Part 75

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Everything was pretty much normal now. Hitoshi is almost completely healed. Him and Denki are moving in together so Denki has been over helping with boxes. Aki's sad her brother is leaving but saying 'she'll be treated like a baby even more' so she's not as sad. I'm glad Hitoshi is at least staying in the same city. Having one kid in a whole other country is hard. Hizashi has been going back to being a radio host. Haven't listen to those in a while. Aito is now a head detective with Noamasa so he's going to be really busy now. And for me? Well I'm not really changing anything, I'm fine with the life I have. I don't want to change anything. Soon Aki will be around 20. Hitoshi is in his mid 20's along with Jiro. It's all... sad, watching your kids grow up. Guess I know what parents feel like watching there kids grow up. Never thought I was going to be a dad. Never thought I'd even make it this far. But here I am I guess.
I looked over seeing Hizashi leaning against the door.
"What ya thinking about?"
He said coming in shutting the door behind him.
"Life.. everything that's happened in our life."
He laid down on top of me so his head was on my chest. I heard him chuckle a bit.
"We sure did struggle didn't we."
I smiled slightly and nodded, not looking down at him.
"Yeah, I guess we did."
He kissed my cheek and set his head right under my chin.
"But we did it.. and we're all happy."
I said with a slight chuckle.
"Surprisingly that we're happy?"
"No idiot! That we did it."
I said laughing as he did too.
"I'm sorry! I just got confused!"
He hovered over me as I smiled. I cupped his face and pulled him in for a kiss as he kissed back. We pulled away before he plopped down on me.
"I love you!"
"Love you too Zashi."
I kissed his cheek before he tickled me.
"Now I haven't tickled the Shota for a while now. Huh?!"
I giggled and tried to move his hands.
I wrapped my hands around his neck and flipped him around so I was on top of him.
I held his hands down above his head as my hair dangled down. He laughed and kissed me again. I sat up as he did the same. I sat in his lap as he yawned slightly.
"Time to sleep?"
I asked as he looked at the clock.
"It's only 9:30."
"Yeah but your tired. I'm going to take a shower than I be back out."
I kissed him once more before getting off of him and going to the closet. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom.

I turned off the shower and got out drying myself off with a towel. I dried my hair and than tied the towel around my waist. I went to reach for my clothes seeing the weren't there. I looked around confused. I opened the bathroom door seeing Hizashi holding up the shirt I got.
"Looking for this, Love?"
"Hizashi give me my clothes back!"
"Come get it~."
He said with a smirk. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom. I snatched it from his hands going to reach for the pants and boxers. He grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him.
"Come on Sho~!"
"I just got out of the shower.."
I pushed myself off of him and changed.
"Your not fun.."
"Of course I'm not."
I said smiling at him. Once I was done I laid down with him. He started to kiss at my neck as I sighed.
"You leave any noticeable hickeys, your sleeping on the couch."
He pulled off my neck.
He laughed a bit before going back to my neck. Soon he stopped as I sighed.
"Can I sleep now."
He laughed a bit and nodded.
"Yeah, you can sleep."

Is sat up and rubbed my eyes. Hizashi didn't wake me up? I looked over seeing his hair. I smiled and brushed it out of his face. I woke up before him?... that usually doesn't happen. I kissed the top of his head before I snuggled up to his chest. I heard his heartbeat and the huffs of air he let out. I slowly fell back to sleep feeling his arm wrap around me holding me closer.

I woke up to an empty bed. I got up and get ready. I went to brush my teeth and caught a glimpse of my neck.
"That bastard.."
Once I was done I went to the closet and put on my scarf to hide my neck. I walked downstairs seeing everyone there.
"Hey Shota!"
Nemuri said with a smile as I waved slightly.
"Haven't seen you guys in a minute."
I said with a smile.
"I guess that's quite true."
Toshi said shrugging.
"Guess we gotta catch up today than!"
Tensei said with a smile. I looked over at Hizashi cooking before looking back at the group. I smiled and nodded.
Me and Hizashi sat next to each other as I glared a him.
"Your wearing your scarf? Isn't it a bit hot?"
Aito said as I hurried and shook my head.
"No, it's not that bad."
I started to eat faster so I could get out of the situation. Aito's phone rang as he looked at it.
"Damn, that's work.. guess I better go. Thanks for the food! I'll see you guys soon!"
He said cleaning his plate before we said goodbye. He left quickly. It was only us five now. We all talked as I slowly forgot about the marks on my neck. I heard Nemuri gasp as we all looked at her confused.
"Hizashi Aizawa!!"
She said with a small smile.
He said confused.
"You did not!!"
We all looked at each other confused.
"Haha!! No way!! I haven't seen those on Shota since you guys first got together!!"
I realized what she was talking about as my face went red. I pulled my scarf over my mouth seeing Hizashi turn red as well.
"What are you talking about?"
Tensei asked.
"Yes, I must ask. I am too, very confused.."
Toshi said as Nemuri walked over to me with a smile.
"Come on Shota~! Let's see!!"
"F-fuck off.."
She pulled the scarf off quickly as I pulled my shirt up.
"Shota~!! Let me see please~!"
I glared at Hizashi and looked at Toshi and Tensei seeing a confused look on there face.
"Why does it concern you?.. anyways we've been married for a couple years."
"Is it what I think it is?"
Tensei said with a small smirk. Nemuri quickly pulled my shirt on, revealing all the purple marks on my neck. I heard Tensei and Nemrui laugh as Toshi sat there with a shocked look on his face.
"Of fuck off.. it's not the first time you guys have seen hickeys.."
I said pulling my shirt back up glaring at Hizashi as he smiling shyly scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah but that fact that it's on you!!"
Nemuri said laughing again. I rolled my eyes as she handed me my scarf back. I heard Toshi chuckle a bit as I sighed.
"I hate you all.."
"No you don't~!"
Tensei said laughing even harder.
"Indeed I do.."

~Time skip~
I yawned and turned around seeing Hizashi laying on the bed.
"Oh fuck off, I told you."
He pouted.
"Shota!! Those aren't comfortable to sleep on!!"
"Guess you should have thought about that huh.."
I crossed my arms as he whined. I walked over to him and grabbed his chin before kissing him.
"Does that mean you forgive me?.."
"No, just a goodnight kiss."
I grabbed his hand before yanking him up.
"Your such a meanie!!"
I laid down and closed my eyes.
"I warned you didn't I?"
I shrugged a bit before he laid on top of me. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck.
"I'm sorry Sho~!! Don't make me sleep on the couch!!"
I groaned before patting his head.
"Your cruel."
I said before running my hand through his hair.
"Me?! How? You were going to make me sleep on the couch!"
He said hovering over me. I pecked his lips before wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling me back on me.
"Because, you make it hard to say no.."
I heard him giggle and wrap his arms around me.
"Night night Sho~."
"Goodnight Zashi.."

~Authors note~
I thought this was a cute thing to put, so I put it here. One of the like 4 ideas I have left. So now I'm on my way to make Shota hate Hizashi😌👌🏼

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