Part 74

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"There locked up again?"
"Yes with more precision's now."
Shota nodded.
"And how about Al?... he's actually dead?"
"Y-yeah.. he's gone."
He gritted his teeth than stormed off.
I ran after him as he got to the elevator.
"Hey, we should go to Hitoshis room."
"He's not waking up till tomorrow. I have all day."
He walked into the elevator as I went in too. We went to the top of the hospital as he went to the edge to look off. I sighed and went and hugged him from behind.
"What's bothering you Sho?"
"Everything, to be honest."
"And by everything you mean?"
"Hitoshi, Marcus, Alex, Al.. the twins went after Aki and Nemuri. Who know what would have happened if we ended up even a second late.. Marcus had a gun pointed to the back of their heads Hizashi.. it's not fair.."
He turned around quickly and gripped onto my shirt, placing his head under my chin. I wrapped my arms around him again and kissed the top of his head.
"I know.. I'm scared too.."
"No one said I was scared.."
"You might not say it but I know you are. Fear is definitely natural in these situations. But I think we're safe now.. from.. well them."
"He killed my parents.. I.. I brushed off there deaths as an accident.."
I heard him sniffle.
"T-than he goes and tries to kill the rest of my family? Why does he have so much against me?!"
He gripped onto my shirt tighter as I ran my hair trough his hair. In all honesty, I don't know what to say. It's true, Al was targeting us. But it doesn't make sense why. Was it because he was a villain and were a family of heroes? I don't know. He pushed away from me and wiped his tears.
"Sorry.. I didn't-"
"Oh shut up."
I said rolling my eyes and crossing my arms as he looked at me in shock.
"Showing your feelings isn't something to apologize about Shota. Now, wanna go home? Or stay with Hitoshi for a little. I know Aito might leave soon so you can catch a ride with him."
I said with a small smirk before pointing to the door the lead to the empty space with the elevator.

We ended up staying with Hitoshi for another hour. Aito took Aki to his place since she need to take a shower, but needed someone with her. It took a while but I finally was able to convince Shota to go home. He went to our room immediately. I sighed and hung my jacket up. I turned on the tv and pulled out my phone.
"Hey Denki."
I heard nothing through the phone for second.
"It's his fault. Ok? I did nothing wrong but try and help him."
"What?.. oh. Right.. I don't know what Hitoshi said exactly. But I know he wants to apologize. Maybe he can tomorrow, if your willing to go up to a hospital.."
I sighed hearing his breath hitch.
"H-hospital? Is he ok? What happened? I-"
"He's ok.. it was another injury from a villain. He won't be awake till tomorrow."
"Oh thank god.. I'll go to the hospital tomorrow! I'll be there I promise!"
Than he went silent again.
"Uh.. which hospital is he in exactly?.."
I told him the hospital with a slight smile.
"Right! Thanks!"
"Of course. Now I have to go, thank you Denki."
"Of course, night!"
I hung up than looked at the tv. I shrugged and turned it off heading upstairs. I opened the door slowly seeing Shota facing away from the door. I closed it than went over to the bed and kissed his neck.
"Are you not going to change?..."
I whispered slightly.
I smiled slight before pressing another kiss to his neck.
I stood back up and changed into something comfy. I than laid down on the bed so he was facing me. I brushed some hair out of his face as he let out a small huff of air. I smiled and kissed the tip of his nose. He scrunched it up and pushed me away.
I laughed a bit before pulling him to my chest.
"Sorry.. goodnight, Love.."

I woke up to something over my stomach. I sat up confused looking down seeing Aki. She looked at me than giggled.
"Morning pops!"
I smiled.
I looked over seeing Shota was still asleep.
"He hasn't woken up yet.."
She said pouting a bit.
"That's fine, come on now, let's go make breakfast than we can go to the hospital."
She nodded than zoomed out of the room. I smiled and looked back down at Shota. I kissed his cheek. I went to got up and walked downstairs. Aki was getting out the things for breakfast as I helped.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs but I continued cooking. I set out a plate of pancakes and bacon and am just finishing the eggs. I set those down looking over seeing Shota. He had messy hair, tired eyes, and a drool stain. I laughed a bit going over to him and playing with his fluffy hair.
I said as he grumbled.
"Morning Zashi."
I used the hair tie around my wrist to pull up his hair. Than I wiped his mouth before kissing him.
"Now, breakfast is ready! Let me go get Aki!"
He kissed my cheek before I walked off. I went to Aki's room knocking first before going in.
"Food ready."
"Ok! Be down in a bit!"
I nodded and left the room. I went down stairs seeing Shota with a small plate of food.
"Your eating more than that right?"
He looked at his plate than back at me.
"Yes, you are."
I said with a smile and a hum. He rolled his eyes before speaking.
"And you? Are you going to eat?"
"Probably not. I'm not very hungry."
"You need to eat."
He said sitting down as I sat down next to him.
"I'm not hungry though."
"Idiot. Either am I, you don't eat, I won't eat more."
He said smiling slightly as I rolled my eyes.
"I'll eat a little."
"A little is some."
Aki ran down the stairs ready for breakfast.

We finally got to Hitoshi's room seeing he was already awake.
"Oh, Morning."
He said smiling slightly. We all said good morning and went in. He pushed himself up so he was sitting up.
"How are you feeling?"
Shota asked as he shrugged.
"I mean I got shot in the chest. Not something that would feel nice."
He said chuckling a bit.
"But, I'm doing fine I think. Once I heal I'll be able to go back to patrolling."
"Or, I'll make you take a break from patrolling."
I said crossing my arms as they all laughed a bit.
"I'm fine, promise. It hurts a bit, but I'm getting there."
There was a knock on the door before it opened. We all looked over seeing Denki with a bouquet of flowers and a stubble on his chin. I smiled as I scratched the back of his neck.
"I heard what happened and decided to bring up some flowers."

We all sat and talked about everything that happened.
"You need to shave!!"
Aki said cupping Denki's face.
"Why~? I kinda like it, if I shave it I look like a baby!"
"I don't like it!"
"It's not that bad!"
She sat down and pouted as we all laughed a bit.
"So it's testosterone right? That's been kicking in?"
"Oh yes, a lot recently."
I smiled and nodded.

~Authors Note~
Y'all better give me some ideas before I make Shota hate Hizashi more than life itself 😌🖐 no cap I will- Also if you wanna wanna know what Hitoshi said to Denki I'll tell you, it didn't fit with the storyline so I didn't put what he said in😂

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