Part 4

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(Age 15/16)
Shota's POV
A cut wouldn't hurt right? Just one... before I knew it someone was at the door.
"Open the door Shota.. please."
"Shota please, I need to make sure your ok!"
I walked to the door slowly and unlocked it as I stepped back fast. He stood there for a moment with worry in his eyes. I looked away from him I couldn't face him. He shut the door as I let tears run down my face.
I noticed him staring at the blood in the sink.
"Shhh, please dont yell at me..... im sorry Hizashi, I really am.."
He hugged me tightly as I tried to pull away, but it was no use. He is was taller and stronger than I am.
"Shota, stop, please you can't do that to yourself. I care for you, stop Shota. You don't understand how bad it hurts me..."
"Hizashi I..."
I stopped myself.
"Hizashi I'm sorry.."
Nows not the time to tell him.
"I'm sorry, I know it's your birthday, I'm sorry you weren't supposed to see this!"
I cried even more going closer to his warmth. He took my hands that were gripped to the sides of his clothes.
"Shota.... don't be sorry. I should be sorry, I wasn't making sure you were ok. I never, I never.... realized you were in pain."
I dropped my head not wanting to meet his gaze.
"Shota. Look at me..."
I didn't.
"Shota.. please."
I still didn't listen. He placed his finger under my chin and pulled my face up.
"Talk to me..."
I looked away not dropping my head. He got closer to my face as I felt it heat up.
"*Sigh* ok don't talk. But at least comply, I need to treat your wounds. I think half of the people out there are drunk. I'm going to kick them out. I'm taking this with me."
He took my knife and ran out. What time is it? Does it matter. He shouldn't have came in. This should be about him not me! I messed up again! Why do I always have to make in about me?! It shouldn't be about me, I should have died the first time I tried to commit suicide. I should have died.... I heard the door shut looking up to see Hizashi and Nemuri.
"Shota? What the hell?!"
"Shh, please I have a headache.."
"Come on Nem, you get his left hand and I'll get his right hand. We have to move fast if we don't want the others knowing we were gone for so long."
Once they were done there was a knock on the door.
"Guys, were ready for cake hurry!"
"We'll be our in a second!"
We heard them run off.
"I'll clean this up when everyone's asleep."
"No you won't, it's my fault I'll do it."
"No, I'm doing it."
They both sighed as we exited the bathroom. I went to grab a hoodie and then came back out.
"Damn Shota that sucks."
"Your sink broke."
I looked over to Nemuri and Hizashi.
"Oh ya, it does."
"Well let's have some cake!"
After cake it was around 10pm.
"Who wants to play 7 minutes of heaven?!"
Nemuri yelled clinging to Tensei.
"Uh what's 7 minutes of heaven?"
I laughed a bit as everyone look at me.
"Come on, 7 minutes of heaven is a game I played in elementary. You guys have to know what that is."
"Oh really? Then what is it Shota?"
"You don't believe me? You spin a bottle, whoever spins the bottle and.."
I grabbed the empty bottle from the table.
"Whoever the skinnier side lands on you have to go in a very small closet with. But what I did was we blindfolded the person spinning the bottle. Anything is allowed but you have to kiss, it's the rules and if you didn't then you have to kiss in front of everyone."
I said smiling. As they all stared at me.
"Shota had a perverted time?!"
"No! I just hanged out with people like you guys, well not Hizashi, he's to innocent. Let's start."
I walked to the living room.
"I say Hizashi should go first, it's his birthday after all!"
"Hizashi! Hizashi!"
I laughed and grabbed a cloth and went up to him.
"To bad."
I tied the cloth on his face and placed the bottle on floor. He spun it and it landed on Toshi. We all laughed as I lead them to the smallest closet.
"Ready Hizashi?"
"How about you mysterious person?"
He shook his head no as I laughed.
"Ok get in, once I shut the door your aloud to take off the blindfold."
Toshi got in first, he was tall so it was hard to make sure they both were in there.
"Timer starts now!"
I shut the door and walked back to the group.
"How ya feeling Shota!?"
"What do you mean Tensei?"
"Your boyfriend is locked in a closet with another guy."
"Hizashi is not my boyfriend, and if I'm being honest I don't care who he kissed or dates. That's his choice not mine."
"Hah! Whatever Shota."
I rolled my eyes and got a drink of beer.

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