Part 72

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"That doesn't make sense? A quirk that can send you back in time?"
I said confused looking at Aito.
"It could be possible. Mina and Uraraka both said he brought back a bad memories to them. It could of been going back in time."
He said shrugging.
"But he didn't bring a bad memory back. I was just put in a certain place at a random time, I would think."
Shota said confused.
"From where I'm coming from me and Shota got really close until he graduated."
Dao said.
"I don't even remember.."
Shota said sighing as I set my hands on his shoulder.
"I'm sure everything's all right. Maybe some things didn't, well come from the past because of you?.."
"Oh geez, because of me huh.."
He said slightly glaring at me.
"Wrong choice of words, got it."
I said holing my hands up in defense. The door opened as Aki, Hitoshi, and Nemuri walked in. I stood up with a smile having Hitoshi and Aki hug me.
"Hey you two.."
"Thank god your alive."
Hitoshi said as he gripped onto me tighter.
"Yeah I'm alive."
I said before looking up at Nemuri seeing she had tears in her eyes.
"We all thought you died, Hizashi."
"Yeah.. I know. I'm sorry. But I'm alive. That's all that matter right now, right?"
I said looking at Aki than Hitoshi as they nodded. Once they let go Dao stood.
"How about I leave you guys with your family now. I'll come to talk maybe later tonight."
He said as we nodded. He left as we all talked.

"You guys really gave me a funeral~!"
I said in a whiny voice.
"Yeah, we did! And your husband got into a little argument."
Nemuri said glaring at Shota.
"I don't regret what I did or said."
He shrugged as I looked at the two in confusion.
"With who? Why?"
"Your parents. And because he was stressed."
Aito said shrugging.
"My parents? What'd they do?"
I said my curiosity peeking now.
"Said some heartless shit."
Shota said shaking his head.
"You literally said 'I knew Hizashi was doing the right thing when he left your shit whole house.' I'm sure they was your exact words actually!"
I looked at them confused as Aki and Hitoshi snickered to themselves.
"In my defense, they started it."
"It was Hizashi's funeral!"
Aito said as the started to argue back and forth.
"Wait! Hold up! What did my parents say? What caused the argument?"
"It was just them trying to get under our skin. There VERY petty by the way.."
Aito said crossing his arms as I shrugged.
"You don't think I know that..."
I crossed my arms and leaned back.
"Than I'll make sure I'll talk to them."
The door opened quietly right after I finished my sentence. I looked over seeing... Jiro?
"Jesus.. I got here as quickly as I could! Sorry I'm a bit late huh.."
She said scratching the back of her neck. I stood and went to go hug her.
"Where'd you get here?.."
"The day before your funeral."
She said before giggling. I smiled than we sat down. We all started to talk about what me and Shota with Al.

~Time skip~
"Are you sure Shota?"
"Of course, I have to do this."
"Also, you two need to have a talk with Hitoshi."
Aito said as we looked at him confused.
"I think him being adopted gets to him a lot.."
He said crossing his arms and shrugging. I dropped my head a bit until walking into the room. We all sat down as he looked up.
"Oh~? You guys are alive?! I would've expected Alex, Markus, or Azrail to kill you.."
"What do you want from us."
I said crossing my arms.
"Oh no no no.. I don't want anything from you guys. That was never my goal. My goal was just to make your lives a living hell~!"
He laughed as I gritted my teeth.
"Why? What did we ever do to you?"
Shota said as Al titled his head.
"Nothing.. it just seems like all the inconvenience were purposely things.."
"Whats that supposed to mean?"
Aito said confused leaning forward a bit.
"You mean you don't know?.."
We all looked at each other confused until he laughed.
"You actually think both of your 'mothers' death were accidents?!"
All of our eyes went wide.
"What are you talking about?..."
Aito said as Shota sat in shock.
"Your mother 'accident' wasn't an actual hit and someone turning themselves in. Alex hit than left. Apparently it was enough to kill her. We got someone to turn themselves in as the person who killed her, and was released. Now your mom on the other hand would have survived her sickness. But someone swapped the paper work so they pulled her plug."
He said a slight chuckle. Aito stood up quickly as I looked over at Shota seeing he had a look of shock on his face.
"Shut your fucking mouth."
Aito said as Al snickered.
"You have no idea what you talking about!"
"If I didn't would I know the exact dates of there death?.. May 18th. And August 15th."
All of our eyes went wide as Shota stood up.
"You bastard!"
Al smiled.
"And now I get to hear the voice of my son."
"I don't think of you as a father and I never will!"
He said through his teeth.
"Oh Shota, I don't really care if you think of me as a father or not. Your my son no matter what you say or think."
"Go to hell."
He said walking out.
I followed after him as he walked outside. To the front of the station. He leaned against the wall with his hand over his mouth. I went over and pulled him into a hug.
"I'm sorry Sho.."
He gripped the sides of my shirt and buried His face into my chest.
"Let go home? I want a break.."
"Sure, let me go tell Noamasa."
He nodded than let go. I kissed him before he leaned against the wall. I went in see Aito about to walk out.
"We need to go home Aito.. Shota needs a break."
"I know. We can go now."
I nodded as we walked out. Shota looked over, I took his hand than we walked to Aitos car. We got home seeing only Hitoshi was home. I turned to Aito confused.
"Aki is with Nemuri."
We nodded than got out. We got inside seeing Hitoshi sitting on the couch with his eyes wide. We looked at what he was watching before all of our eyes went wide. I looked at Aito and Shota but they only stared at the tv.

"Al Zara committed suicide in his cell not so long ago. One of the detectives found him. They are trying to figure out how since his body didn't have any wounds."

"Holly shit.."

~Authors Note~
Hey um.. I think this story might end soon😅 I don't have many ideas left in my brain anymore😂 um.. I'll try my best to keep it going but don't be sad if I stop it soon!

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now