Part 19

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My vision going blurry I was able to see her. I was right there... I could have saved her.. I don't even know what happened. I don't even know who she was I just needed to save her.
"Yamada, it's good to see you awake!"
I turned my head seeing a doctor walk towards me.
"Sir why am I here?"
He frowned and looked at me.
"You were injured in a mission, do you remember anything?"
"What was the last thing you remember?"
"I saw a girl with purple hair. Tied to a chair. That's all."
"Nothing more?"
I shook my head as he wrote something down.
"I'm going to bring someone in, see if you recognize them ok."
I nodded as he stepped outside. A girl with purple hair walked in. She crying?..why?
"Do you know who's this is?"
Her hand went over her mouth as he looked at the doctor. His eyes were wide as he stepped out of the room once more. When he came in he had an female my age with purple-ish hair. Why are these people crying!? Do I know them?
"How about her?"
"Nuhu, why?"
"I'll answer your question in a moment. One more person."
He then brought in a guy with black hair and black eyes, not gonna lie he is kinda cute.
"Last person Yamada. Do you know who this is?"
He looked sad, he wasn't crying but he was just sad.
"Come on you have to remember him! Please Hizashi, please!"
Said the girl my age.
"I'm sorry... I don't know who you are."
A tear slipped down his face as he hid himself in his scarf.
"I'm sorry, but who are you guys? Why are you guys crying?"
"I'm one of your best friends, we go all the way back to elementary!"
"I'm your half sister. The only sibling you have."
"And I'm your boyfriend, for about two years. But we've know each other for 17 years."
I sat up in pain and looked at them surprised.
"T-That's a lie...."
"If it was would we know that you have a tattoo on your hip?"
Said the with purple-ish hair. I was hesitant, I picked up my shirt and looked. Well there is a tattoo there...
"B-but I don't remember you? What are your names?"
"I'm Jiro..."
"Shota, Shota Aizawa."
"Um, Yamada I think you have Amnesia..."
"That's not true! I won't agree. I don't know who you guys are!"
I said looking down. I then stood up and looked at the four.
"Please, I'm Jiro I'm your little sister. I taunt you and I tease you and I made your life miserable but you loved me anyways! Your everything I've ever wanted to be, to grow up like.."
The girl came up to me and cried more.
"I'm sorry, I don't know who to you are. No matter what you say I don't know you."
I felt bad but no stranger is coming to take me home. I don't know them...
"Doctor is there anyway to refresh his memory?"
"Well give him memories he should remember. I think that's all you can do right now. I'll leave you guys be for now."
"B-but I don't even know these guys."
"Guess your going to have to Yamada."
He left as I stood standing there in front of these people I don't know.
"Stop it, I don't know you guys. Ok? Even if I did why are you guys here and why am I here?"
"But Hizashi, Shota is the one you should know the best. He's your boyfriend!"
"I'm not gay the last time I checked.."
I said rolling my eyes and crossing my arms.
"What about your birthday? When me mom and dad has to leave the city for a while and you stayed with theses guys and had a party! You got a DJ mixer and headphones from Shota!"
I sat down on the bed once again as they pulled chairs up to me.
"If you guys 'know' me, then what have I always wanted to do?"
"Make music, or a Radio host."
The said in unison. I sat there in shock. Do they actually know me? Am I actually gay?
"So its Jiro?"
"And your my little sister?"
"Mhm! I have pictures of us together!"
She pulled out her phone and showed me pictures of us two hanging out or doing things together. Once she was done I turned to the other girl.
"And your my best friend?"
"Mhm! Since Elementary! You always had your hair up! And said your would grow it as long as you could."
"A-and you.... my b-boyfriend?"
He nodded and sat up in his chair.
"I've know you for 17 years. Not as much as Nemuri but I've know you for a while. You stopped my suicidal habits. You helped me through life."
He said pulling up his sleeves as I saw all the scars he had on his arms.
"Shouldn't that be enough? To let you know that we do know you?"
"I don't know..."
I really don't. These guys have prof but is it correct?
"Well, I'll be waiting then."
I turned to the guy as he had a soft smile on his face.
"As hard as it is. I'll wait. I'll wait until I get to see you happy with Jiro and Nemuri again. I'll wait until you fall in love with me again."
He said standing up and walking out. I stood up fast and tried to stop him but I couldn't bring myself to take a step towards him.
"Why do I get the feeling I should go after him?"
"Cause, he's the one you loved."
She Jiro as she walked out as well.
"Get your memory back Hizashi. We all miss you."
Nemuri said walking out as well. I stoped and looked at my hands. Why do I want to go after them? Why?! I heard the door shut as I went to look out the window. After a moment they came out. The guy looked up at my window and smiled and waved. I waved back as he turned away and continued to walk to his car. What's wrong with me? What happened?
"Ah, yes doctor?"
"It came up positive. You have amnesia, and you do know those people."
I eyes went wide as I looked back out the window seeing them walk into the parking garage.
"Will they come back tomorrow?"
"I can ask them."
"Uh, please. I want to see them tomorrow."
He left as I stayed and continued to look out the window.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now