Part 31

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(Don't play the song yet pls!)
"Bye pops we'll see you later!"
"Bye darling, Bye Shota."
The two walked out as Jiro and Hitoshi ran into the living room.
"Alright!! Now that there gone!"
"Lets show you our ideas!"
"What are you two planing?"
"Your proposal duh!! Since Shota is to lazy he won't do it, Soooo that only leaves you bro!"
I stopped to think than smiled.
"Ok go on.."
Jiro ran off and came back with a 5 big poster cardboard thing.
"uh.. Isn't that a lot just for some ideas?"
"You want to do something special don't you?" "Ya but still.."
"Anyways! First idea! Me, Hitoshi, and Aki drag Shota out of the house to do something. Then you call Tensei, Nemuri, Yagi, and Aito over. You send they to a spot in a beautiful forest with some supplies such as, lights, radio, and maybe some rose petals! Once they leave you get on your tuxedo and have one for Shota. Then you'll text one of us saying that your ready, oh and make sure you have flowers, and then we'll come here, you'll hide in your room until he comes in. we'll say were going a friends house, in reality Aito is taking us up to the forest as well. You guys go out to dinner then come to the forest, again Shota has no idea. They you play a beautiful song~ and dance to it. And then you'll make Shota think you saw something and point to it so he turns around. Then you get on your knee and pull out your ring!!"
I sat there for a moment processing everything. Holly shit..these kids are smarter than I am..
"Jiro, Your didn't even breath... I'm concerned.."
"She gets like that when she's excited and wants to rant.."
I laughed as we went through the rest.
"Ok, why do you two want this so bad?"
"Cause then I can properly call you dad."
"And then I will stop being confused with Uncle Zawa and brother in law.."
I shook my head.
"You guys can call me and Shota whatever you want, we don't mind you know that right?"
"Still, you guys have been boyfriends for too long."
I laughed as the two sat next to me.
"I don't know.... I like all of them. But I like the first one more."
"We need to find a ring!"
Jiro ran off.
"How fast does she think this is gonna happen?"
"Like tomorrow.."
I sighed and rubbed my neck. She came back and sat down with her computer.
"You know this whole thing isn't going to happen tomorrow?"
"Awe~! How about the next day!?"
"What I'm just saying they need to get married!"
"Did they push you to date Momo? Noo~! So don't do it to them."
"Wait your dating her?"
I looked over at her as her face went red.
"Let's look at some of these."
"Nuhu, your not getting away with that! We're talking about this, you two Hitoshi."
I smiled slightly as she started typing stuff on her computer.
"Ok so I said something like this, I think Shota would like."

"But I said it seems too dark and I said I think he'd like this one

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"But I said it seems too dark and I said I think he'd like this one."


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~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now