Part 21

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We finished our food so I went to throw it in the trash.
"So basically I was the stupid cockatoo and you were the alley cat?"
"Alley cat? Sure if that's how you want to word it."
I sat back down on the bed as I could see him in deep thoughts.
"Just thinking."
"Just everything, it's so hard~! Oh! Also the doctors said if anyone is willing to take me home in the next week or so I can go home!"
"Ya I guess so, and I'll take you home. You can stay at my place until everything feels right."
"You sure?"
"Of course. I'm sorry I can't take you serious in those clothes!"
I said laughing as he crossed his arms and pouted.
"It's just funny! A crop too?! Like That's not the Hizashi I know, along with the chain type of necklace, like come on!"
"How was I supposed to know?!"
"That's the thing you don't!"
I laughed more as he turned away from me.
"Hizashi~, come on! It's funny."
I laughed a bit then placed my hands on his shoulder so I was able to turn him around. I turned him around as he closed his eyes.
"Open your eyes~!"
"Mhm! Meanie.."
I thought for a moment before coming up with a idea.
"I'll kiss you."
"You won't."
"Wanna bet?"
".. You won't."
I leaned up and pecked him on the lips. I quickly pulled back as he opened his eyes in surprises
"Told you I would."
I laughed then yawned.
"You should probably get going, I don't want to keep you here all night."
"You don't?"
"Um, unless you want to stay!"
He said laughing awkwardly.
"Oh course I want to stay."
I leaned my head on his shoulder then took off my shoes as I pulled my legs up to cross them. I was going to shut my eyes before seeing his hand reach for mine. He stopped and placed it back on his lap. I opened my hand and then closed my eyes.
"If your going to hold my hand don't hesitate Hizashi."
I soon felt his hand on mine as I smiled slightly. After a while of sitting there, there was a knock on the door. We left each other's touch as the door opened.
"Visiting hours are over Mr. Aizawa, my apologies."
"Ok, that's fine. I'll see you later Hizashi."
"See ya, Aizawa!"
I gathered my things and waved goodbye once more. I walked out of the room with the doctor by my side.
"He's gotten a liking to you huh, good luck with him Aizawa."
"Thank you doctor, I'm trying my hardest."
"I'll see you soon I'm guessing."
"Ya, you will."
I said smiling as the doors of the elevator shut. It raining.. I walked out of the hospital and looked up at Hizashi window seeing him looking out again. I smiled and waved, once he waved back I walked to the car.
'I miss the noise already...'
'No worries, you'll have company tomorrow.'
'I hope so! It's nice to see you guys! Even though I don't remember much..'
'I'm going to help you get your memory back, promise!'
'Promise! I'll let your drive now. Don't want you to get hurt!'
'Ok, I'll see you later Hizashi.'
'Goodbye, good sir!'
I laughed and drove home.
"Welcome home Shota! I'm making food!"
"I already ate Aito, thanks though."
"More for me and Hitoshi then! And sure! Hey come here real fast."
I walked into the kitchen seeing him stir something. He hugged me tightly as I went stiff.
"W-What are you doing!"
"Come on! I don't hug you anymore, and I barely see you anymore~!"
"Oh also your ex came back to the house again."
"Yep, he's annoying me. I told him you moved on and if I see him around the house again I was going to call the cops."
"Ok good. I'm brining Hizashi home soon and I don't want him to worry about anything."
"Oh ok, that's will be nice."
"Ya Im pretty happy, I'm going to check on Hitoshi."
I walked to his room and knocked on the door.
"Wait wait wait! Don't come in yet!!"
I waited for a moment before opening the door. He was shoving Denki into the closet.
"Uh, Hitoshi?"
"Ummm, I can explain!"
"You better."
I said crossing my arms as he let Denki fall to the floor. He's short circuited...
"Well you see, me and Denki we're just chilling out. I needed to charge my phone so I used him.. Hehe."
His hair is a mess. Does this kid think I'm stupid?
"Hitoshi Shinsho, You think I'm stupid? I was a teenager once too ya know. No more I'm leaving this door open."
I walked away and glared at Aito before heading to my room. All he did was shrug. I sat at my desk and started grading papers. I sighed and pulled up my hair. After a while I went the bathroom and took a quick shower. I then brushed my teeth and laid in my bed.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now