Part 11

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(Age 21/22)
"Please Shota!!"
"Fine.. now shut up.."
I said sitting down at my desk.
"That's what you wanted right? For me to go drinking with you.."
"Yeah!! Yes! Let me go find you something to wear!"
Nemuri ran upstairs as I worked on stuff I needed for one of the college classes I'm failing. I'm 21 and failing English.. I'll ask Hizashi..
After a while she came down with some clothes in her hand.
"Ok ok go change!"
I grabbed them from her and rolled my eyes. I got to the bathroom and started changing. A red button up with some black pants. There not bad but then again it's not the best. I walked out and into the living room as Nemuri walked up to me.
"Tuck it in your pants.."
I sighed and tucked in my shirt.
She started to unbutton my shirt. She soon stopped and smiled.
"Way does it have to be down that far?"
"Cause. Now come on! We don't want to be late!"
It's 9:40.. we got in her car as we drove to the bar she was talking about. We walked into the dark bar with booths everywhere. The smell of alcohol reached my nose and seeing people there made me cringe.
"Wheres Hizashi?"
"We couldn't convince him.. stupid."
Nemuri shrugged as I sat down next to Tensei.
"You look... different.."
"Is that supposed to be in a mean way?"
"No.. it's just weird to see you like that."
"It's was Nemuri."
"I think it looks great!"
She said waving at a bartender. It was a guy.
"Hello what can I get for you?"
"Can I get a tequila sunrise and he'll have a.. Bloody Mary!"
"Alright will that be all?"
"Mhm! Thanks!"
"Of course."
He left as I glared at her.
"I can order myself."
I looked over to see what Tensei was drinking. I took his cup and took a little sip. I felt the burring liquid go down my throat.
"Damn.. that's strong.."
"It's Long Island ice tea if you want one later."
"I might have to, whats in it?"
"Sprite, fruit liquor, white wine."
"Hm.. I like it."
We talked for a while until the guy came over again.
"Here's the drink for the pretty lady~ and for you sir."
"Thanks. Also she's taken."
"Hm. My bad."
He left as I grabbed my drink. Nemuri smacked my arm.
"What the hell?"
"Pft! You just told the guy she was taken!"
Toshi said before taking a drink. I looked at Tensei in the corner of my eyes. He mouth 'thank you' as I smiled slightly.
"You'll thank me later Nemuri."
I took a drink from the drink Nemuri got me. It's kinda good. We sat in talked. I felt me losing my sober-ness.
"I think I should go, I shouldn't drink a lot.."
Before I could do anything else Nemuri waved her finger in my face.
"Not yet~!"
"But I've had the Long Island ice tea or whatever and a Bloody Mary."
"Let me get you some wine?!"
"Wine? I don't drink wine, like ever.."
"To bad!"
She called a bartender and ordered four wine glasses. He left and came back. They were kinda big but we sat around and drank them. After a while I was swaying.
"So Shota hows your relationship with Hizashi?"
"H-Hizashi doesn't even like me.."
"And what if he did?"
"Than I would kiss him.."
"Why not kiss him tonight?"
"Cause he's not here~"
I finished the glasses and rubbed my head. Nemuri ordered another for me. And than another. I drank the last one feeling out of it.
"Nemuri can you drop me off at home.. I need to stop drinking.."
"I'll get you a taxi."
She helped me outside as we found a taxi. She told the guy after she set me in the back. I stayed quite feeling weird.
"So what's your name?"
"Hm, nice name. Mines Kieran."
"I realized I don't have cash on me sir.."
"Your friend payed no worries, and please no sir. Your my age."
I looked up into the mirror and saw that he had grey and sliver eyes.
"O-oh.. ok.."
After a moment of driving he stopped and got out. I got nervous as I un-buckled my seatbelt. He opened the car door and helped me stand. I heard a door open as I looked up seeing Hizashi's house and him. My legs felt weak as I almost fell. The guy caught me with a smile and helped me back up.
Soon my arm was wrapped around someone's shoulder and pulled away from Kieran.
"I'll take it from here.."
"Alright.. I'll see you around Shota."
Hizashi pulled me inside than shut the door.
"What were you thinking.."
"Going drinking with Nem? That's a stupid thing to do."
"But it was fun~"
He rolled his eyes as he set me on the couch.
"Hold on."
He left the room as I stood up and started walking around. Wait why the fuck am I at Hizashi's?! My legs felt weak again as I fell. I sat on the floor as Hizashi walked into the room.
He placed what he had on the table and walked over to me. He crouched In front of me as I felt nervous but excited.. he grabbed my face with his hands and looked at me blankly.
"Stop moving around, it's going to make you feel worse in the morning.."
He let go than grabbed underneath my arms picking me up. My legs wrapped around his waist as he carried me to the couch. When he tried to put me down I didn't let go.
He sighed and sat down with me on his lap. He grabbed something off the table.
"Let me see your face."
I moved my face to wear he could see it as he wiped my mouth with a wet rag.
"Why that?"
I said pushing away the rough rag.
"Cause you still have alcohol around your face."
"I-I do?!"
"Shhh, yes you do."
He wiped my face once more before I buried my face in his neck. He leaned up and grabbed one more thing. I moved from his neck as he held a glass of water in his hand.
"Drink.. after that alcohol you need water."
He held it to my mouth and tilted it as I took the two gulps of water.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now