Shota's birthday🎉

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(Ahhhh! I almost forgot!!! Also! There's slight manga spoilers in here so yeah just a warning!)

I yawned seeing Aki walk into the living room.
She whispered as I looked over at her. She had a box in her hand as I looked at her confused.
"It's the 8th~!"
I nodded pointing to the box.
"What did you get?"
She ran up to the room as I was left there sitting confused. I laughed and walked upstairs. I went to our room quietly than went to the closet. I opened it and grabbed the four boxes that were in there. Don't fall. Don't fall.. don't fall.. I told myself trying to get back to the living room. I finally set them down with a sigh. Something rubbed against my leg causing me to jump. I looked down seeing Yang. I sighed and picked her up. She was fluffy and calm. Yin on the other had was hyper and short haired.
"Awe crap.."
I went back upstairs and knocked on Aki's door she burst out of the door shutting it behind her.
"I'm still working on dads present.."
"Oh.. ok my bad. I gotta run to pick up two last minute present. The presents I have are downstairs. Don't let you dad touch them if he wakes up."
She nodded with a smile as I smiled. I headed downstairs and put on two jackets and my shoes. Than grabbed the keys and left. I headed to the store thinking. It was a bit later at night. The reason why Shota is still asleep is because he didn't sleep the last night. I got to the store seeing they were open. I went in and bought cat food and two collars and name tags.
(Kinky- ..sorry let's continue-)
I bought what I needed and headed home. I put the cat food away and kept the collars with with me. I called Aki down as she had her box.
"I finished!"
She said setting the box next to the rest of the gifts.
"Good! Want to help me bake a cake?!"
"Yes please!"
We got out all the ingredients and started reading the instructions.
I tried to get a cup of flour to have her bump into me.
She laughed as I looked down seeing there was flour down my shirt.
I grabbed and handful and threw it at her.
"Ok no more! I don't want to end up getting more flour!"
She laughed as we continued.

"No, you put them in one at a time!"
"I don't think it really matters.. your just making this process long.. can't you just put the eggs in."
"One at a time!"
Once I stirred one in she cracked in another.

"Frosting time!"
She yelled starting the mix the ingredients I put it. She she mixed the bowl quickly having it splash(?) up at us.
"Go slower!"
"But we need to get it done!"
"There will be nothing left if you keeping mixing it like that!"
The timer went off for the cake. I turned it off and pulled the cake out of the oven.
"What the hell are you two doing?!"
We looked over seeing a shock and tried Shota.
Aki said with a giggle.
"It was her!"
I said as she scoffed.
"Oh please! It was your idea!"
She said putting her hand on her hips turning to me.
"Aki go get cleaned up before the group gets here.."
Shota said as she nodded with a wide smile.
She ran off as I tried to finish. I felt his arms wrap around my waist.
"This is to much Zashi."
"This isn't even the beginning Sho."
I finished setting the frosting over the cake, after checking if the cake was done of course.
Once I was turned I turned back to him with a smile.
"Your a mess.."
He licked my cheek as I looked at him shock and confused.
"Pretty good."
I laughed before he pushed me away from him.
"Now go get cleaned up. I clean up the kitchen."
"I will! Just sit down and hold on!"
I ran upstairs and took a quick shower. I got changed quickly than ran back downstairs seeing him and Aki were already done cleaning.
"Awe man.."
The two laughed before sitting in the living room. I had the collars on my pocket just to give to him after other presents.
"Can we not do anything.."
Shota said with a yawn.
"We're having a home party dad! Everyone's coming over!"
"Who's everyone?"
"The group, our son and his boyfriend, Aito."
There was a knock on the door before it opened. Nemuri and Tensei walked in smiling.
"Alright the party has arrived!"
"Your early.."
Shota said as the two nodded. Tensei was carrying two gift bags and Nemuri was carrying a store bag.
"I had to bring decorations! It doesn't seem like Hizashi Decorated at all!!"

Nemuri made all of us decorated the house, other than Shota. Once we were down I laid over Shota's lap with a small groan.
"That took longer than I hopped."
I patted my chest with small laugh.
"You poor baby.."
Soon everyone showed up with gifts.

~Shota's POV~
We all sat around talking about random things.
"Ya know what I never understood!"
Nemuri said jumping up as we all looked at her.
"Why Shota hates Buff All Might so much!"
"Oh yeah you do.."
Hizashi said crossing his arms.
"I really never understood why, but I never pushed to ask."
Toshi said as I shrugged.
"Dad hates All Might?!"
Aki yelled confused.
"I don't hate him.."
I said correcting them.
"Than what is it?"
Aito said.
"A lot of muscles are scary. The only reason why I don't hate him as much is because..."
I went over to him having him go to his buff form before hugging him.
"He's like a big bear!"
I than went and sat back down with a smile. They all looked at me shocked as I looked at them confused.
Nemuri yelled as I nodded confused.
"Yes, I'm sure you all have eyes.."
She said tackling me as I tried to push her off of me.
"Ack! no! Leave me alone!!"
She huffed and turned around. Everyone laughed as I sat back up. She sat on my lap with a smile.
"At least love your big sister!!"
"You are not my big sister.."
I said crossing my arms.
"Oh please!"
There was a knock at the door as Nemuri stood up and so did I.
"Who else is coming?"
I said looking at the group confused going to the door.
"Uh, we're all here?"
Hizashi said confused. I opened the door seeing Touya and Shoto.
"Heard it was someone's birthday."
Touya said handing me a box.
"Oh please, you two didn't have too.."
Everyone came over to the door and peeked out.
"Oh.. hey Denki and Hitoshi.."
"Here why don't you two join us for today."
I said opening the door for them. The smiled before Touya shook his head.
"We wouldn't want to be a bother."
"It a big party to get together. Please."
I let them in as they smiled walking in. I saw Hizashi from the corner of my eye standing in the corner of the room. He's worse than a toddler pouting. Once they started talking to people getting more comfortable I went over to Hizashis said and leaned up against the wall.
"Can you please at least get along him with him.."
"And why should I?"
"Please Hizashi. That was years and years ago. And anyways, shouldn't you be a bit thankful that he was the one who protected me from them in that place."
"Protected you.. I think that'll be the only thing that'll make him.. bearable."
I kissed his cheek with a smile.
"Thank you.."
I walked back to the group talking. We ate the cake Hizashi made than came the gift. The last two left were Touyas and Aki's. I opened Aki's first seeing it was a small memory book with maybe 50 photos in it. I smiled and looked through them all.
"When did you have time to take all these?"
"Eh ya know. Here and there."
She said with a smile. I thanked her before Hizashi went through it. I opened Touya's gift seeing an old friends jacket. No not Oboros.
"Where'd you get this?"
I said looking up at him.
"I know the guy."
He said swatting his hand at me as I smiled.
"Thank you Touya and Shoto."
The two nodded and bowed slightly. Who's Jacket was it? An old friend named Jin, I use to be homeless, so did he.
Once everyone started talking I went over to Touya. He was talking to Aito but as soon as I walked over Aito walked away.
"You know Jin?"
I said as he nodded.
"Yeah you wouldn't believe where he's at now.."
He said scratching the back of his neck.
"Is he?... dead?"
He laughed and shook his head.
"God no!"
I let out a sigh of relief before looking back up at him.
"Than we're?.."
I said shocked as he nodded stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"Don't worry, I saw him like yesterday. He's fine."
"Even with his quirk?"
"They're going easy on him. Letting him have something to wrap around his head."
I nodded and tilted my head.
"Seems like Shoto came out of his shell."
I said before looking over at him. He was talking with Hitoshi and Denki with a small smile.
"Sure did. Him and Natsu tend to cling to me a lot."
"You disappeared when you were young. They didn't have there brother till he was in high school. Shoto, of course."
He shrugged as I stuffed my pockets.
"What about your brother?"
I looked over at Aito seeing him talking to Tensei.
"I didn't always have him. He left for a while, when I was, maybe 9. To live with some family friends. He didn't come back till I was in high school. He was a drug addict. He's come a long way."
I said turning to him.
"And so have you."
I said turning away and walked back to the group.

~Authors Note~
By the way this doesn't fit with the story. So like next part you won't have Shota with Twice's jacket or whatever. Also sorry if there are any mistakes-
⚠️Manga spoilers⚠️
Ok so for like... my heart sake let's say twice stays alive in this story. I love the man to much.😔

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now