Part 61

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There was a knock on the door that made me jump.
"What's got you so jumpy today?"
"Well your the one that came out of no where.."
I said walking to the door. I opened it as my eyes went wide.
I moved to the side.
"Come in."
Tensei, Emi and another hero walked in.
Aito said standing as Noamasa said and bowed slightly. I shut the door and walked next to Aito.
"Where's Hizashi?"
I asked. Noamasa looked at the heroes than got on the floor to bow. I backed up a bit in surprise. Than they all did the same. I looked at Aito in confusion but his face seemed..sad.. I looked back down.
"W-what are you guys doing?..."
"Shota.. GOMEN'NASAI!!"
Tensei yelled. I stopped in confusion and backed up a bit again.
"Hizashi was found..dead today..."
Noamasa said slowly. My eyes went wide.
"Y-your lying..."
"I'm sorry Mr.Aizawa.. I wasn't able to help him.."
The other hero said. I fell to my knees and placed my hand over my mouth. I felt tears rolling down my face. They all surrounded me but I blocked them out. No... he..he's not gone. He's alive..
I turned and looked at Aito.
"Calm down.. everything's gonna be alright.."
His words than became quite. My vision got dark slowly. Than it was dark completely.

I woke up on my bed. I sat up and looked around confused. A dream? I shrugged and stood up. I pulled my hair up and walked out of my room. I walked downstairs but saw Nemuri and Aito.
I said confused looking at them. They turned to me. Nemuri stood up and walked up to me. She had tears in her eyes as she cupped my face.
"I'm sorry Shota.. I really am.."
She hugged me tightly as I hugged back. It wasn' wasn't a dream.. Once she pulled away I looked down at my ring.
"H-he's gone?.. really?"
Aito placed his hand on my shoulder.
"We know he's here. We just can't see him.."
I hugged him with my head into his chest as tears started to flow down my face. I felt Nemuri hug me from behind and Aito wrap his arms around the both of us. I gripped onto his shirt tightly trying to hold in my sobs.
I turned and saw Hitoshi. He had tears in his eyes as I went and hugged him.
"I'm sorry Hitoshi..."
"It's not true! I don't believe it!!"
He said pushed me away from him.
"Dad wouldn't just leave us like that!!"
I cupped his face with my hands.
"He wouldn't..."
He said as tears ran down his face. I hugged him again as tears ran down my face as well. It was silent other than our cries. We all were crying and trying to comfort each other. In the end, I don't think any of us knew what to say. We've never thought this would happen.

3rd POV
Tensei, Emi, and Ryuku collected the belongings of Hizashi from Noamasa. They tried to investigate more about his death but he only bled from the stab wound. The thing that never made sense is why he was left in an alleyway and the body was not hid like Al's other victims. There are still some questions about Hizashi's death that don't click. But what we do know... is Hizashi was killed by his husbands father. But for what reason?

-Authors Note-
Sorry this is short! Also if I'm not replying to your comments I'm so sorry! I might not reply to some of them just know I am reading them!

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now