Part 53

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Denki was over and they were all in the living room as me and Hizashi were in the kitchen, making dinner.
"Ya know, it's more quite without Jiro here."
"Do you want me to be loud?!"
Denki yelled jumping up.
"Please no.."
Everyone's said before laughing. The kids left to there rooms leaving me and Hizashi.
"Somethings on your mind."
Hizashi said looking at me confused. I sighed and shrugged.
"Haven't you noticed Denki has been spending a lot more time here than usual? Do you think-"
There was a knock at the door. I went to open it seeing a lady with blonde hair and a man with black hair.
"Have you seen my daughter? I've been trying to reach her phone but I haven't gotten anything. Have you seen her around?"
"Hm, mind explaining her a bit more?"
"She's got yellow blonde hair and a black lightning bolt through her hair. She's also kinda tall. Her name is Dejire, Dejire Kaminari."
I felt my anger rise up as Hizashi stood behind me.
"Excuse me?"
He said.
"My girls name is Dejire."
The man said.
"There is no girl named Dejire Kaminari. You will not find HER anywhere. However there is my son's BOYFRIEND. And HE is here."
"Oh... well you don't understand. She's just con-"
"I don't know what kind of parent you think you guys are. But your son isn't confused. Your son knows who he is!"
Hizashi said gritting his teeth.
"But she's here! And my child!"
The man said standing in front of the woman as Hizashi stood in front of me.
"I suggest you leave my house. Now!"
They didnt move.
"You have our child."
"I have a boy. He's obviously doesn't think much of you guys, knowing you act this way.."
"Give us our kid or we call the police."
"Go ahead."
The man gritted his teeth as I heard a door open. I turned around seeing Denki and Hitoshi.
"M-mom? D-dad?!"
"Dejire. Come on, no more bullshit."
The mother said. Denki dropped his head and started to walk to the door before I stopped him.
"Like I said. There is no Dejire here. Only a Denki. Leave now, before I have your son taken away for you. And yes I do have the power to do that. I am I hero, who is good friends with police and detectives who are good friends with judges. Leave now. Before I have you escorted off my property."
I said peeking out behind Hizashi. After a second of standing there me and Hizashi back up as he shut the door on their face. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Alright I'm headed to bed if you need me-"
I was tackled into a hug.
"Something wrong Denki?"
"Just.. thank you.."
"Hm? For what?"
"Sticking up for me from my parents.."
"I've delt with a lot of homophobia in my life. I know how it feels."
I said patting his head than yawning.
"Shota's used all his energy telling someone to fuck off.. we're gonna go take a nap. If you need us we'll be in our room."
Hizashi said with a smile and Denki moved. He nodded as we walked upstairs and into our room. I plopped down on the bed and closed my eyes before feeling Hizashi over me. I opened my eyes and saw him hovering over me.
"Clothes. It's hot. I don't want you sleeping in them."
He said tugging at the bottom of my shirt. I shrugged and closed my eyes again before feeling him take it off.
"Ok ok! Fine~!"
I said laughing. I sat up as he sat on my lap. I took my my shirt with a swift move throwing it somewhere on the floor.
"Are you gonna move?"
I told him. He laughed and moved over. I took off my pants leaving my boxers. I laid back down and got into the thin blanket. I was pulled to Hizashi's chest as he kissed my forehead. I looked up at him and smiled. I put my head back into his chest and started to outline his abs with my finger. He grabbed my hand as I looked at him in confusion.
"That tickles."
He said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"You baby."
"If I were doing the same thing you would have probably made me sleep on the couch."
He said laughing a bit as I did the same.
"Fine than~."
I turned away from him but he still pulled me to his chest. He had his head on the back of my neck as I felt his tongue on the neck of my neck. I reached my hand behind my and flicked him.
"I'm tired. Let me sleep.."
I heard him chuckle before feeling his head on my neck again.
"Alright alright. Goodnight.."

~Time skip~
Hizashi POV
I woke up and Checked the time. 9:56. Almost ten. I got up and looked for some baggy clothes. I found some and put on the pants. Before I put on the shirt I looked down at my stomach. I sighed and put my shirt on. I sat down at the desk and pulled out my old journal. I can't believe I thought this was something that would help me. I flipped through a couple pages until getting to where I stopped. But it didn't stop. Huh? I didn't write this..I looked at it more seeing if it had anything.
'From, S'
S? I turned and looked at Shota than started to read the page.
'After Jiro left something has been missing from Hizashi. He's been more tired. Less energetic. It's understandable, he just let go of his little sister. But it's making me worried. I'll try and help him. I just think losing his sister made him lose a part of himself.'

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