hizashi, you need to let go.."
I grabbed the picture than was in his hand and shoved it into his chest.
"It's in the past!"
"Has that ever changed anything."
I looked at him in shock before getting angry and clenching my fists.
"Just listen to me for once!! I'm trying to help you!! I know what this feels like!"
"You don't! I just told you why too! Shota your parents are dead!!"
I pushed him before picking up my phone, walking out of the room.
"Goodbye Hizashi."
I left the house and made my way to Aitos. I didn't put on a jacket or anything.
'What happened?'
I looked at who sent it seeing Hitoshi.
'Nothing, Aki's ok?'
'Yeah, I almost forgot that when you say that than somethings wrong.'
'I'm glad you didn't. I'm not there. And I'm going to Aitos'
'Is dad Ok?'
'Don't know. I'll let him clear his head.'
I put my phone away and wiped my tears away.

'Your parents are dead!'


Even if he's right.. I still understand..

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now