Part 22

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"So your basically the unknown child?"
I smacked Aito in the back of the head.
"Shut up stupid."
"Basically ya."
Hizashi said from behind me. Then Jiro had a huge smile on her face and ran up to me and Hizashi.
"Hey you guys are gay so you can't have kids right!?"
"Ya? I think that's common sense Jiro."
"That's not what I meant! You can adopt Aki! Then I could be an aunt!"
"Hate to break it to you kid but it's not that easy."
"No duh! But you can still do it!"
I would have to meet her father and ask him. I have no doubt he would hand her over to me if he doesn't like her that much. But then again she is a child, I have no other kids her age. My job could put her in danger. We do have Aito.. Jiro and Hitoshi graduating soon.. I looked over at Hizashi but he wasn't there.
"You were lost in thought. Look."
Aito said pointing to the kids. There he was playing with them like he usually dose. Trying to get all three in his back.
"Doesn't seem like a bad idea.. you two would be great parents. And Aki looks happy from when you first brought her here."
He's right. She's smiling as Hizashi walked around with all three of them on his back with a smile and the teens laughed. I smiled and turned to Aito.
"I'll see what I can do."
"I'm planning on moving out soon Shota."
"Your in your thirties. I don't think you need your big bro anymore. And it would make more room for the kids."
"Aito I think I'll always need my big brother."
"As sweet as that is I'm not buying it." He said laughing as I watched Hizashi and the kids.
"I won't move far, but I'm going to rent out my own apartment. Soon not now but soon."
"What ever you say Aito."
I said rolling my eyes.
"All right kids! Time for bed it 1am."
"It is? Doesn't feel like it."
"Well Hitoshi you go to bed late. Aki, where would you like to sleep on the sofa or the floor?"
"Sofa if that's ok."
"Perfectly fine."
I smiled and went to grab and extra blanket and pillow. When I came back she was already half asleep. I smiled as Hizashi picked up her head so I could put down the pillow. Jiro was on her phone as I grabbed it out of her hand.
"Sh, sleep."
I placed it on the table and said goodnight to Aito before heading to my room. I grabbed an extra pair of clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After a while the bathroom door opened then shut.
"I'm using the shower right now Hizashi."
I laughed as I heard him brush his teeth.
"Don't use all the hot water. I wanna shower too."
"I won't."
"I have a question, how the hell do you attract kids to you like this?"
"I don't, I sat there and waited out the situation but her dad didn't even turn around. Then her arms, I think she was cutting or it was from her dad. Either way I wanted to treat them."
"I'm just saying."
"Tomorrow is Sunday, after that you go back to work. Be ready for questions from the kids, I had to tell them about you and Jiro's relationship and now they won't shut up."
"Ugh! Great.."
I finished and turned off the shower.
I stuck my hand out for a moment hearing him search for them.
"Uh, where?"
"There should be one on the counter is there not?"
"Ugh ok, get out so I can change."
"Make me~"
"I won't look."
"I doubt that."
I stepped out and couldn't find my clothes.
"Where are my clothes..."
"I don't know..."
"Here put this on."
He threw something at me as I looked at it.

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~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now