Part 36

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(A week after last part also this part is going to be quite gory)

I yawned and continued walking the street. I just wanna go home..
"Yo Present Mic! Up ahead!"
I nodded at another pro and walked towards the building. I knocked on the door waiting. The door opened slowly.
"Hello my names Present Mic.."
I looked up at the person in the doorway. They looked cold and mean. It sent shivers down my spine.
"A hero~?"
His voice was cold and scratchy.
I'm just a decoy.. just a decoy keep him distracted!
"W-we were looking for a young child.. the name is Jay Miles.. d-do you have any information o-on him?"
Just keep him talking.. don't be intimated.
"Your stuttering a lot for a hero.."
"P-please sir I just asked a simple question.."
"No. I don't know the boy.."
'Keep talking to him mic. We can't tell."
"W-Well I have a question for you sir!"
"Why don't you come inside, we can discus it over maybe some tea.."
'Mic don't do it'
"I think I'll stay out here. T-Thanks for the offer th-"
There was an object placed to my neck. I don't have any weapons.. if I yell my crew will get hurt..
"Please I insist!"
He pulled the object away as I saw it was a blade. I waited for orders but never got any.
"A-Alright than.. if you insist."
He let me inside and lead my to his table. He left and started boiling some water. I have to wait.. I can wait this out..
"So what was your question Mic?"
"Your question?"
"O-oh right! Um, I was just going to ask why you live in a place like this.."
"Oh.. well you see my work requires my to need an open space.. instead of a small house I chose a wear house type of place."
He came over and sat across of me and he poured us a cup.
'Mic this is dangerous get out of there quickly!'
"Uh, if you don't mind me asking.. what do you work as?"
"I know why your here hero.."
I was pulled off my feet by two people. I attempted to get out of there grip but they wouldn't let go. Dammit! The guy walked up to me and placed the blade over my throat. He looked at my ear and pulled out the ear piece. He crushed it in his hand and turned back to me.
"Your quite sneaky Mic.. if I would have known you had that in I wouldn't have talked at all."
He pushed down on the blade as it dug deeper into my skin.
"Your quirk is voice correct.. so if I damage you vocal cords.. there wouldn't be a problem with you!"
I felt warmth slide down my neck and chest. He pulled away the knife, it had blood on the edge.
"Boys.. take him away."
The started dragging me somewhere as I tired moving to get out of there grip.
"Enough.. if you keep squirming it's going to hurt more."
My eyes got heavy as my body felt weak. I keep moving and twisting my arms. I broke out of one grip and I kicked him and tired to my arm away from the other. I was able to get out of his grip. I went to run but realized we were in an elevator. Fuck.. I turned around quickly as one of the guys punched me in the stomach. I fell to the floor in pain as they picked me up once more.
"This will hurt you more that it will hurt us."
There was a ding.. and than my vision got blurry and than went dark.

~Shota's POV~
Aki and Jiro were sitting on the floor playing with Hitoshi and Denki. Putting makeup on them and doing there hair. I smiled and watched.
"Denki.. why are your eyelids so hard to put eyeshadow on?!"
"Cause there not use to it!"
"Babe.. that's not how that works."
They all laughed as I chuckled a bit. I looked at my phone and sighed. Still no message from Hizashi. Once they were done with make up and hairstyling they all turned to me.
"Your turn!"
They all tackled me and put makeup on me. And than did my hair in a braid. Then they held up and small mirror.
"You look good Shota!"
"Do you like it dad?!"
Aki said. I smiled and picked her up.
"Ya know what.. yeah I do."
They all laughed and and started cleaning up. There was a knock at the door. I walked over and answered it forgetting what I had on. Nemuri? She usually just barges in.
"What's up?"
"We need to talk.. but first clean you face.."
She looked serious. I let her in and told the kids to go to there room. I grabbed a paper towel and got it went. I started wiping my face and turned to Nemuri.
"Nemuri is something wrong?"
"I-...I'm sorry Shota."
"What? What's wrong?"
She pulled out her phone and played something. At first it was static than I was able to hear it clearly.
'Uh, if you don't mind me asking.. what do you work as?"
"I know why your here hero.."
There was quite a bit of noise. And it sounded like a chair falling over. Than there was a sound of a knife being pulled out of its scabbard. My eyes went wide as I placed my hand over my mouth. There was static and that was it.
"I-I don't know what be honest I have no idea if he's even still alive.."
She started crying as I did to. I sat down at the table loosing my breath. I griped my chest tightly as Nemuri tried to calm me down. Once I did she got a me drink of water.
"Who were the heroes he was working with?"
"It's was only one. An underground hero.. The demon hero, I think it was."
"Dark lord?"

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now