Part 46

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He sat down on his bed as I sat on the other. I tired to pull the bottle out of his hands but he had a decent grip on it.
He let me take it as I went to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic cup. I opened the bottle and poured it in. Once I felt it was half way full I put the bottle in the fridge and brought him the cup. He took small sips out of the cup quickly as he watched the boring stuff on the tv. He took his glasses off and placed them on the nightstand. Something fell off as I went to pick it up. A ring? I looked at both of his hands not seeing his ring.
"Hizashi are you serious?!"
He looked at me in confusion.
"You took off your ring because of a stupid fight?! We all know you and Shota are fine!"
"I don't want to hear and excuse! You seriously hate him that much that you took yours off?!"
I set the ring down and started to walk away.
"But *hic* Nemuri!"
He tried to follow but stumbled over his own feet.
"There's no excuse you can make for taking off your ring."
I opened the door and left. Idiot! No wonder Shota hates him so much!

Shotas POV
One more day.. than I can leave..
"Are you paying attention?!"
I looked at Aito and faked a small laugh.
Aki sat on my lap and wrapped my arms around her. Hitoshi sat next to me leaning his head on my shoulder as Jiro did the same. I looked at all of them and smiled.
"You don't leave tomorrow right?"
Hiroshi said as I looked over at him.
"No, why?"
"Good, it's mine and Denki's anniversary.. I was hoping you could help me with a gift.."
"Of course I can.."
"Dad said he could help me with sweets, I just didn't know what to buy him.. so thanks dad.."
"Uh-... sure Hitoshi.."
I smiled as he yawned falling asleep. Aito sat down and stared at us with a smile. The door opened as Nemuri walked in.
She smiled at me but than it disappeared.
"Kids, do you mind if I talk to uncle Aito and your dad alone?"
"Nope! Night dad! Night Uncle! Night auntie!"
We all said good night as Aki ran off to her room in Aito's. Both Hitoshi and Jiro stood up but didn't walk away. Nemuri waited but they never left.
"It's about dad huh.."
"What it is about my brother, you can say it to me to."
"This is a conversation between ad-"
"We're adults. You've been treating us like kids but we're in our 20s."
"Ok this is a conversation I just want to have with Shota."
They rolled their eyes and walked away. I sighed.
"Maybe their right. They are in there 20s.. we can't keep treating them like children."
"In this situation I have to."
Nemuri said looking angry.
"Nemuri? What happened?"
"That- that dumb ass!"
I said glaring at her. I stood up and went to the kids. I opened their door as they all fell at my feet.
"You guys are listening to our conversation?"
They all backed up and I smiled a bit.
"How about you put some makeup on Hitoshi and torcher him buy playing music he hates."
I said smiling wider. The girls looked at him than tackled him.
"I'll blame you for this!"
I closed the door and walked back. I sat down as Nemuri did the same.
"So now you just not going to say it?"
"Just going to be silent now.."
"I don't want to say it."
"Just do it.."
"Hizashi.. that dumb ass! He- he! Ugh!"
I smirked at her as she looked at me angrily.
"Stop smiling!"
She pushed me back as I laughed a bit.
"What is it Nemuri? What about Hizashi?"
Aito said as I looked at him with a smirk.
"Someone's being nosy!"
"Shut up and listen.."
I turned to Nemuri.
"Hizashi didn't have his ring on.. he took it off.. he didn't get the chance to explain I just left! I hate that idiot!"

I didn't move my hands so they stayed in his. I looked away from him not wanting to cry. I felt his hand tilt mine realizing I didn't put the ring on. I quickly pulled away and hugged myself Turing away.
"I can't let them know I'm married.."
I said. Seriously! That's the only excuse that comes to my mind?!
"Y-... you don't even leave today.. or tomorrow."

"-I'm so pissed off right now!"
"It's fine."
I said looking down at my hands. I put the ring back on after feeling guilty.. but that was before I left the house with Nem..
"It's not fine! He's and idiot!"
"No.. it was me."
I looked over at her as she looked at me in confusion. Dammit..
"When Hizashi came over to apologize. I didn't let him. When he went to go cup my face I gabbed his hands and pulled them away from me. I didn't put on my ring. It was in the night stand. I didn't want to wear it. In my head he kept making me the bad person. And whenever he tried to say something or get close to me I'd push him away. At one point I snapped and yelled 'Just shut up and leave!' And he did.."
I felt tears weld up in my eyes as I hugged myself.
"I know realize how stupid I was.. with every argument it should have ended with him wining. But I'm just stupid!"
I felt tears start to fall down my face the more I thought about it.
I felt Nemuris hand on my shoulder. I tried wiping the tears but they kept coming.
"It's ok to cry and feel bad.."
I started to scratch at my arms before Nemuri stopped me. She held onto my arms and sat in front of me on the floor for an easier grip. I realized I was pulling away from her.
"Shota, I can use my quirk on you.. well be right here when you wake up.."
I started to see her purple dusk as I tried to activate my quirk. I was too weak to activate my quirk and soon I only saw black.

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