Part 18

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"Sing for me Mommy?"
"You want me to sing for you?"
"Please~ before I go to bed?"
"Ok what do you want me to sing for you?"
"You pick!"
"Ok then. You are my sunshine~ my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away~"
"*Giggle* I won't leave you mommy!"
"I know you won't Shota.. goodnight."

Hizashis POV
I hummed a tune walking into work.
"Good after noon Mic."
"Whats up my man!"
I sat next to my helper for DJ'ing.
"Who's that?"
I said pointing a girl singing in the booth.
"She's pretty popular Mic. Her name's Amethyst, she's crazy good with her vocals."
(You think of a Amethyst, I tried finding a picture that worked but nope!)
"How old is she? She looks young."
"I think around 17."
He nodded and passed me the headphones.
(Before you go is one of my favorite songs~!)
"Time can heal but this won't

So, before you go
Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So, before you go"

"Holly shit she's good.."

"Maybe, I guess we'll never know
You know, you know~

Before you go
Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather

So, before you go
Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So, before you go"

She placed down the headphones as Kai turned off the mic. I gave him back the headphones.
"Alright Kai, that's all I needed to do. Thanks, and if you can Email me the videos I will do the rest. Oh, hello? I'm Amethyst."
"Uh, Hizashi Yamada. Nice to meet you!"
She smiled and picked up her bag.
"Your voice is amazing by the way, where'd you learn to sing like that!?"
"Um, I've been singing since I was little. So I guess my vocal cords built up. I don't really know."
"Did you ever take a class or anything?"
"No, I am self taught."
She said looking at me once more with a smile. She looks kinda like Jiro...
"Well, it's nice to meet you. Now I must get home. Thank you again Kai."
"Of course."
"Uh, you too."
She ran out with a smile as I was left with my thoughts. Jiro is my half sister, I don't know if her bio dad had another kid..
"All right Mic your all set for you radio show."
"All right thanks Kai!"

~Time skip~

I yawned and walked out of the building.
"Shit shit shit!"
Someone bumped into me as I turned to them. They fell to the floor. They had a hoodie on so I could see there face.
"Ah Sorry, here."
I stretched out my hand as they took it.
"No need to apologize that was my bad! And thank you."
They looked behind the quickly and then back at me.
"Oh, it's you."
They took off the hood seeing the girl that sang.
"Oh, hey. You ok?"
She looked behind her once more and turned back to me with a fake smile.
"Uh, ya I'm ok."
"Is someone following you?"
Her smile faded and looked away from my face as she nodded.
"No worries, I can make it home!"
"How about I walk you home?"
"Uh, it's ok really! I don't want to be a bother!"
"No it's ok, lead the way Amethyst."
"Oh, ok then."
We started walking as she played with her fingers.
"Do you who it was?"
"Uh, not really. I saw the guys face and that's it. He was someone who, um, who liked to come into my work and harass my coworkers and I."
"Huh, did you ever report it? What does he look like?"
"My coworker did I never did cause I'm a shy person. And he has black hair and he has like a burn of some sort over the bottom of his face."
Dabi? Shit that guy is major threat level.
"Well no worries. You'll be ok for tonight."
"Thank you Yamada."
"Of course."
We got to an apartment. There was not car and no light in the house were on.
"Thank you Yamada, again!"
"Uh, sure. Your parents aren't home?"
"Actually I don't have parents.. they died during a villain attack when I was around 10 and I've kinda been taking care of myself since then."
She said rubbing the back of her neck.
"Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to bring it up!"
"No it ok, it's was a long time ago. I'll see you around?"
"Ya, see ya."
She waved at me as she walked inside. They died? So maybe I was wrong. I walked home as it started to rain. Dammit.
I picked up my phone hearing Shota's voice.
"You ok? Your not home yet."
"I'm ok, I walked someone home cause someone was following them. No worries, have you checked up on Jiro?"
"I'm at your house.... I came cause I didn't get a call from you. Jiro was just sitting in her room."
"Oh ok then, sorry Sho. I'm close to being home."
"You better! I don't need you to be sick, here I'll prepare dinner and some got chocolate for when you get home."
"Sho you don't ha-"
"To late, bye love you."
He hung up as I laughed. I got home soaking wet.
"Dammit leather is so hard to get off when it's went.."
I said taking off my shoes. I look in the kitchen seeing Jiro and Shota messing around.
"No the instructions say 2 cups!"
"Jiro I've been baking longer than you've been alive!"
"But the instructions say to do it this way uncle Zawa!"
"Well I don't give a damn about the fucking directions! I'm putting 3 cup and you can't do shit to stop me!"
He said putting another cup of milk in a pot. I laughed at the two as they looked at me.
"Hey your home!"
"You didn't hear me come through the door?"
"No, Hizashi was quite for once?! That never happens!"
"Oh Shut up."
I said rolling my eyes and walking into the kitchen.
"This dumb ass is trying to make homemade hot chocolate. He told me to look up instructions to make some and he doesn't ever follow them!"
"Shut up, I'll do it how I want..."
I said as they turned away from each other. I laughed kissed Shota on the cheek and ruffled Jiro's hair.
"Well I'm going to change, don't make a mess in my kitchen. Be right back~ "
I said pouting finger guns at the two before going to my room. I pulled the leather off my body and changed into some comfortable clothes. I walked downstairs and sat at the table watching the two bicker while trying to make food.
"Nope I can't anymore! Hizashi get your boyfriend in check! I'm getting angry!"
"Kid not even I can, it's Shota."
He said mixing what he had on the stove.
"Jiro finish the food~!"
"Then stop getting angry!"
"Oh my gosh you two..."
Food was finally placed in front of me as the two sat on my side.
"Egg rolls, orange chicken, and some hot chocolate warming up for later!"
Said Jiro as she sat next to me eating her food. Sho sat on the other side of me and started eating as well.
"I guess you were right Uncle Zawa.."
"What was that Jiro~? Huh? Who's was right?!"
"You were..."
I laughed at the two and ate. These two will be the end of me I swear. Once we were done Shota check the chocolate making sure it was ready. He poured each one of us a cup and handed them to us. We then moved to the couch and sat down. Soon Jiro moved over our laps.
"Guess I can't call you uncle anymore. I guess I have to call you brother in law huh. You know what, *Yawn* that doesn't sound so bad..."
She said before falling asleep. Sho looked at me surprise as I laughed a bit. He leaned his head on my shoulder as we continued to watch the movie. I soon fell asleep knowing my family was ok.

Shota's POV
Someone poked my face as I swatted their hand away.
I opened my eyes to see Nem smiling.
"Oh good your awake~!"
"Shut up!"
I said making sure Hizashi and Jiro were asleep still. I smiled when I knew they were. I slid out from underneath Jiro's lower body. I made sure Hizashi's head didn't fall as I stood up.
"Ya big softy.."
"I know."
We walked to the kitchen as I sat down and she stood in front of me across the table.
"Has he proposed?!"
"Shhh! No I don't think he will anyways. It's too early."
"Sho you've been together for pretty much 17 year's~"
"Actually I've know him for 17 years I've been dating him for, um, a year and a half."
"When your in love there's not time limit Shota. He should just propose to you..."
I went over and made myself some coffee.
"You should've seen you snuggled up with Hizashi and Jiro~ it's was adorable~!"
"Shut the hell up if you wake either of them up I'll kick you out."
She said rolling her eyes.
"What about you? Still got it hots for Tensei?"
"Maybe~, that's not important."
I laughed to myself pouring the coffee in my cup.
"*Yawn~* oh, morning auntie Nem.."
"Morning kiddo."
"You woke her up..."
"No, Hizashi pushed me off of him in his sleep.."
She said and Nemuri chuckled a bit.
"Thats weird, from all my years watching him grow up with Shota, he's never done that."
"Stop making me sound old~!"
"Your the youngest out of all of use."
"So? Still..."
I said as Jiro laughed taking a drink from my coffee. I took the cup from her and smiled slightly.
"I thought Hizashi said you were aloud to have coffee in the mornings?"
"Come on~ it's just a little..."
She sighed and went back and sat on the couch. Me and Nemuri laughed as I started to walk past her.
"So have you two ya know~"
She said winking at me. I elbowed her in the side then sat down.
"Shut it dumb ass."
"Oh so you have~?"
She said with a smug look on her face as she held her side.
"That's not what I said."
"But it's not what you didn't say."
"What? Never mind I don't care."
She laughed and walked to the living room.
"Hizashi wake the fuck up!"
"Shit Nem let me sleep~!!"
"Make me."
I laughed to myself and got on my phone.
'17 year old girl reported missing last night, if you have any information please contact police!'
Why does this girl look like Jiro? I soon felt arms wrap around my waist.
"Morning... what you reading?"
He said resting his head on my shoulder.
"This girl went missing last night, she looks like Jiro don't ya think?"
He pulled my phone closer to his face then pulled out his phone. I sat in confusion and watched him.
"Hello?.... Just now ya...... last night that's all
Let me help.......why?.... thanks I'll be able to tonight promise. See ya."
He put his phone away with a sigh.
"What's all this about Hizashi?"
"I walked her home last night cause Dabi was following her. I got this feeling like I shouldn't have left but I did. She sings with Kai. Dammit.."
"Hey, it's ok. They'll find her."
"I'm going to help tonight ok?"
"Ok that's fine, want me to come along?"
"No it's ok.."
I stopped for a second before looking back at the photo.
"Yo Jiro Come here really fast!"
She came into the kitchen as I held the picture up to her face. I looked back at Hizashi as he shrugged.
"Jiro do you have a sister?"
"Uh, not that- Wait.... um let me go grab something."
She ran upstairs as Nemuri walked into the kitchen.
"A sister?"
I showed her the photo as she turned her head in confusion.
"I know, when I first saw her at the station I thought it was Jiro.."
Hizashi said laughing slightly sitting next to me as he wrapped one of his arms around my waist. Jiro finally came down and placed a small box on the table.
"My dad always said I would need to find the other person who owned the next part of my necklace."
She pulled out a necklace that had a moon charm.
"Then he gave me this picture with someone scribbled out. He never told me who it was."
She placed down the necklace then the photo. I picked it up and looked at it. A mother, her father, her, and someone scribbled out. I gave the paper to Hizashi then looked at the moon.
"Sorry for asking Jiro, but whatever happened to your mom?"
"Uh, man that was a long time ago.... well my dad always said 'Things always happen for a reason, don't let this being you down. Your mother just needed time to think.' That's all I ever got out of him."
I looked over at Hizashi as he stared in shock.
"What if, Amethyst is Jiro's sister?"
"I would have to take care of another girl.."
"Well if so, you wouldn't be doing it alone Hizashi!"
Nem yelled wrapping her arm around Jiro.
"She's right ya know, we're all here."
I said smiling at him. He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Thanks guys, but Jiro."
"Would you be willing to meet with her once we find her?"
"Of course, if it means I could find the other person that owns the necklace then hell ya!"

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now