Part 78

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(Here have a part to distract you from the US election😔... I rlly hope we can count on people to vote Biden)

There was a knock on the door as I looked at Hizashi confused.
"Did you invite anyone?"
"Could be Aki.."
He said shrugging.
"Why would she knock?"
I said confused going to the door. I opened it to see..
She smiled and giggled.
"Hey Shota!!"
"What are you doing here?"
She said before hugging me. I hugged back as Hizashi peeked into the living room from the kitchen.
"Jiro? Momo? Amethyst?"
He said shocked. She pulled away from me and went and hugged him. I greeted Momo and Amethyst as they smiled smiled.
"I thought you were coming later!?"
We sat and talked for a while.
"Did you tell him!"
"No I did not."
Hizashi said with a smile as I looked at them confused.
"That's surprising knowing you can't keep a secret most of the time."
Amethyst said with a smile as the other two girls laughed slightly.
"I'm offended!"
"What are you guys talking about?"
I said confused.
"It's a surprise Shota!"
Jiro said with a smile as I scratched the back of my neck.
"Alright fine, I'll shut up than."
I said with a laugh.

Hizashi invited over everyone so we could get together. Hitoshi and Denki, Aito, Toshi, and Tensei and Nemuri came together.
"I'm going to run to the grocery store to pick up some more food, or do you guys just want some take out?"
I said grabbing the keys if Hizashi's car since it was the first keys I saw.
"I fell like you guys cook every time we come here!"
Nemuri said as everyone agreed.
"So take out? What do you guy want?"
They all agreed on something as I went to leave but Hizashi stopped me.
"Let me come with you."
He said grabbing his jacket.
I said tilting my head as he looked back seeing them all talking.
"They won't notice."
He said shrugging putting on his jacket and taking the keys.
"I guess we'll be back than!"
I yelled hearing them all yell.
"Don't make us wait too long!"
I laughed a bit and walked out the door with Hizashi. We got to the place as we waited in line.
"I'm going to run to the bathroom."
I nodded as he walked off. I finally got up there ordering everyone's orders. I stepped back waiting for the food.
I looked over seeing some people with cameras and a girl with a microphone. Oh great..
"Present Mic stated once again you guys are married is that true?!"
I held up my hand and moved my ring finger.
"And how about the recent hate about you and him?! Saying you don't deserve him?"
My eyes went wide and I crossed my arm.
"I haven't noticed.."
"It's all over social media saying he should have gotten with Midnight since she's a beautiful girl. So what's your opinion on people saying your not good enough for Mic?!"
I sighed before feeling an arm wrap around my shoulder.
"We don't give a fuck and never will."
I looked over seeing Hizashi with a fake smile as he clenched his fist.
"Now if you leave my husband alone and stop fucking harassing him that would be great."
He said moving his hand from around my neck to cross his arms.
"It's what all your fans are saying!"
"I don't care what there saying. Hate me if you want. I can love who I want. Now leave."
The girl groaned and left with with the rest of them. I patted his shoulder with a slightly laugh.
"Your fans are funny."
Our order was called as we picked up the two bags and got to the car.
"Sorry Sho."
He said once he got in. I opened one of the bags before looking at him confused.
"For what exactly?"
I said going back to the food as he started to drive.
"Paparazzi, what they said."
He said is a sadder tone.
"Like you said, I don't give a fuck."
I said with a smile before closing the bag again.

We finally got home with the food as we got everyone's orders to them. We all sat and talked before Jiro jumped up.
"Are we doing that now?"
Hizashi asked with food in his mouth before I smacked the back of his head.
"Don't talk with your mouth full.."
Aki and Amethyst giggled as Jiro nodded. Hizashi rubbed the back of his head before Jiro pulled Momo up. Everyone's attention was now on them as the room went silent. Momo's face went a slight shade of pink as Jiro giggled.
"So what is it?"
Aito said tilting his head.
"Please, I would like to know what you mean."
Toshinori said. Hizashi took my hand in his as we waitied.
"Well~, I wanted to do this here since it's both our home town. Amethyst chose to tag along because, she wanted to come home too."
Jiro said as Momo nodded.
"Both of our families are here so we thought why not do it here."
"Do what?"
Tensei said confused. They two held up their hands as my eyes went wide.
"Get married!"
They both said with a smile. I gripped onto Hizashi hand a bit as my eyes went wide.
Aki jumped up and hugged the two. I looked over at Hizashi shocked as he looked at the girls with a smile. Pft, looks like a proud dad..
I smiled and looked at the girls again.
"So does that mean the weddings going to be here?!"
Denki said jumping up too.
"Yes, we want to have the wedding here.."
Momo said with a smile. We all congratulated them as the young adults went on about what to wear to the wedding and what it would all look like.

Me and Hizashi cleaned up the empty food containers and cleaned the kitchen. As I was wiping down the table Hizashi wrapped his arms around me.
"Will I get to see you in a suit again than?"
"Probably, we both might be the exact size we were when he got married. Meaning we could wear the ones in our closet."
I said kissing his cheek.
"Oh? I get to see you in your wedding tux? A plus."
I laughed before finishing the table. He let go as I threw away the dirty paper towel. Jiro and Momo were staying in Jiros old room. Amethyst in Hitoshi's old room, and Aki was already asleep in her room. I turned off the lights and headed upstairs with Hizashi. He shut the door as I went to the closet.
"I guess we didn't really ask when she wanted to get married."
I said tilting my head looking at mine and Hizashis old tux's. I pulled mine out and placed it closed to my chest. Than than turned to Hizashi.
"What do you think?"
I said with a smile.
"Maroon still looks amazing on you.."
He said with a small smile. I snickered and put it back.
"I meant the size.."
I said laughing. I closed the closet than walked over to where he was sitting, on the bed. I pulled him up as he looked at me confused. I turned around so I sad near the bed. I smiled and pushed him away than plopped down on the bed so I took up the whole thing.
He hovered over me as I smiled at him.
"You could at least move just a bit so I could at least have some room.."
He leaned down and kissed my cheek.
"Come on Sho~! Move just a bit!!"
I shook my head before cupping his face. I pulled him in for a kiss with a smile. He smiled into the kiss as well before flipping me around so I was on top of him. I giggled before snuggling up to his chest.
"I love you so much.."
He kissed the top of my head as I smiled.
"I love you too doofus.."
After a while he went to take a shower. After him I did so as well.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now