Part 45

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~1 Week later~
(Shota is normal😅)
"Shota, theres no way your doing this!"
"I already said yes Hizashi! I leave in two days! You can't stop me now!"
"I've tried stopping you since you brought it up! Your seriously going to put your life in danger?! You have kids Shota! And me!"
"Yes I am! There are more life's that can be taken if I don't!"
"Your joking.. there's no way this is real.. just say it! It's a joke!"
"This is real Hizashi, I'm leaving. I have my stuffed packed! Just listen!"
The door opened as we both looked over. Jiro stood there angrily with tear stains on her face.
"Were leaving. Now. Aito is outside. Aki had over 6 panic attacks because of you two. She ran to me, too scared to go to you two. Hitoshi has hid himself in his closet for the past hour. No thanks to you two."
She slammed the door than we heard her run downstairs.
He said than left the room and went to the kids. I grabbed my capture weapon off the bed and placed it around my neck. I walked downstairs seeing Hizashi waving out the door. He shut the door as I watched. He turned to me than walked to the kitchen as I followed him.
He ignored me and went to reach for a cup but not grabbing one.
"Hizashi your are being selfish right now!"
He stopped than slammed the cupboard shut causing me to jump. He than slammed his hands down. He turned to me with tears in his eyes with a fake smile.
"Selfish? Your calling me selfish?"
He laughed fake-ly and turned away.
"Yeah.. cause I'm the selfish one."
"Your calling me selfish.. for going out and saving people?!"
"No.. I'm calling you selfish because your just willing to die! For what?! Tell me Shota! There were other heroes that could have taken this job! Your are just willing to throw away the connection you've made with Jiro and Hitoshi?! And Aki?! Shota! Aki and Hitoshi are your only children! Your just willing to abandon them like that? You already know they both feel abandonment from there bio parents.. your just going to do it all over again?"
He said turning to me quickly than back around.
"Your seriously putting all that on me.. You seriously think that's what I'm trying to do?! Die?!"
"Sure seems like you have a death wish right now!!"
"Hizashi are you serious?! I'm not going to die!"
He turned to me quickly again.
"And what if you do?!... Just going to leave that to me?!.. Going to put all that on me?!... I don't want to plan your funeral! I don't want to find the perfect coffin to fit your body! I don't want to do that Shota! Your just putting your life on the line aren't you!"
I dropped my head at the thought. Than looked back up at him.
"I'm not going to die."
Tears started to flow down his face as he laughed fake-ly again.
"No no no.. of course your not.."
He walked passed me and started walking upstairs.
I started to follow after him feeling the sadness build up more.
"Stop what?!"
He continued walking and got to our room. He went to the closet and pulled out three pairs of shirts and three pairs of pants.
"What are you doing?..."
"We both know what I'm doing.. I won't stay here tonight."
He set them on the bed than went back and pulled out his hero's suit.
"I'll stay in a hotel. Or with someone in the group, or my parents.. I'll find something."
He grabbed an old box taking out whatever was inside.
"Tsk these are yours."
He shoved the clothing and something hard in my hands than put his stuff into the box. He walked around the room grabbing his glasses, keys, wallet, and phone with it's charger and putting it in the box as well. I looked down seeing Oboros jacket and goggles. I set them on the desk.
"He would at least try and support me in this.."
I realized what I said and froze.
"Of course you say that.."
I quickly turned around seeing him walk out of the room. I quickly followed.
"I-I didn't mean to say that Hizashi!"
He ignored me and kept walking.
"H-Hizashi please! I-I didn't mean it!"
We got to the door as I grabbed onto his arm.
"I don't care if you meant it or not. The fact that you said it or even thought it. You seriously hate me that much right now don't you."
He put on his shoes on than opened the door and left. He got in his car and started it. He drove away as I started crying at the door. I slammed it shut and leaned against it than slid down, holding myself. I than slammed my fists against the floor.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now