Part 102

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I woke up seeing Hizashi was still asleep. I kissed his cheek and sat up. I got ready and grabbed my capture weapon.
I looked over seeing Hizashi going to sit up. He rubbed his eyes as I smiled. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek.
"Where are you headed off to?.."
"I'm going to the school to just train a bit.."
I sat down on the bed next to him as he yawned. He than threw the blanket off of him.
"I'll go with you.. just let me get ready.."
"You can sleep Zashi.."
"No.. let me come with you.."
He stood up and started to get ready. I smiled and watched him get ready. Once we was done we gathered our things and left. Telling Aki we were leaving before we left of course. We got to the school and went into one of the teachers gyms. We both stretched before I grabbed my scarf. Hizashi looked at me confused.
"You really don't know what I'm doing, do you?"
I said throwing it over a hook that was on the ceiling.
"I can't say I do.."
"You know what Aerial Arts is right?.."
I grabbed the two ends as he nodded.
"It a way I train."
I pulled myself up as he watched in shock.
"That's impressive.."
I continued doing turns finally get to the top.
"For what?!"
I let go and dropped down with a smile. Hizashi ran towards me as I stopped spinning. I was upside down as he held his hands under me.
"Don't ever do that.."
I laughed and pulled him in for a kiss. I heard a clap as I pulled away and looked at the door. Hizashi turned around too.
"That was impressive! I don't remember you knowing how to do that!"
Oboro said walking more into the room.
I made it so I could be sitting on my capture weapon normally.
"What are you doing here?"
"I need to memorize the school so I'm still exploring."
He smiled as I nodded.
"Makes sense."
We talked for a while before he explored the rest of the school.
"You idiot.."
Hizashi said as I looked at him confused.
"And what if your scarf didn't catch you?.."
I chuckled and shook my head.
"I've done this for years, I know what I'm doing.."
"Years? And how come you haven't done this around me?!"
I shrugged before pulling myself but up onto my scarf.
"You don't train much with me anymore."
I looked down at him as he sighed.
"If you fall-"
"I won't."
I said interrupting him.
"Fine.. I'm going to stick to the ground. Safer down here."
I chuckled slightly before only wrapping my feet with the scarf. I slowly lowered down to where I was doing the splits.
"Your still flexible.."
He said as I looked his way seeing he had his shirt off and was wrapping his hands to use the punching bag.
"To a point."
I raised myself to where I was standing up normally. I wrapped my leg with one side of the scarf securing myself. I raised the other over my head and wrapped it once with that side. I could feel his eyes on me as he wrapped his hands. I let go as the scarf kept me up.
"You ass.."
I heard him mumble as I looked over and smiled.
"What did I do?"
"I can't watch you anymore. Your going to give me a heart attack.."
"Babe, areal arts isn't hard.."
He started on the punching bag as I chuckled. I untangled myself and went higher. Once I was high enough I pulled to two sides into one. I wrapped my leg around it. I grabbed the part underneath me and wrapped it around my other. I heard Hizashi stop what he was doing as I smirked slightly. I loosened the part on my left leg. I grabbed underneath me again before letting go. I looked over at Hizashi with a smirk as he rolled his eyes.
"And that was called?.."
"Slack drop. Pretty simple."
"And dangerous."
He glared at me as I chuckled. I untied myself and pulled my scarf down.
"Fine, I'm done.."
I set my scarf near the door. I walked over to him and smiled.
"Wanna spar?"
He started to untie what was on his hands. As I went to pull up my hair realizing I had it short. I sighed hearing Hizashi chuckle slightly.
"I forget, leave me alone.."
"I guess it would be a bit hard to remember."
"I've had long hair all my life. Yeah it's hard to remember."
He laughed and pulled up his hair. I popped my back than my arms.

After a while we went home. Aki was on the couch with Kota and Mahoro.
"Hey pops hey dad!"
"Hey Mister's Aizawa's!"
"Hey Aki. Hey kids."
I said heading upstairs as Hizashi talked to them. I grabbed some clothes and than got into the shower. Once I was done I changed and walked to the room. Hizashi was sitting on the bed watching the news.
"Your turn."
I yawned and stretched. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my head.
"Go shower your sweaty."
I said patting his chest. He chuckled kissing me before going. I sat on the bed and played with my wet hair. I watched the news becoming distracted on what was around me. I felt something wet on my neck as I looked over. Hizashi sat on the bed with a smile.
"You weren't paying attention! I called your name like five times!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Well I was focused."
I looked back at the tv before feeling weight on my lap. I looked down seeing Hizashi laid his head down. I smiled slightly and continued watching the news till he changed it to something he wanted to watch.

•Authors Note•
We're getting closer to the end guys. How do y'all feel about that?😂

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now