Part 69

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Me and Aito we're walking together.
"You know what he said isn't true right? Your family. No matter if your adopted or not. We love you."
I stayed silent before speaking.
"Let's go. We're almost there."
I walked faster so I was in front of him hearing him sigh. We got to the house as we walked up to the door and knocked. I looked at all the locations heroes should be, seeing them. The door opened seeing someone around my age answer the door.
"I just have a question if you don't mind answering!"
I said with a fake wide smile.
"Oh sure, what's your question?"
"Have you happen to see a young boy around here? Missing report ya know."
"Yeah, no no no, I have-"
I used my quirk.
"Let us in."
He opened the door as heroes followed us in. They started to sweep the place searching for them. I went to help before someone grabbed my arm.
"Be safe."
"I'm a hero. I'll be fine."
I pulled away from Aito and ran off going upstairs. I went to each room checking before getting to one that was locked. I rammed into it once than again.
"Let me try."
Rumi said. She kicked the door once than twice. The third time it opened.
I ran in seeing him laying on the bed. I tried to shake him awake but it wasn't working.
"I'll take him out, find Mic!"
She said picking him up and running out. I nodded and went to check the other rooms. I opened one seeing a room, with a bed and everything. I looked around the room seeing a door. I went and opened it grabbing whoever was in the closet and pulling them out.
He stayed silent.
"Are you ok?!"
He didn't say anything. Aito ran into the room seeing Hizashi and hurried and putting cuffs on him.
"What are you doing?!"
I said going to take them off before he stopped me.
"Calm down Hitoshi. You don't understand what's going on right now."
"Than tell me. I'm in this mission too."
He picked up dad and pulled him out of the room as I followed.

We ended up in the hospital waiting for dad to wake up.
"Whats wrong with him?.."
"Someone has him under hypnosis. Once Azrail complies we can bring him back to reality."
"Why can't I force him?!"
I yelled at Aito, standing.
"Enough Hitoshi. I've already asked Noamasa and he said he will try first. Don't jump to conclusions."
I sat back down and sighed.

Shotas POV
"So where do you live?!"
"Not here, I moved out after getting realizing we need more room for the family."
We all sat on the bed talking until there was a knock on my door. We all looked over seeing my mom.
"Oh hey, didn't know you'd have your friends over today Shota. Would you guys like dinner."
Hizashi smacked the back of my head as my mom laughed.
"I'll make some dinner."
She smiled and walked out.
"Ya know just cause your not hungry doesn't mean we're not!"
Nemuri said crossing her arms.
I said with a smile scratching the back of my neck.
"A smile is so weird to see on you!"
"You'll see it a lot on the future."
I said with a smile.
"Wait wait wait wait wait!!! If you two are married in the the future when did you start to like each other?!"
Nemuri's said excited.
"I don't want to out my younger self."
I said laughing.
"So that means around this time?!"
Nemuri said squealing.
"What about you Hizashi?!"
His face went red as I smile.
"I already know, what's stopping you from saying?"
I said laughing.
"I don't know~! Like!... mmm.. I guess it was kinda like love again first sight. I don't know. It's been a while."
He said shrugging and Nemuri squealed again.
"As much as I love you and Oboro together I also love you and Hizashi together!"
I smiled as the two ended up talking up a storm.
"Dinners ready!"
I heard my mom yell.
"Let's go!"
They said jumping up before I stopped them.
"I don't know how to act. What do I do? My mom died when I was young so I don't know what to act like anymore.."
I said scratching the back of my neck. The both frowned until Hizashi wrapped his arms around me.
"How about this! Me and Nemuri will go eat and say you passed out after studying! That way you won't have to worry!"
I nodded as they smiled and left. I laid on the bed looking up at the celling. I wish I could talk to you normally mom.. I'm sorry..

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now