Part 52

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Tomorrow was the day. The day we had to say goodbye to Jiro. Everyone was over today. We were having a party. The group. The kids. Some friends from UA too.
"So Shota how dose it feel?"
Nemuri said as I looked at her in confusion.
"Letting go of Jiro. Pretty much another one of your kids."
"Who said I'm letting go? She's just moving forward. I'm not letting go of her, she's becoming an adult, mentally."
I said as we both laughed a bit.
"Hey auntie~!"
"Don't call me that!"
Jiro yelled at Hitoshi as he laughed. I smiled before Hizashi walked in the house.
"Am I late?"
He said scratching the back of his neck as everyone looked at him.
Everyone said as he laughed.
"My bad!"
Everyone went back to talking as he walked over to me and Nemuri.
"Hey Nem. Hey Sho."
He said kissing my forehead.
"Welcome home Zashi."
"Zashi and Sho? Hm.. I like it!"
Nemuri yelled. I chuckled a bit and rolled my eyes.
"I thought mine was homeless man."
"As much as you LOOKED like one, Sho is better."
She said.
"Hizashi changed you a lot.."
She said walking away as I stood in disbelief.
"That's not true!"
I said looking at Hizashi.
He said walking away. Damn.. I saw something outside. I looked out the window confused. I walked into the back getting ready to use my quirk.
I look over seeing Dabi.
"What the fuck are you doing in my backyard... And out of jail what the fuck."
I said confused.
"Calm down. I was let out a couple days ago.."
"Seriously? I thought you would have gone longer.."
I said cocking my eyebrow and crossing my arms.
"Me to. Dad bailed me out. Of course, but I think he's changed a bit. he's not as bad as he was to Shoto.."
He said smiling a bit.
"That's good.. I'm glad you guys get a break from him.."
"Break? Kinda."
He said scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh! Your daughter is leaving right? I didn't mean to interrupt.."
"Daughter? Oh, Jiro isn't.. Jiro isn't really my daughter, she's Hizashis sister."
"But she's like your daughter?"
"Yeah, yeah she is.."
The door opened as I looked over seeing Hizashi.
"There you are."
He said with a smiled before seeing Dabi.
Dabi said backing away a bit.
"Don't kill me! Please!"
Hizashi walked over to me and stood next to me.
"He won't kill you. I'll make sure he won't."
I said laughing. He pulled out something behind his back. It was something quite long.
"T-This is yours. I promise it's nothing bad!"
He handed it to me as I took it. I looked at it than saw carvings at the end.


"Where'd you get this?"
I said looking at him confused as I handed it to Hizashi.
"Well, Kurogiri isn't getting out anytime soon. After I got let out my stuff was handed to me. I went to visit him. He told me where it was and to bring it to you two. I was just going to leave it here than dip. But plans failed."
He said shrugging.
"Hizashi, Shota?"
We looked over seeing Nemuri.
"Oh hell nah."
She said walking over to Dabi. I grabbed her from the collar of her shirt to stop her.
"Let go idiot! Imma pound this guys face in!"
"I suggest you leave too. Heroes and villains don't do well together."
Hizashi said as I sighed.
"Enough you two. Inside. I'll be in, in a second."
I said taking the quarterstaff, than handing Hizashi, Nemuri. He grabbed her where I was holding her and dragged her inside.
"Hizashi let go of me! I swear to god!"
Than the door shut. I looked at Dabi.
"They've kinda got a point. Showing up to a place full of heroes. Not very smart."
I said crossing my arms looking at him.
"Well~ at least I'm trying to change!"
He said shrugging.
"Trying.. whatever. I should get back inside with my family. Watch over your little brother. Let him be childish sometimes. He never got to be."
I said walking inside. I placed the quarterstaff in my room than walked back out. Hizashi was still holding onto Nemuri as she moved around a lot.
"Let go! You freaking Giraffe!"
(When your dyslexic and try to spell giraffe for 20 minutes trying to see there the 'd' fits even though there Isn't one..)
"You can let go of her Hizashi. He's already gone.."
I said laughing a bit.
He let go as she fell to her feet.
She said walking away. I laughed a bit and forced Hizashi hand around me. He placed his chin on top of my head as we stood in silence.

"Alright! Me and Tensei are leaving."
Nemuri said as we all surrounded Momo, Jiro, Nemuri and Tensei.
"Ok this is making my anxiety spike up! Back up!"
Jiro said as everyone laughed and backed up a bit.
"Jiro and Momo. I'm sure you'll guy have a lot of fun in America. It's petty big, and different from here, but I'm sure you'll get use to it quickly. As much as our family will miss you both it makes us happy you guys are growing up!"
"Thank you Tensei and Nemuri.."
The two said with a smile.
"Oh I remember when you were just little! Always clinging to Hizashi while he tried to leave for work. Making him sleep with you cause you were to scared to sleep alone."
Nemuri said laughing. Everyone laughed a bit too.
"I remember once coming over and Hizashi was trying to make food for you two but you were clinged to his leg making it hard for him to even move around."
Tensei said as we all laughed again.

~Time skip~
Hizashis POV
We drove to the airport and helped the girls unload there luggage. We walked to they place they needed to be and waited for there flight.
'Flight ***** will be taking off in 15 minutes! Load up now!'
One of the speakers said.
"T-that's us.."
Jiro said taking in a deep breath.
"You'll be ok.."
I said placing my hand on her shoulder. She turned to us with tears in her eyes.
"I'm gonna miss you guys."
"We'll miss you too.."
Hitoshi said. Aki ran into Jiro's arms as she smiled.
"I don't want you to leave!"
"I'll come back and visit..promise."
Jiro let go of her with a smile, as she turned to me.
"How about you big brother? Ever gonna come back to America?"
She said with a sad smile.
"Of course."
She laughed than hugged me. Than she turned to Hitoshi.
"Even though your my nephew you were always like my brother.."
They hugged each other as I smiled. She than turned to Shota.
"Take care of everyone.. we all know Hizashi would end up dying if he was left alone."
We all laughed a bit as she hugged him.
"Thank you for being another father figure to me.."
She whispered than let go. He nodded. Momo said her goodbyes as well than they started to walk off. We watched them until they disappeared into the crowd of people. I took a deep breath than let it out. There goes my little sister.. it's now her and Momo against the world..

(Had this part ready and was requested to post so here ya go!!)

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