Part 41

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"Aki hurry!"
She ran down the stairs almost falling. I got the kids in the car and drove them to Aitos.
"Ok ok no! That's not how it goes!"
"Well I'm sorry~! I don't dance!"
"Hitoshi~! Your promised!"
"I-I.. fine.."
They all laughed as I drove in confusion.
"Did I miss something?"
"We're trying time teach Hitoshi a dance but he's being complicated.."
"I don't know how to dance! You girls do!"
I laughed a bit as they argued back and forth before we got to Aitos. We all got out and walked in.
"Ever heard of knocking?"
"Like you ever do that."
I said as the kids ran inside and tackled him into a hug.
"Hello kiddos! Food will be ready, other than that, your room is ready!"
"Hey Aito!"
"Hey Uncle Aito!"
Then they ran off into the hallway that lead to there room. I sighed and walked up to him.
"Kids.. don't have them.."
I said as he laughed.
"I'm 34, I'm not having kids."
We both laughed.
"Go, get your husband and go home. I'll watch the kids for a couple days."
"Are you sure Aito?"
"Mhm, I have everything ready for them."
"Your amazing.. thank you."
He nodded as I walked to the kids' room. They were trying to get Hitoshi to dance.
"I will mind control you both to leave me alone!"
"Come on please!"
"If he doesn't do it I bet Uncle Aito will."
I said at the door way as they all turned to me with a smile.
"I'm leaving now. You kids be good for Aito."
"Mhm! Bye dad!"
"Bye Shota!"
"Bye kids."
I left the room and before leaving I said goodbye to Aito. I got to my car and drove to the hospital. I walked to the front desk and talked to a lady.
"Hello how may I help you today?"
"I'm here to pick up some that's being discharged."
"First and last name, of you and the patient."
"My names Shōta Aizawa. Your patient is Hizashi Aizawa."
She nodded and typed something down.
"Alright if you'll take a seat I'll will get him for you."
"Thank you."
She nodded as I sat down. I bounced my leg and pulled out my phone. I haven't got a text from Elric in a while.. whatever. I continued going through my phone looking up every once and a while. After waiting for a couple minutes the elevator opened. I looked over and saw the lady, Hizashi and a doctor. I stood up as he saw me and smiled. I walked over to him as he hugged me. I laughed a bit as I turned to the doctor.
"He should be fine. He is working on trying to use his voice again but he can't push himself or it will damage his throat even more. That's pretty much it. Make sure you drink a lot of water. No soda or anything bubbly."
We both nodded as he smiled softly.
"Than you guys have a good day."
"Thank you. You too."
We left the hospital as I helped him to the car.
'I'm not that useless.'
"I don't care. I'm going to help you."
He smiled as I opened the door for him as he slowly got in. I went to the drivers side after shutting the door, and started the car. We drove in pretty much silence unless I was able to look at him to read his lips. We stopped at a red light. I yawned a bit as Hizashi grabbed my hand. I turned to him and smiled.
The light went green as we started driving.
"Oh also I brought a cat home and we're keeping him. And I'm not looking at you so you can't say anything."
I said laughing. He tapped my hand than tried to pull his hand away from mine but I held it tightly. We got home and parked I let go of his hand and turned to him. He crossed his arms and look at me.
I said with a smile as I got out. He opened his door as well as I helped him once more. We walked inside. I saw the kitten. I went and picked it up and brought it over to Hizashi as he stood awkwardly.
"It's your house Hizashi.. whats different?"
'Guess it's been a while'
I shrugged and nodded. Than I held him up.
He looked at me confused.
'Why? Why bean?'
"His paws are bean shaped!"
He smiled and pulled me in for a hug.
"I-..I love y-you.."
I smiled and placed a kiss to his lips.
"I love you too Hizashi."
Bean started meowing as I looked down at him. Why does he seem angry...It clicked in my head.
"He's jealous like you Hizashi."
I heard him laugh a bit as I looked back up at him.
'Nuhu! I'm not that jealous..'
"Than I'll have to snuggle with Bean and not you~"
I said pulling away from the hug as Bean started purring. I felt his hands wrap around my waist and spin me around as I giggled.
I laughed a bit and looked up at him once more.
I set Bean down as I picked up the bag for Hizashi that was by the door.
"This is your hero costume I'm guessing?"
I looked at him as he stared at my phone that was on the couch, and nodded. I didn't think much of it.
"I'll go put it in the wash than."
'Alright. Can I turn the tv on?'
"Zashi it's your house. Do what you want."
I said smiling as I kissed him and walked to the laundry room. I opened the washer seeing my hero costume in there. I forgot about this.. I checked it to see no stains or anything. I put it in the dryer with a dryer sheet and started it. Than I put in Hizashi costume in the washer, other than his directional speaker which was in half. This is going to take a while to fix.. but I know someone.. I went to our office and put it on the table. I started the load of laundry after putting in some laundry soap. I walked back over to Hizashi as I yawned. He was on my phone as he watched tv. I sat next to him and leaned my head on him. He held the phone in front of my face as I looked at it than back up at him.
'Who's this?'
"Remember that one guy you tried to kill years ago.. I think we were in college or something. Anyways apparently Nemuri was still in contact with him and he wanted to check up on us after this whole thing."
I said leaning back up against him. I heard him laugh a bit as he wrapped his arm around me. I yawned again as he tapped my nose. I looked at him as he smiled.
"Your an idiot.."
'I'm your idiot!'
"Yes.. yes you are." We fell asleep on the couch on each others comfort. It feels nice to have Hizashi back home..

(I'm sorry for posting late! My depression got the best of me and I wasn't even able to leave my bed for a while, I'm sorry!!)

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now