Part 49

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I paced the empty room hearing the loud music through the walls. There was a knock as I sat down and fixed myself up.
"Come in~!"
I grabbed the case and held in onto my lap. Emmet and Shota came in.
"I'll leave this to you.."
Emmet said walking out. The door shut as I stood up and walked to Shota.
"Did you like improve your trust or something?"
I said looking at the door than back at Shota.
"Actually Hizashi-"
"Wait, before you say anything. Work, uh, this should be enough. Mary will come to your window tonight so make sure Emmet doesn't see her-"
"Hizashi listen to me."
I stopped and shut myself up.
"It's fine.. just don't get mad.."
"Mad? Ok.."
I put the case down as he took my hands in his.
"Emmet knows.. he knows about me-"
"What?! Than you have to go home.. you have to leave! Now!"
I walked over and grabbed my phone. He stopped me.
"Hizashi. If I have to go home you do to."
I looked at him confused than understood.
"You told him?.."
"Your not serious are you... your joking."
He shook his head as I felt the anger built up in me.
"I'm sorry. He already knew about me! He already knew I was Shota. Than Denki and Hitoshi-"
"You told him about the kids?!"
"Shota did you even think?!"
He stayed silent.
"And let me guess Aki too!?"
"Are you kidding me?! He's a villain Shota! You trusted him?! Your putting the life of our kids in danger!"
The door opened as Emmet stormed in and grabbed the collar of my shirt.
"He's your husband and you have the nerve to judge who he trust or not?! You should trust him and his choices dumb ass!"
He threw me into the wall than dragged Shota out of the room. That fucking asshole.. I regained my breath and stood up. I ran out of the bar to see them drive away. Damnit! I walked over to the room and picked up my phone. I called someone and waited for them to answer.
"Naomasa.. there's a problem.."
"And what's that?"
"One of the villains know. The main one, Emmet. Apparently Shota trusted more than he should have but I don't trust Emmet.."
"This was Eraser?"
"Hm. I'll talk to Midnight. She'll keep your kids safe. If something happens Mic, you leave."
"And Eras-"
"Leave. You leave."
I hung up and let out a loud sigh. I called Mary and told her everything too. Seriously Shota..

Shotas POV
I stared out the window as we drove. Should I have trusted him.. I did put my kids in danger..
"Your quite."
"I'm always quite."
"More that usually."
I didn't answer and continued to look out the window.
"Your having second thoughts about me huh.."
"If you want more proof you can meet my family. Shota I'm not going to do anything. Your husband is over reacting."
"But if you weren't someone I could trust I just put my whole family in danger.."
I looked down at my hands before I seen him turn down a different road. My anxiety spiked as I hurried and looked out the window.
"Calm down, we're going to my house ok, my wife made dinner."
I said looking at him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring than put it on.
"I hide it from work. But I'm sure I can trust you right?"
I smiled and nodded.
We pulled into a driveway as we got out. We walked into the house.
A little girl came over and hugged Emmet.
"Hello darling! How was your day today?"
He said picking her up with a smile.
His wife walked over and smiled at me.
"Welcome, are you a friend of Emmet's?"
"Yes! This is Shota! He's a friend from work!"
Emmet said happily. She stuck out her hand as I took it.
"Names Hoshimi, Welcome Shota."
"Thank you."
I said with a slight smile.
"Now come in! Dinners almost ready!"
We walked to the kitchen and sat down.
"Excuse me Mister!"
I looked at the little girl with a smile.
"I feel like I've seen you on tv?!"
"You see Kiyomi Shota's a hero."
She gasped and smiled back at me.
I nodded as she ran got on her seat giggling.
"That's cool!!"
"Thank you!"
I smiled before having a plate placed in front of me and Emmet than the girl. The last plate was for the wife. We sat and ate and talked. Once we were done Emmet went to put the girl to sleep. It was me and his wife having my anxiety stay up.
"Don't you know what my husband dose?"
I looked at her in confusion.
"I do.."
"And your not getting him in trouble?"
"Right now I'm undercover. Your husband has been keeping that to himself. I owe him my life along with my children's and husbands. I don't think I'll turn him in, in the end. I understand he's just trying to earn money to take care of his family."
I say giving her a closed eyed smile.
"Your very kind Shota."
"Thank you. It's just I couldn't image your daughter only growing up with one parent."
"You sure are something Shota."
Emmet said as I looked at him and shrugged.
"I'm just doing what's right."
After saying goodbye Emmet went to drop me off.
"Open the glove box."
He said. I opened it in confusion until I saw my phone.
"How do you have this?"
"Well, while you were in the room with your husband I met with your sister. I told her in advance to meet me there. She gave me your phone. I know your husband has his. Maybe try talking to him."
"Sister? Oh Nemuri.. thank you Emmet."
"No.. thank you Shota."
He parked in front of the building as I got out. I looked through the window.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
I nodded than turned and walked inside. I got to my room and sat on the bed. I tapped on Hizashi's contact and stayed on it. I pressed call and brought it to my ear. Come one Hizashi.. I waited for a moment before the phone went to voicemail. I tired again and waited. Dammit Hizashi.. answer the phone.
"Listen.. can we please talk?"
"Listen I know I shouldn't have said anything to Emmet. But I trust him. He's got a little girl and a wife. I went to there house for dinner. The little girl loves hero's and the wife was worried about Emmet. I don't think Emmet will ever turn me into theses guys, he's nice and understands the life of a family. Just don't be mad at me anymore please.."
"The only part that pisses me off is that you could have put us in danger if you think he's not who he is. And that he was right.."
"I should trust you, I know you wouldn't purposely put us in danger. But I was just mad in the moment."
"I'm going to end the mission soon. With the right people behind bars."
"I'll be there with you."
The door came open as three people stood at the door. I placed my phone in my pocket not hanging up.
"Yoru. Come with us."
The girl said as two guys came in and grabbed my arms as I tried jerking away from them. They gripped harder onto my arms.
"You'll be coming with us now Shota."
My eyes went wide as I tired getting of their grip still. They grabbed my phone and one of them crushed it. Fuck Hizashi! The started dragging me to another room they threw me in as I went to run out. They stopped me again and threw me against the wall. I regained my breath and stood up again. I got in a fighting stance as one the guys came after me. I dogged his punch before he landed a kick to my stomach. I hunched over in pain as he grabbed my hair and punched me in the face. I stumbled back and into the wall. Shit shit shit I went back to my senses and went after the guy again. I'm too weak. He landed a punch on my hip. I'm not going to get out of this. He kicked my back hard. I have to try. He grabbed my hair again and picked me up. I whimpered and moved around in his grasp.
The girl said as he dropped me. I fell to my knees and gripped my head. I heard them leave and a door shut. I stood up but fell back to my knees. Dammit.. d-did I trust the wrong person.. I leaned against the wall in pain. Why do I always end up in these situations..

Hizashi POV
The phone call disconnected as I hurried and grabbed my jacket. I ran to my car and drove home. Be ok, Shota please.. I ran inside seeing the kids watching TV.
"I need to talk to you two. Now."
"What about me?"
Aki said.
"I'll tell you later promise!"
She nodded and ran to her room as Jiro and Hitoshi stood up and walked over to me.
"Shota.. I'm sorry. He's been caught apparently."
They looked at each other in shock than back at me.
"Do you guys have any idea where he is?"
"I do.."
Hitoshi said as I nodded.
"I'll ask why later. Right now we need to leave."
"What about Aki?"
"Call Aito. Im going to call a couple other heroes. Also, see if you can get in touch with Deku, I think he'll be useful in this situation."
The nodded and pulled out there phones as I did the same. I called Nemuri first and told her.
"I don't need you to tell Noamasa, he'll make us stop, I don't need that."
"Hizashi. I'm on my way over.."
"Thank you.."
I called Tensei than Toshi. He already used up his time so I understood. After calling more heroes I stopped and took a deep breath.
"Dads gonna be fine.. knowing him he's gonna be stubborn and fight."
Hitoshi said standing next to me.
"Yeah, but also knowing him that stubbornness is going to make him get his ass kicked.."
"Aito is on his way.."
Jiro said standing on the other side of me.
"How do you know where you dad is Hitoshi?"
"I followed him on night. Cause I wanted to make sure he was ok. And I watched the building until he went in than I left."
I nodded and sighed.
"Your going to let us help this time.."
I said looking at Hitoshi again.
"You and dad never let us help out with missions. We're 20, let us help.."
"We're not taking no as an answer Hizashi. It was a statement not a question."
"Uh..Geez Jiro..I'll think about it."
Nemuri walked through the door with Tensei and Aito.
"Aki is in her room.."
"Good and you guys.. save my brother.."
He walked to Aki's room and I crossed my arms.
"Geez Hizashi what are you wearing?"
Tensei said.
"I had to go undercover as the rich seller.. this is what I gotta wear.. anyways-"
I looked behind Tensei and Nemuri seeing Noamasa. Fuck.
He glared at the rest of the group as they left the room. Hitoshi and Jiro stayed put.
"Go with Aki."
I looked at them in confusion.
"Was this your guys' plan?"
Naomasa said looking at the three of us. Us three nodded.
"I ran here after I found out. There not going to be in it."
"Kids. I suggest you listen to your father and go to another room."
"We're not kids."
They said walking off. Once they were gone he glared at me.
"You seriously thing in barging into there is going to do anything.. go undercover Hizashi. I don't want to make decisions for you anymore. But this is to far. Decide Hizashi. You go undercover as a villain, For as long as I say or step down from this mission and I get someone else to replace you."


(Anyone else tired of school😭😂)

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now