Part 58

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I finished getting ready and grabbed my hero costume out of the bag Hitoshi brought. I put it on and got everything. There was a knock on my door than it opened. I turned and saw Ry.
"Hurry up, let's go."
I nodded and grabbed my phone and glasses. We walked out and to her car.
"Your kid brought you your hero costume?"
"Yeah. Also how'd you get in my room when I have the key?"
"I have an extra."
She said smiling.
"So you can just walk in whenever?"
"I'll knock first, just to make sure your not naked."
She said smiling than laughing a bit. I laughed a bit too than we got to the station. We got in than I remembered the conversation with Aito. I walked to Noamasa and touched his shoulder.
"I have some more information on Al.."
He nodded than we walked to the room with the files.
"Don't kill me. But I called Aito and he confirmed everything. Al is his father. And is a villain. And his quirk makes him younger physically, if he wants to."
"Hizashi I told you to wait."
"There's more. He's not just a wanted villain here, he was living in Canada a while back, he's one of the most wanted villains there. He went to Canada to America than back to here."
"He likes to run?.."
"Apparently. Aito said they have everything on his quirk. Everything we need to know about him. Such as weaknesses.."
He nodded.
"I'll have the crew give them a call and try to get information on him. All though I told you later I'm glad you didn't listen to me for once."
I laughed a bit then nodded. I walked out of the room and to where everyone else was.
"Geez troublemaker."
Someone said laughing behind me. I turned around and saw Joke and Tensei.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Came to help!!"
She yelled as Tensei nodded.
"I don't know.. this mission is pretty risky.."
"So it's ok for you to do it?"
Tensei said crossing his arms.
I heard Ry laugh behind me.
She said standing beside me.
"Ryuku, you can call me Ry though."
She said smiling at them.
"Oh, you guys are some of Hizashi's friends."
She nodded as is sighed.
"So what are we dealing with?"
"Yeah, mind telling us what happened in that room with Noamasa?"
"You mean you don't know either?"
Joke asked Ry. She shook her head than they all looked at me.
"Me and Noamasa know who the guy is. And we know most of his life. I called someone that knew the villain and he gave me some information on him. He's calling people I gave him that would have information on the villain."
I said explaining simply.
"So who's the guy?"
They all asked.
"Al Zara I can't explain more about him but that's the guy we're looking for."
They all nodded than Noamasa came out.
"I hope you guys got enough sleep. Cause tonight we expect to find the guy and bring him to jail."
Everyone nodded at him.
"I want you in groups of four. We have more heroes now so I'm sure everything will be fine. If you come to the left of the room there are a couple gadgets you need to take. "
I looked at Ry, Tensei and Joke making eye contacts with the three. We all nodded at each other than headed to the table. Mei stood there with them laid out across the table.
"Alright! Here are some of my toys~! An ear piece connected to Noamasa and everyone in your group."
I took the ear piece as the others did the same.
"And an emergency button!"
It was a watch that she wrapped around my wrist.
"Now Noamasa wanted me to make it so it wasn't noticeable. So, you will just pushed this button-"
She clicked it than pulled out her phone and waited. An alarm ran through her phone.
"And I'll get it! I will just need to register your name."
A blue screen popped up and she typed Mic. It entered and pulled up her phone and the notification changed to
'Emergency with Mic!'
"And that's all!"
I nodded and looked at the rest of the group.
"Let's go?"
"Not yet."
I heard behind me. I looked over seeing Noamasa.
"I suggest you call someone before you leave."
I sighed and nodded.
"I'll be back."
I walked to an empty hallway and called Shota.
"Hey.. I just need to call you before I leave the station."
I said chuckling a bit.
"Your going against the guy today?"
"And your worried.."
"Tell me who the person is? I can't change your mind now can I?.."
"...It's Al.. Zara.."
"I'm sorry..."
"But.. he's dead?.."
"Aito told us all that... he's not. I'm sorry."
"I-... Make sure he doesn't die please."
"I won't. I promise, I'll make sure he doesn't."
I looked over at Noamasa.
"It's time."
I nodded as he walked away.
"I have to go.."
"Be safe. Please Hizashi. I beg of you don't do anything stupid."
"I promise I won't. I love you.. goodbye Shota."
"I love you too. I'll see you soon."
I hung up. If I even survive.. I walked out with the rest of the group.
"Alright I'm ready."
They all nodded. We left and searched the area we were supposed to. It was midnight. It was dark and cold. Me and Joke were walked and Ry and Tensei went ahead.
"So your the one that married Shota?! Impressive."
She said laughing.
"Why dose everyone say that? He's a nice guy."
"Nice?! Hahaha!! Your crazy! He probably actually liked you! He's was always cold to everyone else."
"I mean sometimes Shota can be expressive with his feelings."
"I want proof! That man is nothing but cold!"
"Can you two not?... were on a mission and Joke is talking about the guy she use to like and Hizashi is talking about his husband.. this is a mission, stupid."
We both laughed a bit as Tensei scolded us.

"Shota.. GOMEN'NASAI!!"

(Has anyone noticed that Hizashi is saying bye and goodbye instead of I'll see you soon, or something like that?! I want people to notice that..)

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