Part 103

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(Oop y'all ready?-... Ready for dis one?- ahah- angst+end here I go-)

I sat up and yawned.
"Morning Zashi.."
"Morning, You have a meeting with Noamasa. Don't forget."
He said kissing my cheek before putting on his leather gloves.
"I have a couple conference I have to do. You'll be ok right?"
I nodded standing.
"Alright than."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my weight into him.
"Your leaving me.."
He chuckled slightly and wrapped his arms around me.
"I'll be back soon. Promise."
I pulled away and kissed him.
"I'll see you later than."
I sat back down in the bed as he smiled.
"I'll be back Sho, love you."
He said walking out of the room closing the door behind him.

I took a shower and put on decent clothes. I blow dried my hair before brushing my teeth. I grabbed my phone and wallet seeing Aito text me.
"I'll come pick you up. Better be ready by the time I get there"
I walked out of the room and went to Aki's room. I knocked before opening the door seeing she wasn't in there. Guessing she went to work. I headed downstairs and slipped on my shoes. I grabbed my pair of keys hearing a car horn. No time for breakfast I guess.. I walked out and got into Aitos car.
"Good morning little bro. Here, I picked you up breakfast."
He handed me a fast food bag as I smiled slightly.
"Sure, hurry up and eat before we get there."
I just brushed my teeth but knowing Aito he'll take it if I don't eat it. We got to the station and got inside.
"Look who dressed up nice."
He said as I stuffed my hands into the pockets of the tux.
"I could say the same for you.."


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We sat around a table with ten or more people. This will be boring.. What is the meeting about? Underground heroes..

~Hizashi's POV~
I got to the places I needed to be. First was a press conference. Annoying to say the least. All the questions they asked were questions I've answered before.
"Why'd you become a hero?"
Simple, to prove people wrong.
"People reactions to my quirk?"
"Why I started a family?"
Because, I wanted to start one with the love of my life. Is that so hard to understand?
"When I found out I was gay.."
Bi is different from gay, and I was in high school.
"All the instruments I can play."
"Who proposed."
"Best friend."
"Hero life"
"Working three jobs"
This went on for hours. It was hardly anything fun. At least I can have a break for an hour before a interview. I got to the studio seeing Kai.
I said yawning.
"Busy day?"
"Horribly busy."
"Fun for you."
"You just get to sit here and flip switches."
I said laughing slightly as he chuckled.
"Hell yeah I do."
We talked and went to the common room. We talking till I had my interview. Good thing it was over the radio. Thought, it was just as boring as the last. It was a bit more interesting since it was about my music and not my personal life.
"Why did you chose to make music?"
"It was always fun for me. A fun hobby. As a teenager me and my husband made songs together. I decided I wanted to publish them and become a radio host."
"And for the reason your Husband didn't want to become a radio host as well?"
"EraserHead as always been the quite type. Never enjoyed attention. He also doesn't like his voice as much. So he keeps to himself. I hardly hear him sing myself!"
"You two seem like quite the opposites."
"Sure are!"
"Everyone calls you the singers in love. Is it for that reason?"
"Yes it is, we also call each other that as well."
I said with a small chuckle. There were more questions. Questions that either were short or long. Some it took me longer to answer some I could answer right away. Once the mic was off I yawned. I stood up and stretched. I walked out of the room as Kai chuckled.
"The day has hardly begun and your already this miserable?"
"Miserable?.. well I guess you could use that word."
I said with a small smile.

~Shota's POV~
I groaned and walked out of the meeting.
"Never again."
Aito laughed and smiled.
"Come on, we have one more."
"Seriously?... Your joking.."
"Nope, we have about an hour. Wanna go get some food?"
"You and your food. And your still fit."
I elbowed his stomach and started walking.
"Your paying~!"

We got food and talked about work and the kids.
"You really haven't been doing anything for work have you.."
"Not really basically no."
He said laughing.
"I haven't been getting missions lately so that's plus. Neither has Hizashi, Hitoshi, or Denki have. Still a plus."
He nodded before checking his watch.
"We should go. The meeting will start."
We got back to the station and started the new meeting. It's only the start and I'm already tired. I already wanna go home..

~Hizashi's POV~
"So Hizashi."
I looked over at Kai as he pointed to the computer screen.
"Another club wants you to play. Would you go to it?"
"Maybe, depends on the day. If I have plans for that day or not."
"Well it's a new bar, getting a lot of attention apparently. Apparently it's one people are going to a lot. Says here they want you neck weekend."
"So soon?.. whatever. Is that all it says?"
"No, also says, you can take your partner so they could maybe get a lover."
He said as I laughed.
"You idiot."
"Why thank you! But I'm going. If this place is as popular as it seems, they probably got some good booze.."
"But it's also probably pricey for the decency."
"All I'm hearing is booze still."
I chuckled and shook my head.
"Your such a idiot."
He laughed and went through the rest of the emails.
"Hey, when's my next meeting?"
"Not until later this evening. I think you have about two hours."
"Really?.. well ok than."
I pulled out my phone and texted Shōta. Though he never responded. Strange. Maybe he's still in the meeting. I stood up and stretched. I stuffed my hands into my pockets.
"I'm tired of work.. too many meetings."
"Should have spread them farther from each other."
"Your the one that plans my meetings."
I said looking over at him confused.
"Oh yeah huh.."
I laughed slightly and shook my head.
I walked over to him seeing him still going through emails.
"Let me see that one bar."
He pulled up a picture seeing a bar that looks more like casino.
"You sure that's a bar."
"Yeah, look at the inside."
There were booths and tables. A larger stage than a normal bar would have. There was also a large bar.
"Cool, I'll take it. I'm interested on what it will be like."
He nodded. I turned away and yawned.

We set up for the next interview. This was wasn't as bad as the others. It was simple and Short. Though it was still a bit annoying. Again it was about my personal life. After that I got ready to head home.
"Hizashi, your phone!"
Kai yelled as I turned around.
"Right complete forgot."
I said before Chuckling. He handed me my phone as I waved.
"Bye Hizashi."
"Bye Kai."
I got home seeing Aki was about to leave.
"Where are you going?"
"Sky's in town!"
"Oh? Well have fun than!"
I said with a smile.
"I will! Bye bye!!"
"Bye Aki."
She ran out as I went to the room. I changed into comfortable clothes and sighed. There's nothing to do.. I scratched the back of my neck and shrugged. I walked to the nearest family mart to grab a couple things. I started to walk home before I heard a crowd. I'll looked over trying to see who the people were surrounding.
"Hey MindJack could you sign this please?!"
I smiled slightly seeing Hitoshi crouch down to the boys hight.
"Of course!"
I smiled and started to walk away.
"Hey Dad!!"
I looked over seeing him leave the group. He ran over to me and smiled.
"Shouldn't you be over there with your fans?"
"Come on old man, I'll always make time for family."
I laughed and shook my head.
"You owe me lunch tomorrow."
"For calling me old man."
"It's was a complement.."
"Complement my ass kid."
We walked home talking about random things. He got called on a job so he left about half an hour ago. I got up and set the things from the family mart away. Keeping the drink out. My phone rang so I walked to the living room and answered it and held it to my ear.
"Dad.. he's in the hospital."
"Please hurry!"
He told me the address as I nodded.
"Alright I'm on my way, I'll be there soon!"

~Authors Note~
Oop- y'all rlly ain't ready for this one😌

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now