Part 93

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I made breakfast for Aki and Shota.
"Morning pops!"
"Morning Darling."
I looked over seeing her getting ready.
"Your leaving again?"
"Yeah! Guess what!?"
"What's up?"
I set a plate down for her as she sat down.
"I got the job at the nail salon!"
I smiled as she shoved food inter her mouth.
"I'm proud of you Aki!"
She giggled and finished the food in her mouth.
"Thanks pops!!"
She looked over at the stairs than back at me.
"Is he awake?"
"You can go check.."
She nodded and jumped up. She went upstairs. I knew she wasn't going to finish her food so I cleaned it up. Soon I heard her foot steps.
"He wasn't awake."
She picked up her back as I sighed.
"I won't spoil anything for him."
I said laughing.
"I'll be back later tonight!!"
"I'll see you later Darling!"
She left as I let out a sigh. I picked up a plate of food and some water. I walked upstairs and set them on the desk.
"Sho.. time to wake up.. I've got food for you."
He grumbled than opened his eyes. I helped him sit up as he sighed. I brought the food over to him as I watched him eat, incase he needed help. I held his water and went to take it from my hands. He dropped it causing it to spill. I picked it up quickly as Shota sighed. I set down the cup and too the blanket off of him.
"It's ok Sho. I'll get you a new blanket."
I took the blanket downstairs and set it in the dryer. I went back upstairs and grabbed a blanket from the closet. I went back to our room seeing Shota trying to stand. He stood up as his legs shook slightly. I smiled slightly as he did the same. He gritted his teeth before almost falling. I dropped the blanket and caught him.
"You ok?.."
He nodded as I sat him back down on the bed.
"You did it. You stood up."
I said with a small smile as he dropped his head.
"Till I failed completely."
"Hey, one step at a time right!"
He looked up at me as I cupped his face. He smiled slightly as he sat on the bed again. I set the blanket over him and helped him with his food.
"I'm useless now."
"Now now, shut up and eat your food."
He chuckled and continued eating. There was a knock on the door.
"I'll be back."
I walked downstairs and opened the door seeing Nemuri.
"You survived."
I looked behind her seeing everyone else.
"Come in. I just got him breakfast, I'll bring him down."
They all nodded and sat down. I went upstairs and to our room.
"Hey, we've got visitors."
He looked over at me and sighed.
"I'll bring the dishes down later."
He removed the blanket off of him as I went to pick him up before he pushed me away.
"I can do it myself.."
Shota hates when people see him weak. I let him try and walk. Though he only got to the door.

I picked him up as he sighed. I got downstairs and set him down in the sofa. Once he was on the sofa he pushed me away.
"Leave me alone.."
I laughed slightly and sat down too.
"Look at who's depending on people more than usually~!"
Nemuri teased as he scoffed.
"Oh please! If it was up to me I would be doing things myself.."
"Hey, at least your getting help from people."
Tensei said as he shrugged.
"I guess."
"Are you going out tonight?"
Toshi said looking at me as I shook my head.
"No, Aki's out doing stuff tonight. So I'll be home helping Shota."
"Than we'll go out. All we're looking for is two people right?"
Nemuri said as I nodded.

I sat with Shota in bed as we watch a movie.
"Thank you Zashi.."
I looked at him confused but he only laid his head on my shoulder.
"For being here with me."
I took his hand in mine and kissed the top of his head.
"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.."
After a while I got a call. I walked out of the room and answered it.
"She's at the studio. I don't know how she knows this place but she's here. Hurry up."
"Kai i-"
There was a loudcrash before the phone went dead. I opened the door quickly.
"We have to go."

I helped him to the car as I drove quickly to the station.
"Hizashi what's going on?!"
"She's at the studio. And Kai's there."
He looked at me shocked as I parked father away.
"Call Everyone, tell them to come here."
I said handing him my phone.
"Be safe ok?"
I said as he nodded.
"You too."
I nodded and ran inside. It was all trashed.
I walked around not seeing him. I went to the common room seeing him tied to a chair.
He shook his head quickly as I removed the thing around his mouth.
"Behind you!"
I turned quickly catching a punch.
"Wow.. impressive."
I went to twist her arm behind her back but she pushed me away from her. I untied Kai as I watched her. Once I was done she laughed.
"I can't believe you left him alone!"
I looked at her confused.
"Your husband?! Seriously?! Was that the smartest thing to do? Being him here and leave him alone?! While he's as weak as he is?! Pft!!"
I looked at her in shock as Kai glared at me.
"You did what?!"
"Decide. Check if your worthless lover is still alive, and risk letting me go. Or, probably let your lover die and catch me."
I gritted my teeth before running past her. Kai followed as we got to the car. Thought there was a guy standing over Shota in the middle of the road.
I yelled running over to him punching the guy. I helped Shota up seeing he was bleeding.
"Shota I'm so sorry.."
"I'm fine.."
He said between his teeth. I handed him to Kai.
"Leave. Get as far away from here as possible. Got it?!"
"Hizashi you can't take these two alone!"
I looked back seeing there girl standing there too. I looked back at the two and smile.
"I'll be fine."
"Ya know. I might just kill both of them just to see your reaction!"
She laughed. I turned to them seeing she wasn't there anymore. I felt an arm on my shoulder.
"God your stupid."
I turned quickly going to punch her. Though she wasn't there. I heard he laugh behind me again as I turned back around. I froze as the two laughed. S-Shota.. Kai.. the blue haired guy held onto Kai and the girl held onto Shota's short hair while holding a knife to his neck.
"Move and he'll die. Both of them."
I gulped and clenched my first. What do I do?.. did we ever get to Nemuri. I took a step forward before she made a cut on Shota's arm and Kai was was pushed to the ground with a gun aimed to him. My eyes went wide as I stepped back.
"Let them go! Why do you need them anyways!?"
"Well, I guess we don't need the taller one. As for Shota, we're still in business with Al."
There was a purple mist that started to surround us. I hurried and held my breath.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
The girl yelled looking at me. I shook my head quickly before she cut Shota's Stomach.
I couldn't stand there anymore. It was killing me. So I didn't. I grabbed her arm with the knife in it before twisting it, causing her to drop it. It turned around and punched the other guy. I picked up Shota than Kai.
"You guys ok?"
The two nodded. I knew I was going to pass out soon. I saw Tensei running up to us.
"Take them. Hurry!"
He nodded and took the two before I heard a gun shot. I turned around quickly seeing the girl with the gun. I turned back to them seeing Shota with the bullet wound.
"Get him to the hospital. Now!"
He ran off as the mist slowly went away. I started to feel tired. But I couldn't sleep yet. She tossed the gun as I ran towards her. Though I didn't realize she still had the knife till it was too late. It was in my side. I grabbed her and pulled her to the ground. I grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back. Soon I was able to hear sirens. I looked over seeing Noamasa and Aito standing there. They ran over to me and took the girl. I looked behind them seeing Tensei. I ran to him.
"Tensei, where's Shota?!"
I pointed over to some paramedics. I looked at him in shock before running over there. I tried to push through but they kept pushing me back.
"Please! I need to see him! Make sure he's alive!"
"Let them do there job."
One said before I pushed passed him seeing Shota on a bed type of thing. The were fixing his wounds.
I was pulled away and fixed up myself. Than, I started to feel Nemuri's quirk. Stay awake god dammit!! Once they were done I stumbled over to the bed thing Shota was on.
"S-Shota, open your fucking e-eyes.."
I looked over seeing Nemuri, then her purple mist. That was it. It was dark after that.

~Authors Note~
So my account didn't let me respond to comments for some odd reason, idk if I fixed it or not but yeah- also if there is mistakes I apologize-

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now