Part 48

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"This is a drug deal?"
"Come on new guy. You can't expect us not do it at a party. Plus, there some hot chicks here."
"Girls are girls, not chicks. And secondly I'm gay.."
"Well there could be some hot guys too. We don't know."
He laughed as I rolled my eyes. We walked into a room with four other people. My breath hitched slightly.
"Who's this?.."
"New guy! New guy, this is boss, and bodyguards.."
"Whatever, hand it here."
Emmet pulled out a pack of drugs and handed it to the guy.
He snapped as the bodyguard opened a case and showed the guy. That's a lot of money... Emmet grabbed it and bowed as I did the same.
"I'll see you soon boss."
He started to walk out as I followed.
"How many bosses do we have?"
"One, you haven't met him yet. These guys like to be called boss but in reality their just buyers."
He said with a smile. He sat down at the bar and ordered both of us a drink. I started looking around for some reason and saw someone familiar. He looked at me and smirked than pulled his glasses down and winked. Uh.. WHAT THE HELL!
"See someone hot.."
Emmet said smiling at me.
I turned to the bar as a drink was set in front of me. What the hell is he doing here.. Hizashi is going to blow my cover! Idiot!
"We have one more person to see. So wait a minute."
"I don't know. This guy wants to join us too."
"You guys get a lot of people who want to join huh.."
"Yep, but this guy seems cool."
After a moment he elbowed me.
"Alright let's go."
He pulled me to a different room. We got in there seeing Hizashi with a black top and some black jeans.
"So, your part first."
"Man, you sure want to move fast.. sit down, have a drink."
He said with a smirk. He poured both of us a drink as we sat down. He handed them to us as Emmet became skeptical. He placed it down on the table and crossed his arms.
"Why should we let you in?.."
Emmet asked. Hizashi smiled and removed his glasses.
"I graduated at the top, I like to advantage of people."
He pulled his shirt more undone so it showed his chest.
"If you have a dream of getting anywhere, than you should put some thought on letting me in.."
He said in a sing song tone. He smirked evilly and grabbed his drink and took a sip.
"Ha... I like you.."
He shrugged and looked at me.
"And who's the friend.."
"His names Yoru.."
He looked at me confused than smiled.
"Yoru .. and your Emmet."
We both nodded.
"And you are?"
"Well, Yasha, I like you. Your in."
Hizashi smiled than snapped his fingers. Someone grabbed onto me softly and held me not so hard. A knife was pulled to Emmet's neck as Hizashi stood. Fuck, why's he good at this..
"First, I want you to give me what I want."
"And what would that be."
"The case of money you just got.."
He folded his sleeves up a little.
"Oh go fuck yourself.."
He snapped again and looked at me. A fake knife was pressed against my neck. Why dose it look so real..
"I'll make the blade push down on your throat. You'll lose your vocal cords. I wonder what your boss would think. Such a useless person if they can't talk right."
I looked up at the person holding me seeing the other hero. She winked at me as I got the idea. I started to jerk in her grasp.
"Yoru, what the hell are you doing."
"Listen, Yasha, I don't like being held hostage. We'll give you the money. If you remake it working for us."
"He talks~! Impressive."
He looked back at Emmet.
"I guess were at an agreement than!"
Emmet sighed.
"Get the money to me by tomorrow.. your in."
They let go of us as Emmet fell. He got up and dusted himself off.
"Guards already took the case off of you. I'll see you tomorrow than."
He said with a smile. Emmet and I started to walk out.
"I'm going to use the bathroom."
"Hurry up. I don't like Yasha that much anymore."
I smiled and walked to the bathrooms. I saw Hizashi as I shut and locked the door.
"What the hell-"
He placed his finger over my mouth. He took out my ear piece and turned off the hidden microphone.
"You work with hackers, come on. Be more safe."
"Anyways, did you see the other guys face?"
"Neither did I. You guys should have another meeting with him.."
"Why do you know all this?"
"I'm working with you now."
He said with a smile. I looked down at his chest and buttoned up his shirt.
"Cover up.."
"Emmet was looking."
He chuckled than kiss me.
"You should go."
He put my ear piece back in and turned on the microphone. I nodded and left the bathroom. I left the bar and went in Emmet's car. We drove back to the main building.
"Go to your room."
"Geez.. dad~."
I said mockingly before walked away from him as he went to the one room he always disappears to. I walked in my room seeing the other hero.
"Geez Mary..."
"Sorry.. Zash has the fake money already."
I took off the ear piece and small microphone.
"Tomorrow. Now you should-"
I heard Emmet say.
"Are you dressed?"
"Uh- no!"
"Wrap a towel around yourself hurry."
I signaled Mary to leave. I pulled off my shirt and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist hiding my pants.
He walked in and looked around.
"What's up?"
"I thought I heard someone else voice.."
"I talk to myself idiot.."
He looked at me and smiled.
I shrugged and rolled my eyes.
"Geez, where'd you get all these scars.."
He started tracing my scars and I shuddered. I pulled away from his touch.
"D-Dont do that.."
"Are you sensitive to your scars~?"
He said stepping back a bit.
"It's just a question.."
"He said leave!"
I looked at the corner seeing Mary.
"Who are you?!"
"Names Mary. I'm a friend. Leave him alone!"
I stiffened as Emmet looked at me. He grabbed my wrist and forced it behind my back. I tired to punch him with the other but he caught it. He put his foot between mine. If I move my feet I'll fall and he'll pin me. He's got both my arms and he's not letting go. I'll leave this to Mary. She came and kicked him in his back than teleported else where so he could hit her. His hand dug into my skin as I cringed in pain. She continued doing this until she hit his head hard enough that he passed out. Once his grip loosened I pinned him to the floor just in case. My knees was in his back as I used my scarf to hold his arms.
"He's out.."
"Leave. Your going to kill me Mary."
"Sorry.. I know what happened during that one time you were drugged.. you still have PTSD about it. Hizashi said to watch out for you."
"I don't need either of your protection. Now I have to find out how to play this off."
She nodded and left. I got off of him and set him on the bed. I took a shower and came back out. When I did he was rubbing his head sitting up in the bed.
"What the hell happened?"
"We were attacked. They knocked you out."
"How are you not injured than?"
"I know how to fight."
He laughed and than walked to the door.
"It was just us?"
He shrugged and left. I let out a sigh and laid on the bed. Mary I swear to god if I die..

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now