Part 100

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I walked into class clapping my hands.
"Alright quite down everyone!"
I walked to the chalk board and wrote today's date.
"Today I won't ask you to do much. Pull out your essay from last week and finish it today. When your finished bring it to my desk and I'll start grading them."
I sat at the desk as they started working. I started to plan out the rest of the week. A paper was placed in front of me as I looked up confused.
"I finished it over the weekend.."
The girl said as I nodded. She went and sat down as I started grading her essay. I started to hear giggling and talking. I sighed and looked up seeing two kids holding hands.
"You two, hands to yourself, get to work."
The crossed there arms as I sighed.
"I'm not homophobic, now get to work."
"Prove it than!"
I sighed and stood up.
"You can see me in detention after school. I'm Bisexual."
Her eyes went wide as I sat back down.
"Now continue, please."
I sighed and rolled my eyes. Stupid kids..

I walked into another classroom seeing a couple students.
"Welcome to detention. You will sit here and do make up work, or work you need to finish."
I yawned and sat down.
"Mic Sensei!?"
I looked up seeing one kid with there hand up.
"Can I use the bathroom?"
I sighed and nodded.
"If your hurry."
The jumped up and ran out of the classroom.
"She get a free pass to take a break."
A kid mumbled under there breath as I ignored it. There was a knock on the door as I looked over. Shota held the kids that said they were going to the bathroom.
"Yeah they were trying to leave."
"Was not! I couldn't find the bathroom!"
"That's why you were heading to the exit of the School?"
He dropped them as they sat back at the desk.
I stood up and looked at the class.
"I'll be in the hall."
I walked out with Shota as he chuckled slightly.
"Mister serious."
He said as I shut the door behind me. I shrugged.
"Yeah, but I'm also tired so."
"Remember when you use to go to detention for fights?.."
"Haha.. yeah I do."
I said with a small smile. He leaned up and kissed my cheek.
"Want me to wait for you?"
"If you'd like, but I'd rather you go home. You could catch up on some sleep."
"Yeah but I still have papers to grade."
He said shrugging.
"If you want to stay in the class with me you can."
I nodded and went to opened the door again before he stopped me. I turned to him before having his lips press onto mine. I smiled into the kiss, setting my hand behind his neck. The door opened as we pulled away quickly and looked over.
"Oh... My bad. I was just-.. never mind.."
The girl walked back into class as Shota mumble something. I chuckled and kissed the top of his head.

Me and Shota walked out of the school, as I had my hands on the back of my head, seeing some students on our way out. (Like the way Killua walks if yk who that is)
"Do you have work you need to finish?"
I said looking over at him. He shook his head with a small smile.
"I actually got it all done today."
I smiled and nodded.
"I have like a stack of papers to finish."
I shrugged as I stuffed my hands into my pockets. We got home as he laid down on the bed and turned on the tv. I went to the desk and started to grade some papers. I felt his arms wrap around my neck as his head rested on top of mine.
"I love you.."
My face went a light shade of pink as I smiled.
"I love you too.."
I looked up at him as he pushed his lips against mine. I kissed back before the door opened.
"Hey dad pops."
We both pulled away and looked over. Aki stood there smiling.
"Spider-Man kiss!"
We looked at her confused.
"Ya know! The Spider-Man kiss?!"
I turned in my chair and shook my head.
"Hmph... Never mind than. Uh, I have work tomorrow, so I won't be here when you guys go to work since I got to open the salon."
Me and Shota nodded as she smiled.
"That's all!"
She left as I stood up. I popped my back as Shota laid back on the bed. I turned off the lights and laid down next to him. He turned to me and smiled. I cupped his face and smiled. He kissed me again as I kissed back. When he pulled away he had a smile on his face.
"Your an idiot."
He said leaning his head on mine. I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"Yeah yeah, I know.."

~Authors note~
Sorry for the short chapter- I really couldn't think of anything else- also I lived~!

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now