Part 3

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(Age 15/16)
"Hey Aizawa!"
I looked back and saw Nemuri.
"Hey what's up?"
"It's Hizashis birthday in two days, do you think we can plan a surprise one?!"
"Sure, we can throw it at my house."
"Yes! Ok see you tomorrow then?! See ya!"
She ran back inside the school to meet with Hizashi. He got detention and she was going to walk with him. I got home and looked at old conversations me and Hizashi has had. What should I get him? I could get him some new headphones, he said he needed new ones. What else?
My phone rang as I saw Hizashi was calling me.
"What's up?"
"Nothing, I'm just bored."
"Hey I have a question, what's something you really want but never got?"
"Hmmm, like mentally or like an object?"
"An object, I know you want new headphones but what's something else?"
"Well I really want a DJ mixer. Why?"
"Cause, I'm just wondering."
"How about you then?"
I started looking them up as I talked to him.
"Well, I don't really want much. I'm happy with what I have, but if I was able to chose it would be a cat!"
I said as he laughed.
"You want a cat? Out of everything thing in the world?!"
"Yes, I'm happy with everything I have in the world right now, I've just never had a cat and there my favorite animal."
There's one for 149 dollars.. I have to do it, it's his birthday.
"Whatever Shota. Anyways what you doing? Mind if I come over?"
"I was actually going to pick something up, if you want to come you can."
"Um, we have to walk huh?"
"Nah! I don't want to walk, but I want to stay on the phone with you."
"Ok let me ask you a couple questions."
I started changing since I was still in my uncomfortable clothes from school.
"What are you doing right now?"
"Changing my clothes."
"Your changing your clothes on the phone?!"
"You said you wanted to stay on the phone with me. And it's not like you can see me!"
"Never mind. Anyways ummmm, what's one thing you don't regret?"
"Don't? Um. Letting you and Nemuri into my life I guess, I usually hate people so."
"Oh shut up."
"Ok what's one thing you do regret?"
I finished getting ready as I picked up my wallet and headphones.
"Well there's a lot. I regret not visiting my mom and mother more before they died. And dealing with my brothers shit when it came to my parents."
"Shit bro don't do that!"
"Stop being so depressed! Like I don't know, just get your mind off things, I'm trying my best to do that for you."
"I know, thank by the way, for helping."
"Sure, Anyways more questions."
I rolled my eyes and left my house. I answered Hizashi's questions until I got to the store.
"Hey you see that guy over there? He's kinda cute don't you think?!"
I look over and saw two girls looking my way, when we made eye contact they hurried and went to the next section. I sighed and continued grabbing things.
"What? You annoyed?!"
"Duh.... I don't like people like that..."
I said quietly. I finished grabbing the party stuff and walked up to the front.
"Is this all kid?"
"Uh, ya that's all."
I pulled out my wallet and handed her money.
"Sorry a 50 is all I had."
"It's ok."
She gave me my change as the girls watched me walk out.
"Hey wait!"
I stopped and turned around.
"Can I get your number?!"
"Can I get your number?"
"I'm sorry I'm not interested in a relationship."
"Come on! Your hot, you must get all the girls!"
I heard Hizashi laugh.
"Sorry, I'm not super into relationships and stuff."
"Sooo your not talking to anyone?!"
"No, and I'm not planning on to. So please I have to get home."
I continued walking as she walked back inside then I heard Hizashi die with laughter.
"Haha!!! You just got asked out!!"
"And I refused."
"That was funny!! Shota got hit on by a girl! Shota got hit on by a girl!"
"I'm going to hit you if you don't shut the fuck up."
"Ok sorry!"
I laughed a bit and continued walking.
"That was funny though, no joke."
"No it wasn't she was totally not my type.."
"What's she look like?"
"Mint green hair, dark green eyes, thot-ish outfit."
"Haha! She's sound cute, why didn't you say 'No but I have a friend next door from my place.' Like come on man!!"
"Pft, Mhm like I'd do that."
"Come over to my house I'll be there in like two minutes."
"Bet! Brooo I want some headphones so bad!"
"Buy some."
"I don't have money!"
"Get a job! We're 17 you can find a job at 17."
"Where do you work?"
"A coffee shop."
"Let me work with you!!"
"If you want to you can, it's your choice."
"Ooo! I might!"
There was a pause as I heard him close his front door.
"Uh Shota?"
"Do you know someone with a red car? Because there in your house."
"Ya someone pulled into your driveway and went inside."
"I'm almost there hold on."
I started running as fast as I could when I got there Hizashi wasn't outside.
He didn't respond. I ran inside and saw his about to throw hands with a older person.
"Hey! Nuhu! No fighting someone older than you Hizashi!"
I pushed him away from Hizashi.
"Did you touch him?!"
I don't believe him. I went over to Hizashi checking him frantically.
"Shota I'm fine! Promise!"
"Hm! The fuck you think your doing here?"
"I'm here to collect my baby brother."
"1. You can just collect me I'm a person not a action figure 2. I'm not your baby brother 3. Get the fuck out of my house."
"Oh so you've already claimed this place as yours?! Shota there selling it soon, I already sold the house."
"You did what?!"
Hizashi said stomping up to him.
"Listen, I don't give a fuck who you are you can't just sell someone's home! It's not yours!"
"Hate to break it to ya short stack, this was my house, I got it signed over to me when mom died. Shota call off your guard dog. Doesn't seem like he can bite hard."
"Wanna bet!?"
I pulled him away from Aito and made sure they didn't kill each other.
"With all do respect Aito, he can rip your head off. You don't disrespect my friend. If I hear you say one more god damn thing to my friends I will kill you."
I made my hair flout up along with my scarf.
"Tsk, get your stuff and move out I don't care where you go, I don't care if your homeless. Just get the fuck out of here by the 14th."
He walked out pushing me and Hizashi with his shoulder on his way out.
"Why you litt-"
I put my hand on his shoulder and shook my head. I put the bag of party stuff in the closet and sat down in the kitchen.
"That's not to far away."
"Shota, no worries man you can stay with us!"
"No, I won't do that to your family, I would just be a burden."
"Trust me! My mom always try's to make an excuse to make more food, my little sister always wants some to play the prince, my dad like to build stuff and so do you, and lastly me! It's would be nice to have someone my age be at home, especially since it my best friend!"
"Thanks Hizashi, but don't force your parents to take me in. Ok?"
"So that was your brother?"
"Yep, he's an asshole as you can see."
"Ya I can tell."
He said laughing as he sat next to me.
"You ok?"
"Your quite for once."
"I'm fine!"
He said smiling at me. That's not Hizashis smile...he's faking it.
"No your not tell me."
I said turning his way.
"Shota, I'm fine promise!"
"Are you sure? You don't seem fine."
"Well I am, I'm perfect!"
I rolled my eyes and laid my head on my hands that were propped up on the table.
"No worries bro!"
"You don't understand. I wanted to do something before I left this place, it was really important. Now I can't."
"What was it? We can do it at my house or Nemuri's house! Come on man."
I looked at him as he smiled fake-ly at me again.
"It's something that needed to be done here. On a specific day, a day that's special, a day of fun."
"Ok, this is really important to you. What day?"
Shit what do I say? I don't want to make him feel bad and see like I forgot but I don't want to tell him.
"Either the 7th or the 8th."
Dumb ass!!!
"O-oh....well it's coming up in like two days so I think you'll be fine. So is it something your doing with other people or what?"
"Ya I guess you could say that."
Stop talking Shota!!! Shut the fuck up!! Your making him feel bad dumb ass!
"Um, so do you want something to eat?"
"Nah! I'm ok, I'm going to head home now. I'll see you later! Bye."
The front door shut as I sat there.
"My dumb ass....."
I hurried up and called Nemuri.
"We have a problem! Hizashi asked me what I was doing on the 7th. I panicked and said I had something really important to do! And I said I was going to be hanging around people! On His Mother Fucking Brithday!!"
I ran to my room and plopped on my bed.
"I don't know what to do~ I made him feel bad Nemuri!!"
"You dumb ass.."
"I've told myself that!"
"Well tell him something! Like 'what do you want for your birthday?' Or 'what are you doing for you birthday' I don't know Shota, this is your mess and your getting yourself out."
She hung up as I mentally screamed at myself for a good hour.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now