Part 39

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I yawned and sat up. I walked to the bathroom and brushed me teeth with the small plastic tooth brush that was in there. Once I was done I walked out and stretched. I picked up my phone seeing Hitoshi text me.
'I'll come in early. I want to talk about grandma and grandpa.'
I sighed and text back.
'Kid I told you. That was years ago. You don't need to worry about it'
I turned off my phone and looked outside. It's pretty early.. the sun isn't even up.. I shrugged and sat on the bed. I get discharged today. Thank god I don't want to be here anymore. The door opened as the doctor came in with a small bag.
"Someone dropped this off for you. It also has your belongings in it."
"Thank you."
I stood up and took it from her as she nodded and left. I put on the clothes and than pulled out my scarf. It's covered in blood..I rolled my eyes and decided not to put it on.
"Hey you should be laying down."
I heard from outside my door. I didn't hear a response. I'm guessing it's another patient. I set the bag down and rubbed my eyes than sat on the bed. The door opened as I looked over.
"Morning sleep head."
I said as Hizashi walked through the door. We both smiled as he made his way over to me.
"Look who can walk now."
He shrugged and than signed.
'I'm pretty useless right now. So I learned how to walk'
I nodded as he smiled than went to confusion than sat down.
'What happened with Aito? I didn't see you yesterday.'
"Oh. The doctor wanted to know about my anxiety and stuff so he brought be back down to my room. He wasn't very happy. And yesterday I had Tensei, Toshi, and Nemuri there pretty much all day until the kids."
He nodded and grabbed my hand.
'Is it my parents?'
"Hizashi, I'm happy that your happy. Really. The kids seem to like them."
I smiled at him as he frowned. I kissed him softly.
"Don't worry."
He rolled his eyes.
'Today can be just us and the kids if you want?'
"No Hizashi. How long has it been? You need them."
I grabbed his hand and held them in mine.
"Everything is fine."
I smiled again as I leaned my head on his. Before I could say anything the door opened.
"Alright you two have explaining to do!"
Hitoshi said as he sat down. We both looked at him in confusion. He pointed at me.
"You know! Yesterday!"
I leaned my hand over to his head and smacked him.
"Your an absolute idiot Hitoshi.."
Hizashi than smacked me.
"What the hell!"
'That's your kid, don't be mean'
I rolled my eyes and turned to Hitoshi.
"I said no."
'What's wrong?'
"He told me about when you were kids."
"I did not! I told you very little about our lives when we were young."
"It was enough! I want to know now! I want to know your whole story! Dad what happened to your parents? And your dad?! And you Dad, how'd you live with your parents and Jiro?!"
I froze and clenched my hands together looking down. Hizashi stood up quickly. I looked up at him as he glared at Hitoshi. He than pointed to me.
"I-... I'm sorry dad.."
I looked up at him and gave him a sad smile as I shook my head. I grabbed Hizashi hand and pulled him back onto the bed.
"Hitoshi.. like I said my dad left my mom when he found out about me. Than my mom found my mother. Ena. My bio mom died due to a sickness when I was maybe four. And my mother died when I was fourteen. And I pretty much raised myself for a while. Aito didn't come into my life till high school."
They both looked at me in shock as I pulled out my phone.
"I only have one picture of my mom and me."

"Even than you can't see her face very well

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"Even than you can't see her face very well."
I showed him the picture as he took it from me and smiled.
"You two look alike..."
"Swipe left and you'll see my mother."
After a while he did. He had a smile on his face.

"Mother didn't show much emotion

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"Mother didn't show much emotion. But when she did she could make the room bright."
I said smiling. He laughed slightly.
"She looks like a badass.."
"Man she was.."
We all laughed slightly. He handed me my phone back as I turned it off and put it back on the night stand.
"What else did you want to know Hitoshi. I think your old enough to be honest with you."
I said turning to Hizashi as he nodded. I turned back to Hitoshi as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"How come I didn't know I still had grandparents till a couple days ago?"
He sighed and pulled out his own phone. He was typing something as we waited patiently. It took a moment but after a second he gave it to Hitoshi.
"My parents weren't the best people back than. They tried and force me away from your dad cause he was gay. My family was religious, in their eyes that was wrong. I still don't know if they feel that way. But, causing them to hate me and your dad for who we were we hid our friendship. Once I turned 18 I moved out. And once I was in my 20's Jiro moved in with me as my parents went to America."
His eyes went wide as he looked up at us.
"But.. why?"
'Religion I guess'
He handed his phone back and scratched the back of his neck.
"Than.. were you guys ever together back than?"
"Eh. That's kinda complicated.. we didn't call ourselves a couple cause we were just messing around. When we both new we liked each other when we were 30 that's when we started dating."
Hizashi nodded as Hitoshi sat in silence. He went to say something but stopped himself.
'What Hitoshi?'
He sighed and played with his fingers.
"W-Would you ever talk to grandma and grandpa again?"
He said looking at me. I gave him a soft smiled and ruffled his hair.
"There going to be in your guys life. If they want to talk to me they can. If they don't that's their choice."
He smiled and pushed my hand away. The door opened as we all looked over seeing Nemuri.
"You little brat!"
Hitoshi laughed as she walking in the room holding Aki's hand who was half asleep. Nemuri sat down as Aki sat on Hizashi lap and slowly fell asleep.
"I told you no.."
"But I left Anyways I know!"
"Wait wait wait.. so two people told you not to go and you still did?"
I said as he turned to me.
I rolled my eyes.
"She was taking care of you Hitoshi. Be nice."
I heard Hizashi chuckled as I turned to him.
"He learned that from you."
He smiled and nodded as I smiled softly.
"Mind if I leave these two with you? I need sleep..."
"Bye Nemuri."
I said as she stood up and yawned.
She left as I yawned too.
"I'm being discharged today. Don't know when but I'm sure it will be later in the day. When do you get discharged?"
I said looking at Hizashi.
'Next week I think.'
"Mm. Wish it was later.."
"Excuse me?"
I said looking at Hitoshi as he laughed.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to look at Hizashi but it was Aki.
"Where Jiro? She hasn't been home yet.."
I looked up at Hizashi in confusion he didn't seem to know either. I looked over at Hitoshi.
"Jiro has been going home with grandma and grandpa."
I turned to Aki and smiled softly.
"Is she coming home tonight?"
"We'll see ok?"
She quickly went back to sleep as I looked up at Hizashi.
'I didn't know. I thought she was still going home with Nem.'
I shrugged.
"I say let her be. It's the first time in a while she's able to stay with them."

(Ending this part short cause I lost my idea😂)

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now