Part 94

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"Wake up!!"
I sat up quickly. Though it was pitch black.
"Oh good."
I looked over quickly seeing Oboro. My eyes went wide before I rolled them.
"God when will I escape you."
"Who knows. Maybe you won't."
He helped me up as I looked around.
"So, your my imagination. Where are we?"
"Don't know, it is your imagination isn't it."
I glared at him as he laughed slightly.
"This is all a dream."
"Could be."
I sighed and turned to him.
"So why are you hunting my dreams."
"Like I said. It's your imagination."
I sat down as he sat in front of me.
"You not going home."
I looked up at him confused.
"Your not going to wake up. Your dead."
I rolled my eyes before closing them and leaning my head on my hand.
"Yeah yeah.. It's 'my imagination' right."
I opened my eyes again as he reach for my face. I stopped him as he crossed her arms.
"I thought you missed me!"
"There's a difference between missing you and dwelling over you. And I'm not doing either of those anymore. I've let you go."

I shot you gasping for air. After a second I caught my breath. What the fuck.. I looked around seeing I was in a hospital.
"What happened."
"You were close to dying."
I looked at the door seeing Hitoshi.
He shut the door behind him and came in.
"You alright? I'm guessing your not tired. Than again I've never gone into a coma before."
"A coma!?"
He nodded and sat in the chair.
"It's been six weeks."
"Holly shit."
I scratched the back of my neck.
"That guys quirk is gone so after you heal up you shouldn't feel weak anymore."
I nodded before looking over at him.
"Was anyone hurt."
"Dad was stabbed. And Kaito had a couple bruises."
"Are they ok?!"
He nodded a I let of a small sigh a relief.
"Where is he than?"
"Work. The school year has already started. It start five weeks ago."
I looked out the window seeing the sun barley setting.
"We thought you wouldn't wake up."
I looked back over at him seeing him looking at the ground.
"Why is it always you and dad almost dying.."
I sighed slightly and stood up off the bed. My legs trembled before I crouched down in front of him.
"Oh please Hitoshi. You act like your old man is going to just die soon."
I cupped his face and laughed slightly.

We talked for a while before he headed to work. I was in the room alone. I stood by the window. Watching cars go by, and the sun go down. Soon it was dark. I laid down And yawned. The door opened as I looked over. Hizashi stood there with things in his hands not looking up.
"Doctors said you made progress. Don't know what the means exactly. I don't even know why I keep talking, I'm pretty much talking to myself. I haven't slept in the past week."
He said with a slight chuckle still not looking at me.
"But I guess stress takes up a lot of your mind."
He yawned and put down his bag.
"Though I hope your doing better love.."
"Of course I am."
He froze. I chuckle slightly sitting up quickly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his back.
"You should go home and get some rest though."
He placed his hand over his mouth before turning around.
He wrapped his arms around my neck as I smiled.
"Oh thank god your alive.."
"Yeah I'm alive."
He pulled away before pulling me in for a long kiss. Once we pulled away I chuckled slightly.
"You look like shit.."
"Oh geez thanks.. I have been teaching two classes and grading two classes works for the past five weeks.. I've hardly gotten sleep."
He said kissing my cheek.
"Just saying.. thanks Zashi.."
"For taking care of everything."
"Hey, we're married, your business is my business."
He said with a small smile. I laughed before having him pull me closer to where his head was buried in my neck.
"Don't ever do that to me again. Got it?"
I smiled slightly and nodded.
"Promise. Now go home! Get some sleep!"
I said pushing him away before sitting on the bed.
"You sure Sho? I can just stay here till-"
"Nuhu! From what I've heard you've barley left the hospital."
He shrugged before sitting next to me.
"I'll be back tomorrow."
"What's today?"
"Than fine. You can come back."
I kissed his cheek with a small smile. He stood up and picked up the things he brought.
"Be prepared, the students haven't gotten any better."
He said before kissing me as I laughed.
"I'll prepare myself.. I'll see you tomorrow."
"I'll be back Sho.. love you."
He hugged me as I smiled. Clingy ass..
"Love you too.."
He left as I sighed. I decided to sleep. What was I supposed to do.

~Authors Note~
This is short because I am doing Hizashi POV of the months Shota was in a coma!

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now