Part 25

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It's been two days... should I just give in?
"Shota baby, time for breakfast!"
The door opened as Kaori walked in and sat next to me.
"Eat, or are we gonna have another problem?"
I ate the food not wanting more hickies from him. There was a couple more pieces food left but I couldn't eat it.
"I'm not hungry anymore Kaori.."
"Come on baby, a couple more."
"Kaori I don't want it."
He said leaning closer to me.
"Kaori, please I'm just not hungry."
"Three more."
He pressed his lips against mine as he slipped his hands under my shirt. I tried pushing him away. He then started sucking my neck.
"Will you eat?"
He pulled away and held teriyaki chicken to my mouth. I hesitated to eat it. After I ate what he said he left. I grabbed my neck and scooted to the wall and curled up. Hizashi I can't anymore... I can't take it.. after a while I was grabbed by hand and dragged out of the room.
"Oi let go!"
"Then hurry up!"
Dabi let go of me as I tried to keep up with him. We made it to the villains meet up room.
"Aizawa it's been around three days. Give in?"
I looked down and sighed.
"No. I won't give in."
"Your stupid you know that right!?"
Toga said digging the blade into my shoulder. I knew if I move they were gonna hurt me more. She laughed and pulled it out.
"I like you~!"
"Aizawa. Comply?"
I was dragged away by Dabi once more and forced into a wall outside of the meet up room.
"Your a dumb ass!"
"Fuck you."
"That's all you'll say to me huh?"
"I fucking hate your guts. Go fuck yourself!"
⚠️Slight Gore⚠️
I felt a sharp pain go through my hip. I gasped and looked down. He had stabbed a knife into me. He quickly pulled it out as I hunched over. He stepped back and watched me.
"Get up."
"I said get up!"
I stood up slowly holding the wound.
"We won't give up on you. We will kill you if we have too."
"F-fuck y-"
He held up his fist getting ready to punch I held my hands up defending myself as best as I could. He laughed and grabbed me by the hand.
"Let's go dumb ass."
He dragged me to the elevator as I was still bleeding. 2nd floor? He pulled me out and into a room.
"Got it."
There was a girl there. She set me on the bed and continued to write something down.
"Real name."
"Whatever. Leave Dabi."
"Sure he's your problem now."
She went to a closet and grabbed bandages, cleaning shit, and some stitching things. She sat down in front of me.
"Take off your shirt."
I didn't listen to her at first.
"If you don't take off your shirt your going to bleed to death, anyways I'm more into girls than guys." I rolled my eyes and took it off. She poured the cleaning thing on a cotton pad thing and placed it on the wound. I hissed in pain as she continued. She started stitching my wound together then wrapped my waist in bandages.
"You can do that fast."
"I'm experienced."
"Are you held here against you will as well?"
"No, I'm here cause my father is Kurogiri."
"He has a kid?"
"What did I just say?"
"Right.. How old are you?"
"Your 17?!"
"Yes now shush."
"That's means he had you when he was young."
"He was 14."
"Holly shit.."
"Shut up don't say anything about this."
"Uh sure."
"Let's go."
She pulled me up and lead me to my room.
"Goodbye Aizawa. I suggest you comply soon. Their getting impatient."
She left as I sat on the bed. Comply... I don't know if I can.

Hizashi's POV
I sat down at my desk trying to finish my work.
"Yes Aki?"
I said turning around seeing her in the doorway. She ran up to me and hugged me.
"Dads ok right? He'll be ok?"
"He's perfectly fine Aki, now please try to get some rest it's 2am."
"What about you?"
"I'll go to sleep soon ok?"
"I love you Aki, Goodnight."
I said kissing her head before she walked out. I sighed and went back to working. The door opened I just ignored it and continued working.
"You should sleep."
"I'm fine Nemuri."
"Your not though. Hizashi let me and the others take care of Aki for a while and take over your class for a bit."
"No, That's ok. I'm Aki's dad, I'll take care of her..."
"But I'm her aunt, sorta. But still. I'll drop her off tomorrow. You can get a little extra sleep."
I said continuing to work on some papers. I sighed when I didn't hear the door shut. I turned around as she stood there with a worried look on her face.
"Nemuri, I promise you, I'm going to be ok."
I stood up and placed my hands on her shoulder. She cupped my face as tear slipped from her eye.
"Stop it, take care of yourself. Your not the only one dealing with him gone."
"I know. Sorry if seemed like I was the only one going through this. I'm being selfish."
"Selfish? Your being selfless Hizashi, really selfless."
She hugged me and I hugged back.
"Sleep please?"
"But I have work to do.."
"I'll finish it! I'll do it, just sleep."
"No I can do it promise, you go to sleep. I'll be fine I promise".
"Don't push yourself."
"I'll try not to Nem."
She left as I sat back down at my desk. Just one more hour... Like I said I only did another hour of work. I went over to my bed and started to fall asleep. I'm sorry Shota, I'm so so so sorry..

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now