Part 84

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I sat up with a yawn. I popped my back before walking out of the bedroom. I knocked on the other bedroom door waiting. It finally opened seeing Aito. He had drool on the side of his mouth and an bed head.
"Jesus Christ, do you like never wear a shirt."
I said punching him in the gut as he hunched over.
"T-this is the thanks I get f-for letting you stay?.."
"Guess so.."
"I need to borrow some clothes. Can you lend me some."
"One second.."
He walked to his dresser as I looked around his room.
"Is your room like a gym or some shit."
"Haha. Very funny."
He handed me clothes.
"Christ you wake up early. Goodnight!"
He shut the door as I laughed slightly going to the bathroom. I took a shower than laid back down. I picked up my phone seeing Aki texted me.
'Dad said you were doing some mission with Aito or whatever, but I'm going with dad to work again!!'
'Yeah, and that's fine. Have fun.'
I put down my phone and sighed.
"We shouldn't have to lie to her.. she's 18.."
I rubbed my eyes slightly.

'Your parents are dead!!'

I groaned as those words echoed through my head. Why does it bother me so much?! I know there dead! They died years ago! I left the house going to the store. I yawned and picked out some things I'd make for dinner. Reina is coming over to Aitos again so I'll most likely end up eating in the bedroom. There was a tap on my shoulder as I looked over.
"Is it possible that Hizashi said some harsh things."
I looked over seeing Kaito.
"Mmm.. how'd you find out?"
I said going back to looking at some of the veggies as he did the same.
"Hizashi tells me everything about you two. Cute moments, date nights, funny moments, and the very very rare fights."
"Guessing he has a different point of view of the story."
"Oh no the guy feels like shit."
I looked at him confused as he shrugged.
"But we both know he won't admit it."
I shook my head and went back to what I was doing.
"He wants to say sorry. Just doesn't know how."
"Of course he doesn't. How would someone say sorry after bringing up someone's dead parents as a way to defend there point."
"He's an asshole."
I hummed before going to walk away. Me and Kaito never really got along. For... well jealousy.
I stopped and waited.
"He is sorry. I don't expect you to forgive him. Just know that he is sorry."
"Did he put you up to this. Because I'm not buying it."
I said turning to him.
"I'm serious Shota. Don't give up on him. Hizashis a good guy at heart. People say things they don't mean when the snap."
I'm going to fucking snap at you...
"Taking his side?"
"Can we put away the stuff we hate about each other please. I know you hate me. And I don't have all my likes about you, but in this situation, neither of you guys are the bad one."
I turned away and continued shopping. I walked up to the counter as Kaito went to the one next to me.
"It's only right, for Aki to know."
"Aki is her own person. Hizashi should be honest and just told her right there."
I took the bags from the girl and payed the money. Kaito followed me out as I rolled my eyes.
"So where are you staying than? The couch?"
"My brother's place."
"Hm. What does Aki think your doing?"
"Does it really concern you Kaito."
"I care for the girl too."
I groaned.
"That I'm on a small mission."
"Stop hating me. I'm trying to get you and Hizashi back together and happy again. Doesn't that prove that I'm not into him anymore?"
I tensed up and looked over at him... well up.
He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Ok, Isn't that what you want? For you and Hizashi to be together again?"
I looked away with a 'Tsk'.
"We all know you do. Just make up with him, you don't have to forgive him but the guy is miserable."
"And I'm not?... with all due re-.. actually no I don't care, you weren't even there, you probably got his half-assed story."
I said glaring at him again.
"Than tell me your side of the story!"
"Tsk. Your not our therapist. I'll be happy with Hizashi my own way."
I walked faster till he wasn't following me anymore. I finally got to Aitos and put everything away.
He came into the kitchen putting on all his things.
"There's and emergency at work! I have to go!"
"Do you guys need my help?"
He shook his head quickly, struggling to tie his tie. I reached over and helped him.
"Thank you! I'll be back!"
I nodded as he ran out. There was nothing to do today. I don't even have my computer to look through my emails. I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone.

'Are you with dad now?'
'Yeah! Me, Him and Kai are out doing stuff!'
'What are you guys doing? Are you having fun?'
'Just some shopping, oh! Than we're going to the coffee shop! And yep!'
'Good, just checking up on you.'
I sighed and walked out of Aitos Apartment. I got to the house and went in seeing the door wasn't locked. I shrugged and went to our room. I noticed Glass was scattered around the room still as I walked over to the desk. I Picked up my computer and the charger. Than went into the closet and grabbed some clothes. I left the house before hearing a car. I was down the road from the house before seeing Hizashi's car pull into the driveway. The three got out before Aki jumped onto Kaito back giggling. He spun around with Aki on his back as Hizashis stood there with a smile. Hizashi than pulled the two into the house. I let out a small sigh and headed back to Aitos.

Hizashis POV
"Geez you broke the mirror too?"
He said looking at all the pieces on the floor.
"I couldn't control my quirk ok?"
I sat on the bed and sighed.
"Come on! Get up! I'll help you clean it up."
He said picking the bigger pieces on the floor.
"Kai you don't have too.."
"Come on. I'm your friend. I'm here to help."
I said as he nodded.
"Now get me some gloves so I don't cut myself. And a bag."
He said laughing. I chuckled slightly and went to go get the things. We vacuumed and took out the old closet door.
"Thanks Kaito."
"Of course! Now.. I need to find you a new door. You've got a tape measure?"
I nodded and went to go get it before giving it to him. He measured everything. Before snapping.
"Mental note!"
He said with a smile.
"You mean you can remember that?!"
He nodded as I looked at him in shock before laughing.
"Geez you've got good memory."
"I remember everything! Even things like peoples birthdays, anniversaries, and other things that I really shouldn't care about."
He said laughing. I smiled and shook my head.
"Your crazy.."
I sat on the bed as he sat next to me.

He pushed my head down as he laughed.
"Now come on loser! Let's go to that coffee shop!"
He walked out of my room as I fixed my hair rolling my eyes. I looked at the desk seeing Shota's computer missing. I pulled out my phone hesitant.
"You coming?!"
Aki's voice said causing me to jump. She stood at the door giggling. I shoved my phone into my pocket and nodded.
"Yeah let's go."
She ran off as I smiled looked back at the desk seeing the picture. My smiled dropped before I walked out of the room. Be happy..

'Your parents are dead!'

You idiot..

~Authors Note~
So if you gave me oc's they won't come in until part 95 at least- Seems like a while but I promise it isn't! Sorry for the wait-

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now