Part 101

106 5 2

(Manga spoilers!)
I yawned and sat up. I got ready for the day and headed downstairs.
I heard Hizashi say in the kitchen.
I walked into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Still tired?"
"Go lay on the sofa. It's a weekend."
He nodded as I walked away. I heard him start to hum a song as a laid down. I sang the song in my head with a small smile. I heard his Hums get closer as I opened my eyes.
"Breakfast my love!"
"Thanks Zashi.."
I sat up as he handed it to me.
"Of course!"
He walked off humming again. I smiled and watched him go back into the kitchen before starting to eat.
"Darling!! Breakfast!!"
He yelled up the stairs causing me to jump.
"Zash'i, your quirk.."
I said looking over at him.
"Oops, forgot!"
He said with a smile going back to the kitchen. Aki came down the stairs and grabbed a plate of food and sat on the other sofa.
"What the hell are you wearing?.."


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"Uh.. clothes?.."
"It's winter, your wearing a crop top and short shorts.. change. Your not going out like that."
"You'll catch a cold. As much as I don't want to say it, your dads right. Wear something that'll keep you warm."
Hizashi said sitting neck to me.
"As much as you don't want to say im right? Ass.."
He laughed slightly and started to eat. We talked about our plans before Hizashi stood up.
"I forgot I have to run to the school, I forgot some papers on my desk."
He walked to the kitchen than upstairs. Me and Aki started talking about, well what she was wearing. Than Hizashi came down and we both shut up immediately. He put on his shoes and jacket.
"I'll be back in ten minutes, don't argue too much while I'm gone."
He left as I sighed. I took our empty plates to the sink as she ran upstairs. I walked upstairs and Seeing her come out of her room with something better.
"Does the dad dress code approve??"
"Barley.. have fun. Text me if you need me."
I said going to our room as she giggled.
"Will do!"

~Hizashi POV~
I walked into the school and stuffed my hands in my pockets. The school was open for school activities and for staff to come in if needed. I walked to my classroom and went through my desk.
"Must be in the teachers lounge.."
I left the classroom and slowly made my way to the teachers lounge while whistling. I opened the door and yawned. A guy stood over my desk looking at it.
"Excuse you? What are you doing? Who are you?"
I walked over to him seeing he had something in his hands. He looked up in shock as I took what was in his hands from him. It was a picture frame of our family.
"What are you doing?.. who are you?.."
"You family is better than I pictured Hizashi.."
"Your voice?.."
Once I realized who it was I stepped back a bit.

~Shota's POV~
I got a text from Hizashi to head down to the school because he needed me there for something. I was tired but went. I walked into the school than walked to the teachers lounge, only thing that I could hear was the echo of my footsteps. I opened the door of the teachers lounge seeing Hizashi standing at the door facing me.
"You got here quicker than I thought.."
"Can we hurry.. I'm tired.. what did you need me for."
He turned as I peeked into the teachers lounge. Nezu stood next to a tall man.
"Uh.. Hi?.."
"Eraserhead! I'd like you to meet your new coworker!"
"Uh.. hello Shota."
He bowed as I looked over at Hizashi.
"It's been forever since I've seen you, that hasn't been through a window.."
He said standing up straight.
My eyes went wide as Nezu came up to me.
"I'll explain! Come sit please!"
Hizashi grabbed my hand as I looked back over at him.
"It's your choice."
I nodded as we went and grabbed the desk chairs and sat around.
"You see, Noamasa's coworkers found someone from America with an interesting quirk. I don't know much about the quirk so I can really explain it. Though they flew her out here and made Oboro?.. You see half of their brain is Oboro and the other half is Kurogiri. They can switch between the two as they please."
"As Kurogiri, I will not cause any harm to anyone. That is a promise I've made."

~Hizashi POV~
I doubt that.. How can he really be trusted..
"And as Oboro, I will be me!!"
I looked over at Shota seeing him sitting there in shock.
"Remember Shota?! All the times when we were younger!!"
He said standing up. I stood up as well between him and Shota.
"I wouldn't if I were you. I really don't believe you.."
He laughed as I looked at him confused.
"You haven't changed a bit! You still a hot head?!"
I looked passed him to look at Nezu.
"I only came to pick up papers."
Shota stood and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Calm down Hizashi.. it's ok.."
I sighed as I looked back at Oboro?.. Seeing him smile widely.
"I'm going home."
I dragged my chair back to my desk and grabbed the papers I needed.
Oboro said before I glared at him.
"Yamada.. trust me please."
I went to walk out of the teachers lounge before stopping.
"I'm your ride. If you want me to take you back home I'll be in the car."
I said looking over at Shota before leaving. I got to the car and sighed. This feels like a dream.. please let this be a dream. I got on my phone texting Nemuri and Tensei before hearing chatter. I looked up seeing Oboro and Shota. Shota opened the passager seat as I looked at him in shock.
"He's coming over, and no. I didn't ask you because I know you'll say no."
He turned to Oboro and smiled.
"You can hop in."
The back door opened as he slowly got in. I sighed. Once they were both in I started to drive. They started to talk about random things. I got a text as I went to pull my phone out before it was snatched from my hands. I looked at Shota from the corner of my eyes confused.
"No texting and driving.."
I heard Oboro chuckle slightly as I sighed.
"You two really haven't changed! Looks and personality!"
He said before laughing.
"Guess not.."
I said shrugging.

We finally got home seeing Nemuri's car.
"I wish she'd ask.."
Shota said.
"Look at the phone."
He picked up my phone before smiling.
"Well, guess that would do it. Come on now Oboro."
He said getting out as Oboro did the same. I turned off the car and got out as well. I walked behind the two as we got into the house.
"Oh Shota~! Hizashi~!!"
Nemuri jumped out from the kitchen as I shut the door behind me. It suddenly went silent as Nemuri and Tensei stood there shocked.
"Uhh.. Hello.."
Oboro said scratching the back of his neck.
"Alright enough with the silence.."
Shota said before the door opened behind me. I turned seeing Denki peeking into the door.
"Is there a party in here and no one invited us?!"
I said confused as we walked in as Hitoshi followed.
"Hey dad.."
I said with a small smile. I walked passed Shota and Oboro to the coffee table and set down the stack of papers.
"Hey! You're that guy from the pictures!!"
I heard Denki yell. I turned to them seeing Hitoshi tilt his head.
"Wait.. AREN'T YOU DEAD!!"
Hitoshi yelled smacking him.
Oboro laughed and Nemrui made her way over to me. As Shota explained she started talking to me.
"Do you believe him?.."
"No. Not one bit.."
"Maybe we should.."
Tensei said walking over to us as well.
"I won't. You can."
I said crossing my arms. I than picked up the papers on the coffee table and went to walk away.
"I just need to finish these."
I said to Nemuri before walking upstairs. I got to our room going to the desk. I sat down setting the papers down. I pulled out a pen and started grading.
I looked at the door seeing Aki.
"Darling? I thought you were going out.."
"I was, but I decided to come home. Is that.. your old friend downstairs?"
She said coming into the room as I nodded.
"Yeah.. apparently so."
"But isn't he dead?.."
I shrugged.
"I don't know."
"Is the reason your up here because he's dads ex?.."
"What? No.. I just have papers to finish."
"That's not it. Come on."
She grabbed my hands and pulled me up.
I laughed slightly as she pulled my downstairs. She pulled me over to Shota and Oboro as they looked at me confused. She took Oboro hand and set it in mine.
"You two are best friends right! That means you have keep peace!"
"Keep peace?.."
I said before trying to pull away before being smacked.
"She means to trust one another!"
Hitoshi said after smacking my arm again.
"Alright alright! Stop hitting me!"
Aki let go and cheered. I pulled my hand away and stuffed my hands into my pocket.
"My turn."
Shota came over to me and smacked on the back of my head.
I rubbed my head as he smiled and walked away. Oboro laughed and patted my head.
"You sure do get picked on huh.."
"A lot.."
After a while it was the kids, me, Shota, And Oboro.
"Hey Oboro, if your out of jail and shit, where are you staying?"
Shota asked.
"I'm staying at an apartment Nezu is providing for me until I can start paying it off myself."
He said with a smile. I nodded and sighed. I wonder if he hates me for being with Shota..

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now