Part 28

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My mind was else where. I just sat and listened to everything around me. I answered all the polices' questions as well as I could. Someone knocked on the room I was in. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. Hizashi and Nemuri. That's all.. a glass window separated us. They sat down as I moved closer. They didn't say anything for a minute.
"I'm sorry. How's snipe?"
"He's fine.."
Nemuri responded. Hizashi looked down at his hands as I sighed.
"You don't need to forgive me. That's not what I'm looking for in you guys. I just want to let you guys know is that I know I really really messed up."
"You left us.."
Hizashi said looking up at me.
"Hizashi he didn't know."
"No Kayama it's ok. Go ahead Yamada, yell, scream, get mad at me.. anything you want to say, say it or shout it."
"Your just willing to give up on us like that?! You know how hard it was for everybody? You disappearing pretty much the night we got Aki!?"
"I'm not giving up on you guys. I'm just, simply letting my mistakes get to me.. if you don't want me in your guys' life that's fine with me. I don't deserve you guys."
"Shota Stop!"
Nemuri said standing up.
"Y-you can't say stuff like that! We've know each other since we were little.. you didn't even know what you were doing was wrong. Don't go blame yourself.."
"I can't.."
Hizashi stood and started to walk out I stood up as well, watching him leave.
"I love you zash.."
I said quietly. He stopped.
"Shut up."
He than continued to walk out.
"You should go after him. Please."
"Just, tell them I'll be perfectly fine and safe. I don't know how long I will have to stay here. I just want to say thank you."
"Goodbye Shota."
"Bye Kayama."
She left as I sat down. Soon a detective came in.
"Yes sir? Oh Naomasa..."
"Didn't think I'd be seeing you behind this thing."
"Neither would I. But I guess drugging someone was something the League knew how to do well."
"Drugged, ok tell me something Shota what's something you did remember when you woke up?"
"The villains names. All of them other than Amaya, I learned her name later on."
"Is that all?"
"Ya pretty much."
"Shota I believe your telling the truth and I know your innocent. But people believe other wise."
"Thank you Naomasa. And I understand."
"I'm willing to fight for you Shota. It might not make anything better with you family and friends but it will get you out of here."
"I understand."
"Good.. I don't think I'll be able to do anything tonight. So I'll see you in the morning."
"Before you go, may I ask what time it is?"
"It's currently 12:30."
"Am I able to make a call? I want to contact my brother.."
"I'll do that for you Shota. I'll see you later."
"Thank you."
He left as I was alone in the room once again. I was wearing some ugly orange clothes and handcuffs. I was sitting in a white chair in a white room. Kinda bright. A door opened behind me as a police officer stood there.
"A prisoner would like to see you. Will you allow it?"
"Yes officer."
He nodded as Dabi walked in. He sat across from me as the officer left.
He sighed and rubbed his head.
"I took advantage of you when I knew you had a relationship with Mic. Sorry."
"Is Dabi saying sorry to me? Oh I'm shocked."
"Shut up."
I smiled a bit.
"It's alright Dabi. Or Touya todoroki."
"So you know, about my family?"
"I knew your father growing up. You little brother, Shoto is, or was, In my class. He's pretty powerful."
"So he got into UA. He's a third year now right?"
"Yep there graduating soon. You should try and call him. Maybe he'll come visit you."
"I don't know."
"Well, that's your choice."
"How'd it go with them?"
"Not very well. Let's just say our conversation didn't even last 4 minutes.."
"That's my fault."
"Stop. Really Dabi everything is fine. I'm going to try, I won't give up on my family."
"Your a good guy Eraser."
"Shota, You took care of me better then Kaori."
"Right, Shota. And I forgot you guys dated."
"Ya my brother beat his ass."
I said laughing a bit. The door on the other side opened showing my bother.
"Speak of which. Just in time."
An officer called
"Maybe I'll see you around."
He left as I walked closer to the glass.
"Before you say anything.. I'm sorry."
"Cause I left knowing I was gonna be in danger. I didn't try to break out of the stupid drug thing cause I didn't think it was real. You look great from the last time I saw you."
"Great? Ha, I've been worrying about you little brother. Nearly getting sleep you know."
"I'm sorry."
I pulled a chair over and sat down.
"I know why you did it. I found the message. You did a good thing."
"Good thing? I killed someone."
"You didn't know though."
"That won't change people's minds about me. I made mistakes I won't be able to take back or fix."
"You don't always need to fix your mistakes."
"I know but I feel like I need to in this one. You should leave. It's late."
"Please? Make sure Aki, Jiro, and Hitoshi are ok."
"Ok I will. Good night Shota."
"Night Aito.."
"I love you little bro this doesn't change that."
"I love you two. But I think it might."
He sighed as I smiled sadly. He left as I was brought to a room with a bed, toilet and a sink. I got better treatment when I was with the villains... I laid down on the uncomfortable bed.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now