Part 29

331 13 13

~2 week later~
I sat in my chair falling asleep.
"Shota you should sleep."
I said letting my head drop then jolt back up again. He came up to me and placed his hand on my head.
"When I said we should look for a house to fit all of us I didn't mean right away.."
"Too late.. I found one."
He leaned down to look at the screen.
"Four bedroom. Two bathroom. Two story. Hmm."
I yawned and laid my head on my hands.
"Alright time for bed."
I felt him pull me up onto his back.
"Bed time."
"Near death is pointless if your not actually dying.."
"Sleep is basically half dying.."
"You have a weird way of wording things..."
He laughed and pulled me to his bed as I laid over his back. He plopped me on the bed then went to turn off the light. I spread out across the bed as he walked back.
"Shota move."
"Make me."
He got over me. His knees pushed into my sides as his hands were placed next to my head.
He placed his hands on my side then poked at them. I flinched away.
"Stop it, that tickles!"
I pushed him off of me and scooted over. He laid down and pulled me to his chest.
"Night Sho..."
"Goodnight Zashi."

~Next day~
Hizashis POV
I walked out of my class yawning. I got to the dorms and ate the leftovers from dinner.
"Your home late.."
I looked over and saw Shota.
"I know I'm sorry. I was grading."
He came up to me and took the food.
"Oi, I was eating that.."
"It's cold."
He put it on a plate and into the microwave.
"I'll be leaving soon."
"I'm going patrolling tonight."
"Don't stay out so long."
"I'll be home around 3am I think."
I said checking my watch. 12am. I wrapped my arms around Shota and frowned at him.
"Why are you still awake~?"
"Cause I couldn't sleep.."
"Go to sleep."
The microwave went off. He went to take it out. He grabbed some chopsticks and held some soba to my mouth. I laughed a bit and took it.
"Ok ok Sho, I got to go."
I said laughing pushing the chopsticks away from my mouth.
"I'll be back later."
I kissed his forehead and started heading for the door.
"Bye Sho. I'll see you later."
"Bye bye."

~Time skip~
Damn that villains was tough. I started walking back to the dorm. My clothes seem a little big.. I continued walking and got the dorms. I walked to my room seeing Shota asleep. I smiled and changed. I looked down in confusion. Did I shrink?
"Who the hell are you? This is a teachers dorms kid."
I look over seeing Shota using his quirk on me.
"Oi, go back to sleep."
"The hell you think you are? Get the fuck out."
"Shota it's me, is something wrong?"
I turned on the light as we both blinked a couple times. His eyes went wide then soft.
"Go look in a mirror."
I held my pants up and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror.
"What the fuck?!?"
I looked over to see Shota standing in the door way smiling at me.
"I can't be a kid again~!"
I whined. He came over to me and tapped my head.
"You'll be fine. Also your sleeping on the floor tonight."
"You know how weird it would be if anyone saw me in the bed with you. That's like me dating a student."
"I guess... tomorrow's Thursday~!"
"Shh, and yes it is. You obviously aren't going to teach."
"Do you understand what this means?"
"I can't drink~"
I clung to him as he laughed.
"Awe, poor thing."
He pulled away from me and booped my nose and I swapped his hand away.
"Look who's the small one now."
He said starting to walk out.
"Shota~ help me!"
I said running after him but tripping over my pants.
I felt Shota pick me up and walk to the bed and set me down.
"Roll up your sleeves."
He bent down in front of me and started to fold them up.
"I feel like a child.."
"Cause you are one.."
"Nuhu! I'm 31!"
"Hizashi were 33.."
"Close enough."
He laughed and stood up grabbing a blanket and laying it down on the floor.
"Your actually going to make me sleep on the floor.."
"Would you rather sleep in the tub?"
"Floor it is."
I grabbed a pillow and laid it on the floor. I sat down and stared at Shota.
"This is mean.."
"It's not mean that would make me a pedo Hizashi..."
"We're dating though.."
"I still love you though."
"*Mumble* love you too."
I laid down as he did too. I don't want to be a kid...

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now