Part 98

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I laid down next to the sleeping Shōta. I kissed his cheek before getting up to shower. I took off my shirt and and tuner so my back was facing my mirror. I looked at my back in the mirror seeing it seemed burnt. I sighed before getting in the shower. The warm water against my burn on my back caused me to cringed.

I woke up to the alarm clock. I sat up stretching. I turned off the alarm and turned to Shota.
"Hey.. wake up."
After a second he slowly sat up and yawned.
"Time to get ready.."
He nodded as I got ready. I took off my shirt and looked for another one. I felt Shota's hand touch my back as I shivered from the cold touch.
"Did that happen last night? I thought it was only Nomus?"
"Yeah, it was Enji. He was being an ass."
"Enji? What did he do?"
I put on my shirt and looked over at him.
"It's a long story."
"Than shorten it."
I chuckled slightly and shook my head.
"On the way to school."
We finally finished getting ready. I went and knocked on Aki's door. I opened it seeing she wasn't in her room. Where did she run off to now?.. I hope she took something to keep warm, it's quite cold today. I shrugged and went outside to the car where Shota was waiting.
"Now will you explain?"
I explained everything on the way to the school. We parked and got out.
"Damn, what an asshole..."
I grabbed the keys from my pocket and grabbed the key of the school.
He tapped on my shoulder as I looked over at him. He pointed to the front doors as I looked at the doors. Gray? We walked to the doors as I crouched in front of him.
"Gray? Your here too early."
He looked up as I saw he had a large cut on his face.
"Let's get you to the nursing office, the old lady isn't there, but I'm sure this will be an easy fix."
I stood up than helped him. I unlocked the door as us three headed to the hospital area if the school.
"Tell me where did you get that cut?"
Shota asked Gray.
"A wild cat. I only tried to pick it up."
That's no cut from a cat. We got to a small room and gathered some things.
"Let me do it."
Shota said pushing me.
"Oi! I've been doing this longer than you have!"
"We both know that's a lie. So shut up and clean the wound up."
He worked on the needle and thread as I grabbed a some wound cleaned and went over to him.
"Do you know how to use these?"
He shook his head as I shrugged. I showed him what to use and how.
"It's needed that a hero needs to know how to treat wounds, no matter how they fight."
I said throwing away the bloody cotton pad.
"Can I ask you two something?"
He said as Shota started on his stitches.
"You can, just try not to open your mouth to wide."
Shota said as Gray gulped.
"You guys came to school together, and you haven't left each other's side. Are you two related or something?"
I started laughed as Shota glared at me.
"What?! It's funny! No we aren't related, we're complete opposites. I'm surprised you don't know kid!"
"And if he doesn't you should leave at that."
Shota said as I crossed my arms.
"That what is it? Roommates? Siblings lover?"
I laughed more at what he was saying, seeing a small smile form and Shota's face.
"Those aren't it either?! There no way you two are just friends!"
"Your right, we're not just friends. We're way past that point."
Shota said finishing.
"Best friends?"
"This kid.."
I said laughing again.
"What else is there?"
He asked as Shota threw away somethings before I held up my hand. As his eyes went wide. Shota pulled on my ear.
"Ouch!! Hey!"
"What did I say! I said to leave it at that."
"Alright I'm sorry!"
I heard Gray laugh. We both looked over seeing him trying not to laugh.
"For lovers you two don't act like it. More of siblings."
Shota let go of my ear before I wrapped my arm around him.
"We're knew each other when we were in middle school! And we grew up together!"
"Sadly so.."
He pushed me away from him and grabbed some bandages.
"For that long?!"
"Yep, had to deal with him for that long. Sometimes I feel bad for myself."
"Oh Geez, see if I ever make your lunch again.."

I was about to walk out the door before remembering that I didn't have to take over Shota's class. I sighed and sat down. I continued grading papers. I finished grading faster than I thought it was going to take.
I sat at my desk clicking my pen. How boring..

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now