Part 14

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Hizashi POV
Last few day aren't so bad. Well other than seeing someone everyday. I walked into my class and sat at my desk as I was on my phone. Then Nemuri burst through my door.
"Hizashi! Shota is having a panic attack and no one can stop it, hurry come on!!!"
She ran off as I followed throwing my phone on my desk. She took me to the faculty bathrooms as I walked in.
I heard sniffles. I went to the last stall and knocked on the door.
"Shota, please open the door."
I could hear his breath weaken.
"Shota! Come on! Let me help you!"
"H-Hizashi.....I c-can breath..."
"Open the door!"
I started to shake the door trying to get it to budge. I sat on the floor and reached my hand under the door. I felt his hand as I grabbed it.
"5 things you can see."
"Metal door, toilet, toilet paper, your hand, leather."
"4 things you can touch."
"You, the floor, the stall, the cold air."
Close enough.
"3 things you can hear.."
"You, Nemuri, the door."
"2 things you can smell."
"Uh, I don't know."
"Are you calm enough to open the door?"
I heard the latch unlock as I opened it removing my hand from his.
"Shota, what happened?"
He tackled me into a hug.
"Hey, hey hey. What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry."
"Shota, what are you sorry about?"
"I did it again. I don't know how to stop."
"Did what?"
He sat up and looked at his arms. He closed his eyes as he lifted them up. I took his hands and pulled them to me.
"May I look?"
He nodded looking away from me. I pull up his sleeves slowly. Scars, and newly cuts. There crazy deep.. I stood up and brought him over to the sink.
"Hold on ok?"
I went to the door and opened it.
"Is he ok?!"
"Can you get me a first aid? Or just some bandages?"
"Toshi can you do that please?!"
"Uh sure."
"Can I see him?! Please Hizashi."
I looked back at Shota to see him nod slowly.
"Be gentle, he still in slight panic mode. No yelling ok."
She nodded as I opened the door. Toshi left so I shut the door. I went over the the two seeing Nemuri hug Shota. I took his hand and turned on some cold water.
I slowly put it under the water before he pulled back.
"Ok, never mind. I'm not ready."
"Come on Shota, you have to do it."
Nemuri said taking his other hand. I put it underneath the water again as he flinched. Toshi came into the bathroom with a first aid as I thanked him. After bandaging him he hugged me.
"I'm sorry... it's my fault."
"Huh? What are you talking about Shota?"
"Come one Nemuri."
Toshi said as Nemuri and him left.
"It was my fault huh. I'm the one that hurt you in some way huh? It's was all me..."
"No! I mean it wasn't, I was being over dramatic with something. You don't need to worry Shota."
"But, your still hurt. Your eyes."
I took off my glasses and smiled at him, a real one this time.
"Come on Shota, I can't be broken forever right!"
His eyes went wide before looking down.
"Then what was it? Was it me?"
"No Shota, it was me not you."
He looked at me confused.
"Come on class is gonna start soon, it's Friday so I think you can make it through today, what do you think!"
"Ya I guess I could."
He said smiling. There's my Shota.

Shota's POV
"Come on class is gonna start soon, it's Friday so I think you can make it through today, what do you think!"
He smiled widely.
"Ya I guess I could."
I smiling slightly. He's back to normal, little does he know his smile boosts me everyday.

~Time skip by lazy Author-Chan~
I finally sat down at my desk.
"Aizawa Sensei?!"
"Yes Ashido?"
"Are you married?!"
"Ashido, it's the second week into school, are you for real?"
"It's something we're all wondering Aizawa Sensei!"
"Seriously Tooru? Ok no I'm not married."
Soon all the girls were asking me all these questions.
"Cause I guess I haven't liked someone in a while."
"How long?!"
"I don't know maybe since elementary."
"So your asexual?"
"No, I'm not. I mean I don't know I could I guess."
"Why 'awe'?"
"Cause if you have a significant other we want to meet them!"
Joined Kirishima.
"My personal life has nothing to do with you guys, this is not what I meant when you guys could have free time and do whatever you want.."
"Do you have any siblings?"
"Yes I have an older brother."
"How old?"
"What's he look like?"
"Is he a pro hero?"
"My brother is one year older than me. He pretty much looks like me but with short hair, and no he's not a pro hero."
"Can we meet him?!"
This is why I hate kids.
"Cause, is he more expressive with his feelings?"
"Yes his is, ok no more questions, or I'll give you all detention next week."
They all shut up and went back to talking to there friends.
Tsk, do I like anyone? No, I love someone. The bell rung as I excused my students.
"You don't like anyone huh? I doubt that.."
Jiro said stood in front of my desk.
"What about my brother?"
"What about your brother?"
"You like him right?"
"What gave you that idea?"
"You both have always taken care of each other. It only makes sense."
"Whatever kid."
"Can I sleep? I'm tired."
"I guess you could but there's no where comfortable."
"I'll sleep on my desk."
I shrugged as she went to rest her head on the desk. After a while of reading Hizashi burst through the door.
"Shut up! I'm sleeping.."
He laughed and walked over to me.
"What ya reading?"
"It, by Steven King."
"Why not just watch the movie?"
"I don't know, I like reading."
He leaned his head on my shoulder and read along. I looked over and saw him mouthing the words with his eyebrows scrunched together. I smiled and went back to the book. After a while I closed the book as he lifted his head off my shoulder.
"Maybe I'll have to read that when your done."
"You know where to find my books."
I said laughing.
"Oh my god you two are fucking stupid..."
"Watch your language at school kid."
"Anyways what do you mean?"
Hizashi said looking at the girl as she laughed.
"Hizashi, your retarded! You two uncle Zawa."
"Well tell us why? I'm confused."
I said standing up and writing stuff in the chalkboard for next week so I wouldn't forget.
"Well~ I don't think Hizashi is gonna like it when I say it..."
"Your right I won't so shut up.."
"No I wanna hear it."
"Trust me no you don't."
I looked at him to see him glaring at Jiro.
"Jiro continue."
"Jiro if you continue I'm cutting off your phone."
"I'm not going to continue."
I laughed.
"You like your phone that much?"
"Duh! Don't you?"
"I mean I guess."
After a while we went home.
"Hey wait drop me off at my friends remember!"
"Oh ya, let me pull up the address."
"Which friend Jiro?"
"Oh Momo."
"Wait you heard me?!"
"No, I just know that when someone talks like that there saying the person they like. I've noticed you've got it hots for Momo."
"Momo?! The smart girl?!"
"Yep, like you. Uncle Zawa."
"Me? smart?"
"Your lucky you told her I was gonna drop you off already..."
"Hizashi~ just cause it's a girl doesn't mean anything."
"She's right, you have to watch out for both genders."
"Jiro you make it so hard..."
"It not like I chose to be Bi! Oh which reminds me 1a called you Asexual!!"
She said laughing as I rolled my eyes.
"They called you what?"
"Asexual, it's like when your not sexually attracted to anyone."
"Ohhh, you could be.."
"Hey! Your supposed to be on my side!"
Jiro laughed as we stopped into front of Momo's house
"Ok thanks! Bye Hizashi bye uncle Zawa!"
"Bye kid!"
"Bye Jiro."
Once she went inside we drove to his house.
"Are you?"
He laughed and looked at me.
"Really? When's the last time you liked someone? And be honest."
"I liked someone in elementary. But~"
"Oo, there's a but."
I laughed and continued.
"I fell in love during High school."
He looked at me.
"Hizashi watch the road!"
He quickly looked back on the road and swerved a little.
"God don't give me a fucking heart attack Jesus.."
"Sorry, but explain! You have a lot of explaining to do mister."
"No I don't, that's all I give you."
"God no!"
"Uh, Tensei?"
"Inko? You didn't know her very well."
"No. Not her. Why are you naming girls? I'm gay.."
"I thought you were Bi?"
"I told you I was gay!"
"But what about that one girl with the mint hair you hung out w-"
He stopped himself.
"Hizashi? How do you know about that?"
He looked down a little then back at the road.
"Cause Aito told me, he said you went to the park with the girl mint green hair and the dark green eyes."
Was he the one who dropped the rose? Why was he there? Why did he have a rose?
"Don't overthink it! Calm down, I came by your house cause I forgot my headphones and Aito said you went out with her."
"Oh, ok then. But no I'm gay."
"Then, maybe, Shinya?"
"Ew no! He's older than us!"
"Jeanist? He's still older than us Hizashi."
"I give up then..."
I laughed as we pulled up to his house.
"Thank god neither of us have patrol tonight."
"You know patrolling is like a choice?"
"Ya but there are certain neighborhoods I was going to do but some hero's are already there so we don't have too."
"True. Thank god its the weekend."

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now